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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. That is so sad! Both of my parents' companies had their company picnics at Americana in 1986. Those were the only two times I ever went there, and it was pretty fun. Raging Thunder was their new 'star' attraction that year, and the old wooden rollercoaster looked like it was falling apart (some of the wood on the supports were actually broken and dangling as the ride was operating!) I remember riding their version of the flyers, some rocketship hydro, a 280° theater thing, and the Electric Rainbow many, many times. I couldn't imagine it ever closing (because it was cheaper and more accessible than KI). 20 Years has gone by alarmingly fast. Watching it turn into an RV dealership to me is like watching PKI turn into a trailer park. sad.gif

  2. The smaller hotels/motels surrounding the gigantic Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville seem to be holding up well, although the amusement park is now gone and has been replaced by a shopping mall (sad). sad.gif

  3. The trains are a wee bit small for us tall people. I think it adds a little more "out-of-control" feeling to the ride experience; like you can fall out at any moment. SOB is the ultimate challenge to coasterphobes. The re-tracking/banking will make it smoother, I guess, but SOB is still the baddest woodie in the world. Period! cool.gif

  4. One thing pki needs to

    do is spray insect repellent for yellow jackets. They were everywhere. I would

    hate to see a small child get stung by one of those and then the parents would

    sue the park.

    The bees were thick on opening day. I don't think anyone would have a case if stung, though. I think they would have to convince a court that PKI deliberately compelled the bees to attack the kid. Moreover, supposing the park's pest control efforts are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations at the time of someone being stung, any claim of negligence would be rendered void. I think they swarm the park because they like the smell of funnel cake! wink.gif

  5. Maybe they needed more room on the map to promote Nickelodeon Universe? Perhaps a focus group yielded an opinion that the word "Fear" should be a little more subdued when promoting a new Kid's area? All speculation, but food for thought, none the less. Any thoughts?

  6. The people made it a success! Example:

    The season-pass processing center used awesome teamwork to power through a database problem that would have simply shut down any lesser crew. Facing what looked like a 3,000-person line of eager patrons, the kid who processed our passes was as cool under pressure as an air traffic controller! I was impressed! You don't find such on-the-spot problem solving many other places, I assure you. Great job!

    I'm sure this same kind of energy exists throughout the park, and the big rides will be up and running soon.

    This was a "preview weekend"? I guess that means we can expect a few start-up problems. I heard a bunch of selfish, pushy guests whining to various crew members about nit-picky things (not being able to buy a pretzel without standing in line; having driven nx100 miles, only to find Delirium being down, etc.) But for the most part, folks seemed happy to see the park open again after the long (albeit mild) winter, and seemed to make the best of their trips.

    (The weather was on the side of the park on opening day, too. The breeze on the Eiffel Tower was so refreshing, I wanted to stay up there for an hour (but we didn't)).

    I think opening weekend was a success, and 2006 will be a big year. cool.gif

  7. Man, my dream finally came true on opening day...I got Vortex all to myself....TWICE! (This probably isn't something everybody hasn't experienced at least once). And, for the first time in my life, the thing beat the heck out of me all four times I rode it! Still love it, though. (I wish the photo section had been working, too.) Good old Vortex. It really did a number on me this year. It never made me sick before. Sad to think that, after nineteen years, it might be time to hang up the old iron gauntlets and move on with my life... sad.gif

    Naaah! I'll just get more sleep before my next trip.

    This was a good trip. I was, like, number eight into the gold pass processing line, and saw the most amazing example of teamwork among the PKI staff. The computers were messed up, but the kids running them were so professional and courteous, and the managers looked awesome under pressure. They got it going, and never lost their professional bearing! I just wanted to share that. (We gotta great park, don't we!)

    Bringing the kids next trip. NU looks cool for them (weird not seeing SDGC or the old Helicopter/Jetson's ride). The Avatar thing looks pretty fun, but the Phantom Flyer thing looked lame (although I'll leave it up to the kids to decide).

    That's my two cents. Enjoy!

    Mr. and Mrs. Thrill Biscuit, Mason.

    (The fat guy in the yellow shirt, with the goatee and Bengals Hat)... cowboy.gif

  8. I've seen the red benches behind Action FX Theater smashed in; toilets stuffed with toilet paper (and other gross stuff); signs that read "You will get wet on this ride" with the word "wet" scratched off, and every imaginable word in its place; and trash/food/traffic cones thrown into the bed of my pickup truck in the parking lot. You can have the nicest park with all the security and signs you want. There still will be those disrespectful few who just don't care! dry.gif

  9. So, what would a 600'+ coaster be called? Quantum Coaster? CosmoCoaster?

    user posted image


    that be SWEET!!! id call it Atom Buster!!!!

    I just wanted to make my triple-digit-bustin', 100th PKIC post be a meaningful and thought-provoking one; so I'll just say "23 Days 'til Opening Day, Baby! Woohoo!" cool.gif

    "Atom Buster", eh? Hmm... Sounds cool....

    POST 100....yay! smile.gif

  10. huh.gif Ooooh, that brought up a scary thought: What if a tornado hit while riding on Vortex/Beast/FoF/AE/TG/F/O or SOB? (Off Topic) Or, maybe not off-topic 'cause that'd make a cool Action FX feature! I know 'Twister' was a Warner Bros. flick, but a tornado-hits-active-coaster attraction would be, well, kinda neato!

    ...I need coffee. 99th post! cool.gif

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