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marlfox_21 last won the day on October 13 2011

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  • Location
    Gainesville, Florida
  • Interests
    I really enjoy going for walks outdoors. My personal interests can really be more described as my goals. I am currently longing to be as knowledgeable in as many different species as possible. Especially Lemurs, Snakes, and Manatees. I am currently attending school for Zoology, and I am endeavering to earn a masters degree in the field. <br><br> I have a long history with Kings Island and Paramount's Kings Island. And I have the deepest of respect for occurances at the park under both titles. I have joined this web site because my interest in the park is always at it's peek. I want to see it thrive and become better. All of my memories at the park are good memories. And I hope that the name KINGS ISLAND (regardless of owner) continues to move on and make people who visit the park, feel, laugh, and cry.

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  1. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1844865175823926&id=1720062798304165 This, with some glow in the dark paint...c'mon Haunt.
  2. When Paramount had ownership of Kings Island, I noticed that their version of WinterFest in 05 was all about propaganda. Not One mention of why the season exists in any fashion. While in Kings Island today, I noticed the gift shop in Planet Snoopy was playing "A Charlie Brown Christmas Special" and I happened to walk in during the part when Linus gives his speech about what Christmas is all about. it seriously made me smile! Has this been playing all season, or is it there for the purpose of WinterFest? Either way, Loving it!
  3. 51 days and counting. I just purchased 5 Gold Passes for my gf's sis and her kids. Now I have excuses to get on the kiddie rides!
  4. I liked this maze, overall. The line moved fast, the theming was excellent, and the maze was long. My only disappointment, as it was with most houses lastnight, was a lack of scare actors. There isn't enough fear eye candy to distract from the gaps between employees. It just doesn't play with your mind enough. I will note that the unique view of WindSeeker at night, and the walk alongside The Racer made the exit to this attraction interesting. As did a few dressed up Dinosaurs that you can view while waiting for the attraction.
  5. Okay. I have a serious question, and I really need an answer. My bank is switching to new Credit Cards with a chip. As a part of this change, they are issuing brand new credit cards with brand new Credit Card Numbers. Well, I have purchased 2 Gold Season Passes to Kings Island for the 2016 season under the payment plan, and I have until March 22nd to activate the new card. Whom do I contact at Kings Island to switch this payment over to the new card to avoid losing my pass to a failed payment on the old card? I have attempted to contact the park, but I cannot get an answer. I hope that my question came out making sense!
  6. I've been busy. This is my 1st post this season. Blackout was enjoyable. It's a unique concept, primarily playing with your senses. But, sadly, it depends on a certain level of intelligence. Follow the walls...sounds simple enough, and is simple enough, unless of course it's not. The group ahead of me kept walking away from the intended path, getting confused, stopping, turning back and running into me, and One woman scratched me after turning herself into the wrong direction. They were a very annoying group of people. That is obviously not the parks fault. Not sure how to counter that One. While I'm talking on Haunt..kinda off topic, I had yet another odd experience at Slaughterhouse. It was late, and we were the only people in the line. An associate ran out "We have a situation!" he yelled. Next thing ya know the associate is arguing loudly with a guest..."you were grabbing my chainsaw" he yelled. We enter the maze, and truth be told, Slaughterhouse had the best and most energetic group in any maze. And yes, we had time to do them all. Anyways, we exited and I think I counted over 20 members of security with this group of people and passed 10 more on the way out of the maze area. Not sure what happened, but the associate screaming could not have helped the situation in any way possible. Enough said.
  7. I did go back in time. The Scooby who is walking in the opposite direction as everybody else. That's me! lol. I did it with the CIA and Project Pegasus. I also have some oceanfront property right here in Ohio!
  8. What is this email I've received about a petting zoo? Gimme a call when they start handling animals requiring special licensing. Oh the concepts for a One of a kind Zoological park that Kings Island empowers to the mind. Just saying.
  9. Sounds great! Please please please please REPAVE the parking lot in addition to this. I've gotten to the point where I drive my 97 Chevy Blazer whenever I visit Kings Island, just to avoid driving my new truck through K.I.'s parking lot.
  10. I thought about working Haunt for the fun of it. I wonder if I could only work Friday nights. It is the only time that I'm really available.
  11. Hey! Kind of a late post, but I had the opportunity to see this show 2 weekends ago. I have to be honest. I'm a child of the 80's and I have yet to see anything that reminds me of the talent that graced Kings Island's shows during that period and the early 90's......until now. Great job guys. For the 1st time in decades I clapped because I meant it. I didn't wanna look away. The guy on the bike, the girl on the rope, the clowns..all of it! Wow! Good job guys! Very God job. PS. There was this guy named Don standing right behind me at the show. Hopefully my Florida Gator Hat didn't get in his line of sight.
  12. I had my ride on it. It was a fun ride. But I dunno. I feel as though I'm becoming boring. I would rather watch younger people enjoy these things than do them myself. And I'm not even that old. Here is an interesting tale to go with that. When I was 12, my sister worked rides and convinced me to ride The Beast for the 1st time. It was an addiction from then on. Well, I've ridden it many times in many conditions with many people since that 1st ride. Then, 2 years ago, I had a rare opportunity to visit the park with my sister again. This time, with her 2 children and my mother. This time around I was 33 and she was 39. She asked if I wanted to ride The Beast with her. So we did and I will be honest, it hurt like I had never known it to hurt. But I loved every moment. After all, I'm pretty sure its 60% my body anyways. I decided right then that it was my last ride ever on "The Beast". But what better way to retire my body from it than by riding it with my sister?!! Just like that 1st ride. Many great memories. MANY! Oh look! Banshee just gave me a new 1st ride! Zero chance of me riding this as many times as I have The Beast. But I will probably pay more attention to every ride.
  13. I haven't made the jump in a couple of years. The last time I tried, I remember getting very delayed and not making it to the park until hours after I had hoped to. And while Banshee would likely make me smile, I've got a Five year old niece whose smile is more important than mine, ( No worries, as her smiling always makes me smile ) and she will want to be inside of Planet Snoopy and atop the big green thing in the center of the park. So, on the 1st Saturday, that is likely where I will be.
  14. I agree on the logo. I prefer the vintage look and appreciate the uniqueness of it, but a logo is a companies identity and this is a new company. I am glad, however, to see that the vintage logo is still used on some apparel in their gift shops. That's what I get for not fact checking It was also night of Pride Night that year. (I only know cause I worked that evening, apart from the weather it was fun. I love Pride Night). Yes, it was pridenight. I remember working/training for "fear fest" and as I was walking to my car to leave for the night, the sky was getting very dark, and I could hear the weather statement going off inside of the park. I looked at the sign and it said something about welcoming guests for gay/lesbian pride night. It was the very last thing I ever saw it say, as it was a twisted mess by the next morning.
  15. I worry more about coptcats as it would be preferred to not have anything like this around me. I read where security is supposed to be tight. Suuuure. And I'm sure there are no cameras anywhere where the footage won't end up online or viewed by total perverts. Hence the previously mentioned security.
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