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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. that was my idea, but fear not, I have many more. I think it would be cool to add on to Circus of horrors, like add a funhouse section where there is like a moving floor, and sudden blasts of air coming from the walls. Horror estate, this would be themed after a house where a horrible person kidnapped and murdered dozens of peole. Like in the beginning you would walk into a room with a couple of bodies (animatronics) with gags and blindfolds, that would be wriggling around. as you go through you would find more and more out about the killer then finally at the end you see the killer and he is eating the bodies and he would come after you in an all mirrored room where it would be hard to find your way out. This would replace Asylum. also to make more moments where you jump there are various victoms that are half eaten, that would be waiting around corners to jump out at you
  2. not that long, the line ended around the other side of taxi jam, so basically it was just a big U. we waited for about 40 minutes
  3. I dont get why people were saying Asylum was so good, wow a little sitting room with chairs and some sirens WOOOOH!(sarcasticly)
  4. so my order from 1 being the best and three being the least amount of fun 3.Asylum 2Psycho Path 1and Circus of horrors was my favorite
  5. We got to the park around 5:00. First we went to Delerium, this was a fun first ride of the day. By the time we got off it was around 6:00. We went into Festhaus and ate some pizza.It was about 7:10 when we were leaving. We walked over to Asylum, which was fun but not very scary.I give it a 6/10. Then we decide to go see how long the line for The Beast was, it looked like about a 2 hour wait, so we skipped it. Then we went over to Circus of Horrors which was very amusing, and made me jump several times.(the funniest part was that we made my sister, who is afraid of clowns go in the front of our group )I give this one a 9/10. Then We went over to 'Pysco Path, this was about a 45 minute wait it was very fun and also made me jump a couple of times, and I thought some parts were very funny(like the outhouse LOL) I give this an 8.5/10then we went over to The Racers and rode recar. This was fun, and a tiny bit rough. Then to end the night we went back over to delerium again.
  6. so if i take a video with my digital camera (no flash LOL) then would they care.I think a cool one would be to get a video of asylum
  7. are you allowed to take a video of the inside of the haunted house? I highly doubted it, but i was just wandering
  8. scroll all the way down , parking passes for non-renewing members are on sale now for 35 dollars!
  9. cool, if we have extra time we'll be sure to get on it. That, next to The Beast of course! is one of my favorite night rides.
  10. but are my first two choices scary? and also is Adventure Express running during fearfest. it doesnt say it is but, i thought i remember someone saying it was?
  11. My family and I are going to Fear fest tonight and i was wandering what attractions what we should get on? We plan on going in 2 or 3 of them, so based on the scariest (as in made you jump!) Which ones should we go on. I was thinking 1. Asylum 2. Massacre Manner 3. and PyscoPath but I'm open to other suggestions!
  12. thats the whole point
  13. This will be short sweet and blah blah blah..... - Delerium -Top Gun -ate lunch at Rivertown Laroses -Train -beast -Avatar -Eiffel Tower -Recar -Dodgems -Vortex -then Viking Fury then got some dippin dots and went home the end!
  14. I voted yes, and if it goes threough I would like to play.
  15. Well I bet you if the park is open to the public it will be pretty much a dead day because I doubt a lot of people know the park is open that day
  16. its open to the public the 24th? Why would they have one day out of the blue that the park is open?
  17. How come on the calender it says the park is open the 24th? Calender
  18. when are you going to start set up?
  19. whenever you get started on "construction" you should post pictures so we can see how it comes along.
  20. I was on the Flight of Fear loading area waiting to get on next, and some guy was taking a POV on his Digital Camera.
  21. well this year (2006) we decided not to get passes, so we will have to pay for parking everyday we go in 2007 if we get passes?
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