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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. I miss the warm, glowing red light atop the Eiffel Tower (as opposed to the flashy strobe light). I also miss the tower without those ugly, square floodlights that make it look like something from an oil refinery at night.

  2. It seems that PKI has always had the ability to grow at any pace it wants to. It is already a very famous, very-awesome world-class park that is well-known the world over. Its lack of adult-only areas doesn't make it any less of a grand experience, no matter what age. It's one of the Giants. Period.

    Someone once said, "Always leave them wanting more!" The park has mastered this strategy over the years (just look at any 'rumors' list). Through the decades, I'm sure they'll continue to recognize the desires of its more mature guests and create new and exciting ways for them to enjoy their visits.

    The kids...will always yell and run; it's the inescapable part of the amusement park experience. In sharp contrast to the mundane aspects of life, the sheer excitement of the park invites them to have maximum fun: full-throttle. When we get older, we look (or feel) stupid running and yelling, so we develop other ways to enjoy our time there. We have fun watching our own kids go nuts in the park we grew up in. I saw a happy, 75-year-old man on The Racer, just enjoying the heck out of the ride. It seems that we'll never be too old to enjoy ol' PKI, adult area or none.

  3. Is this a new structure, or are they re-theming an existing attraction? Can the juke box be activated by bouncing one's fist on the view glass? Will it have a spinning, neon "A" on top of the roof? Even if not, this new addition deserves a well deserved two thumbs up....in a leather jacket....seated upon a Triumph...aaaaaaaaaaaay! cool.gif

  4. Vortex, during a thunderstorm! (yes, PKI should find a way to control the weather!) In close second place is any PKI coaster (except AE or cool.gif when there is a first-time coaster rider in the car in front of me! Watching someone get the he11 scared out of 'em on our beloved coasters never gets old! cool.gif

  5. Sadly, there will always be those disrespectful punks who'll light up when the "coast is clear" (such as in the 'deep' lines for AE, Beast, WWC, even Racer). As soon as crew or security is out of sight, out comes the smoke. Sure, they'll try to politely hide their cigs with the "cupped-hand, shallow toke" trick, but the same respect they have for their lungs is the respect they have for their fellow guests. Too cool to follow rules, I suppose. dry.gif

  6. According to my dad, who claims to have watched KI being built, any authentic pictures would feature a double-bladed helicopter hoisting ugly, unpainted orange lattices into place over a muddy, unpaved international street. Has anyone else heard of this, or seen any old pics?

  7. It seems funny how wildly varied the theming is for that train ride! Let's see, you leave the old river town of Losantisville (Cincinnati) on a pleasant, wild-west journey through the Little Miami River valley, encounter a petrified bear, a dilapidated hotel, a witches' academy (!), and then end up in modern-day Australia without ever crossing the Pacific! Wow! (Seriously, it's still a neat little narrow-gauge, and hopefully, that cool whistle will always echo through the park.) cowboy.gif

  8. Wasn't PKI the first park to feature Hannah-Barberra characters? I heard on a Cincinnati radio station this weekend that some HB cartoons were conceived at "Kings Productions" in Cincinnati in the 60's. (I know that the "Kings" name might be coincidental, given that the park was the result of moving Coney ISLAND to KINGS mills.) It seems reasonable, however, that the park would hold on to its HB legacy because of its local significance. Just a thought.

  9. How about an Orange County Chopper Coaster! Three sets of custom-built, side-by-side chopper cars tearing through the Kings Mills backwoods on one hell of a fast, terrain-following steel track with "wheelie" hops and fishtail turns! Even a photo section that superimposes a walrus mustache on the faces of the riders! Now that would be awesome!

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