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Everything posted by Dane

  1. I saw his last active day was yesterday. Awesome to see people still around 12 years later. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  2. I admit when I saw Captain Picard made a thread on KIC I was a little excited. He's one of the original members of KIC.
  3. Zombie Dogz is the biggest food truck in Dayton with a ginormous following. They are known for huge all beef hot dogs served in oversized hot dog buns with a wide array of unique toppings and sauces. Everything is themed to Zombies. https://www.facebook.com/zombiedogzdayton I had them out back of my buisness many times and its amazing to see the croud they bring just on their own.
  4. That was my other worry, all these new members we got over the past week suddenly lost and having to recreate a new account. But it had to happen. I do have to admit that with all these problems with the server made me dive into MySQL optimization and CPU saving processes. I have been making tweaks on the backend and at least in my perspective KIC has been loading much faster.
  5. Well they own it till atleast Aug 6, 2017. Which it may be renewed, or (if smart)hopefully they auction it off themselves. Estibot has it estimated at $200,000
  6. Some have asked me via text if we could get the new KIC theme back used on the 4.x forums with the KI backgrounds, and that answer is yes, as soon as thus server change is completed. Edit: I went ahead and installed it this afternoon, the old option is still available as KICentral Neon as well as the default by request.
  7. Closing this because it will get confusing. Please post in my reverted thread if you have a comment or issue.
  8. We as many of you are surprised this morning logging in. I reverted to a backup I made just before the forums being upgraded. The new software was just too buggy, constantly crashing, and lacked support. (8 days ticket response times) Last night the forums kept getting themselves in a "get" loop meaning they were fetching pages on pages on the same page in a loop like it was out of the movie Inception and 503 crash the server. At about 4:30am still up working on it I threw in the towel and reverted. What's next? Well we will be trying this upgrade again in the future once we are in the new server. (getting configured right now) As for now. I apologize for the missing posts from the past week and all the work you put into them but we will bounce back. This isn't our first rodeo.
  9. Hid those forums in Tapatalk, and Steph88 PM me what you want your password to be and I can change it for you so you know what it is.
  10. Looking into it. I removed/reinstalled Tapatalk the other day and the option to hide categories has since disappeared so still working in it. Thanks for letting me know. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  11. I will also let everyone know the forums are fully ready to be converted to the new version of the forums. We are just waiting on Tapatalk to release a update compatible with with the new version to do so. Alot of you (myself included) use Tapatalk while at the park and I don't want to break/suspend that while we wait on a new version from Tapatalk.
  12. Nope. Nested quotes is referring to quotes within quotes, not multi-quotes. My quotes don't show up when I quote you. Like this, but automatically when quoting your post: Test Test Is this what your talking about? It is working for me. Now I understand, and fixed. Thanks for letting me know.
  13. Test Test Is this what your talking about? It is working for me.
  14. Any of the new stuff the popped up was a default setting to have it on. We don't need half of it because we are a extremely well self-moderated community.
  15. Remember we started out as pki-central.com http://web.archive.org/web/20031121000410/http://www.pki-central.com/
  16. I have a few on a old external hard drive I can post later. There is also way back machine. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  17. Agreed, and disabled. Also disabled the warning system, we don't need that,
  18. Where do you see this? Also you haven't seen anything yet! Sorry for the double post, in a rush here.
  19. Thanks, I turned off the ability to like your own post(I think its silly Facebook still allows this). And the User rating system is just that, how many stars people rate you on average. I think its also silly but it really isn't hurting anything.
  20. The conversion to modern mySQL and compression has been done(took 3 hours). Please let me know if you find any issues thus far. What took the most time you may ask? The "like" system. I also set up login with Facebook and share directly to Facebook.
  21. Could be something as simple as DNS issues? Just a thought! Kinda unlikely as its been on and off so much. My guess is a poor domain forwarding service or coding.
  22. Down again, but in todays marketplace, the resell value of PKI.com would be easliey 5 figures.
  23. If memory serves me correctly. The first bring a friend free day had people parking at the movie theater across the street and then some. A gold star to anyone that still has the photos of the parking lot shot from the helicopter.
  24. I'm not sure at this time, it's a total rewrite from the bottom up of the forums software hence why we have to modernise our database first.
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