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  1. I still have to agree with standbyme! I NEVER meant my statement to be construed as I hated the American flag (sigh). I suggested a better spot would be on top of the International Restaurant which would give the flags a prominent view even from the parking lot. You might not agree with that certain idea. Which is absolutely fine.
  2. Maybe I should reserve judgment until I see it in person, but I would think a better position would be on top of the International Restaurant.
  3. I would agree with standbyme. It ruins an amazing view.
  4. I am sorry but smoking is not a right.
  5. I live about 30 miles away, and it usually takes me about 40-45 minutes to drive to Kings Island.
  6. I was on the train (KI&MV) and I was watching your train (Diamondback) while we traveled underneath the tracks. I saw your train go up to the MCBR and suddenly stop. I said out loud, "Oh, man." A woman near me asked me if that is suppose to happen. I told her no, but I got to explain to her the default position for brakes on rollercoasters.
  7. However, do you ever have a caricature done of yourself or someone in your family? Yes. It was a caricature of my brother and I. Have your name made out of wood at the wood shop? Yep Do you ever play games in the arcade? Not all the time, but I have in the past. Have an antique photo done? No, but I would love to sometime Ride the Zephyr? Yep
  8. Welcome to KIC Lockards20! Halloween Haunt is not open this Sunday (Oct. 4). This upcoming weekend, Halloween Haunt is only open this Friday and Saturday (Oct. 2 and 3).
  9. For me it would have to be Hurricane at the Myrtle Beach Pavilion (http://rcdb.com/595.htm). The first year it was rough but you could enjoy it. However, in its last years, it was unbearable. With SOB, in my opinion, the rosebowl is the worst part, but after you get past it you can enjoy the rest of the ride. However, with the Hurricane, it was constant pain until you hit the brakes. I did love the placement of the coaster and the station. I always enjoyed getting off and looking down on the bustling and beautiful Ocean Boulevard.
  10. Actually the park has cleaned a lot of the gum off those walls this year. However, I have seen new gum placed on the walls. *Sigh*
  11. Wow, she did a great job! For those in the Dayton area, if you missed it, here is WDTN Channel 2 (NBC) video of Nik Wallenda. Featured is Don Helbig walking the practice wire. Here is the link to the video: Flying Wallendas back at Kings Island
  12. Any song from Capital Lights' This is an Outrage album reminds me of the 2008 season. More specifically "Remember the Day" from that album.
  13. Thanks! When I saw it come up on the on-ride photo screen I had to buy it. For those who went to KIC Day 2, you remember how extremely slow they were. Now they are enjoyable again!
  14. I know last year and the beginning of this year it was painfully slow. However, the last two times I have visited the park and rode Dodgems I have noticed an increase in speed. The last time I rode them (Aug. 8) I was bumped around pretty good. Has anyone else noticed this?
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