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Posts posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. If you have a sat/map like Google Earth, for example, you can zoom in on PKI (at about 1 meter resolution!). The image there is from 1993, so you can get a good visual idea of how much land is available for development (you'd have to know what the parks official boundries are, though. I don't).

  2. ^That's right. It was the "Scooby Doo" and it had a golden-yellow paint job. It pre-dates "Beast" by 7 years.

    This re-naming will at least settle a lot of confusion. Every time (and I mean EVERY time) I visit the Eiffel Tower, some guest up there points down to The Beastie and says "That's the Son of Beast" (always because they think SOB is The Beast, they can't SEE The Beast, and they've never even HEARD of Beastie).

  3. The 20th anniversary of ST:TNG is 2007. Perhaps a Jump 2 called the "Q Continuum"? Or, maybe by a twist of sophisticated irony: bring back "Skylab" and call it "Enterprise" (just thinking of it puts me in a timewarp). cool.gif

  4. I noticed that, too! The spotlights make the tower look "sharper" (hi-def!) at night than do the flood lights. In fact, I've mentioned before in other posts that the tower looks like something out of an industrial plant, or oil refinery when lit with floods. When I was a kid, the Eiffel Tower looked a lot more majestic when the lights came on. Lately, it looks awful (especially with the bright, 'square' lamps that shine down from just above the upper deck. Looks like a big street light). I hope they reconsider the lighting scheme; it would bring back a touch of Kings Island magic that has been missing for some years now.

  5. If it's not too lame, I'd like to see some variation of "Swat", or even a "Skyscraper". The latter would most likely be upcharge because of its limited capacity, but the former looked cool on the Discovery Channel!

  6. Oh, Spongebob....Whyyyyyy?

    The driving school idea is ingenious! Heck, my kid would be happy with a Plankton-themed tiltawhirl! I always wondered why the Action FX Theatre line area wasn't themed with Pineapple, Easter-Island Head and Rock, with foam "Flower Clouds" attached to the side of Racer. ....and animatronics popping out of the windows every half hour to entertain the HUGE lines that were always there. But I digress. I trust PKI will always come up with something cool.

  7. Poor little coasterwuss. What the !@#$$ is that nonsense about the theming at PKI? The only "active" theming on any of our coasters is the "stone monkeys" on the end-lift of AE (not counting the static line theming on FOF and TG, or the 'music' on Beast)! This must be the only coaster this cat really rode at PKI before opening his cyber-yap about the SOB. Hey, why don't you just hop on and enjoy the ride for real, dude! mad.gifdry.gifsmile.giftongue.gif

  8. I think this site is better than PKI.com. The professionalism is very impressive.

    How about a VLog of trips to PKI for 2006? People can submit quick vids of their experiences/commentaries, etc. Maybe someone can put a webcam on the tower, and create a time-lapse of the new Nick Universe construction. Or, maybe some clips from some famous TV events/episodes that were filmed here (Evel Kneivel, Paul Revere, Nick & Jessica, et al).

    Great site! Keep it up!

  9. Hmmm... Cincinnati local news focusing in on some misunderstood audible message again, hmm? I guess they couldn't stir up enough passion when they kept running that video of the tired Cincinnati cop saying "I'm going to go lock up the new guy.", trying to make us think that he said something racist. I think they're bored. They should stick to the good news...like the Bengals being 3-0 Baby! Wooooohooo!

  10. 1. Coaster: SOB. It's just not enjoyable! It looks cool, but golly, what a rattle!

    2. Water Ride: Congo Falls. Nobody seems to ride it, and it looks kind of out of place in Action Zone. (They got rid of Keelboat Kanal for this?)

    3. Thrill Ride: TombRaider. Three times through the line and it pretty much gets old (like the FOF line). They can retheme the same top spin for "Sahara" or "Aeon Flux".

    4. Flat: The Eiffel Tower (and replace it with a taller, nicer-looking one like the one in Las Vegas!). The current one looks like a stubby water tower, and at night, it looks like something out of an oil refinery!

    Others, if I may: 5. GAME: Guess Your Weight, (the worst concept for a midway game ever!); 6. SHOP: Glassblower; 7. UPCHARGE: Days of Thunder; 8. REPETITIVE SOUNDTRACK: Boomerang Bay, mate! Ok, I'll stop. cool.gif

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