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Everything posted by westcoaster

  1. Has anyone heard anything on the fate of the log flume I hope it could stay, if not to Coney or over to Strickers Grove hopefully. Even though in the Cincy area Lesourdsville Americana had the best. On a side note does anyone have an article or story the wooden coaster that went to KY Kingdom, was originally going to Americana.
  2. To the cool new wooden coaster in the river town.
  3. I think with Winter fest 17 it's huge for the park to become more year round maybe with a ferris wheel added year round operations shops and such more like Knotts. Yes the Winter fest is a great announcement.
  4. I think with Winter fest 17 it's huge for the park to become more year round maybe with a ferris wheel added year round operations shops and such more like Knotts. Yes the Winter fest is a great announcement.
  5. In the dark in the rain The best wooden coaster.m
  6. No way in same year for two coasters... unless tgere is a real viable rwason to remove The Racers.. Anyone know how long the shooting star lasted?
  7. Could The Racer be foxed up .. restored painted and one fixed to eun backwards
  8. To keeping log flume and a dark peanuts ride would rock
  9. To keepung log flume...and a peanuts ride would rock
  10. The find of finds. https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/ocOI9Yn3JOz9w5dOZJAcu_G1AzxQ7RWr8sbSo0MwRnwzxNffNAXG9Myp2MCLN7Aly-J7u-Ab_k43tw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://s9.tinypic.com/2mfxidf_th.jpg
  11. Trying 2 put two puctures on can someone help?
  12. Awesome find on amazon, pretty cool.... Ki donation coney book bought in vegas from, look oht heights now fort wright ky...
  13. Ab addition is,an addition so thata good, hope the shed is heavily themed
  14. Ab addition is,an addition so thata good, hope the shed is heavily themed
  15. Sure hope the train log flume and white water canyon stick around.
  16. Sure hope the train log flume and white water canyon stick around.
  17. 17 if the Son of Coney to the North clises Race for your lufe let Cedar Fair make a deal to bring it home. If not a Tornado type wooden Coaster like at Strickers Grove Winter 17 a Christmas village showcasing a winter walk through village shops fudge bond fires marshmalliw roasting, with a brand new train taking you to the north pole enclosed cars, serving hot chocolate, cookies awaiting the trip to the big guys house then board back up to the village train in Coney island summer would be animatronics robbers a story and trip to a island ... 18 sit down island breeze diner showcasing good food yesteryear history of Coney and incredible wait staff. 2 kids rides.... 19, Sunlite Adventure family raft ride. Bonus 20, 2 retro flat rides. Lets hope this little park grows and grows.
  18. Coney predictions, wants n thoughts. The little park on the banks of the Ohio that is contiously better each year. The park that moved north, was reborn and has continued growth, fun, foid on the banks if the Ohio. So for 17, 18, 19 thoughts wants predictions.
  19. Hope the log flume is kept for many generations . Plus more sark rides. Like how lego starts off w dark ride then normal coaster...
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