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Everything posted by beastfan11

  1. OK! i just saw the site.. i am quite EXCITED it looks great and i can not wait.. soo whats with the whole asylum under the tower and holiday horror? could someone please explain?
  2. ok, this years fearfest will hopefully be good, better than the past years, people need to understand that companies have budgets, so fearfest 2005 might not have been as good.. but wouldnt you rather have one great super scary i think im gonna pee my pants horror year than 2 o that was scary but it could have been scarier type years... im just tryin to keep a positive outlook on things.. i have faith in ki and i am happy every year with what the bring to the public. and i know that ki will have a kick butt i think im gonna pee my pants year this year... i cant wait!!! collin
  3. "Warzone".. care to explain..?
  4. Does anyone know if there will be any attractions/ more scarezones in Action Zone this year?
  5. ^ so can you tell us what the "shocking" new ride is..????
  6. ^ amen, your not the only one who thinks the maestro should return. really... the most expensive part would be making the figures... and thats already been done... so with a small yet tricky makeover phantom theatre could return....that would rock
  7. girrrrr... when are they gonna post it??????????
  8. i mean seriously... its just out there u have nickelodien everywhere, and plop there it is destroys the theme they should make a nickeloden dark ride it would be good.
  9. what is to become of scooby doo and the haunted castle, with Cedar Fair taking over and hanna barbara land being totally gone,why dont they just get rid of it? just some of my thoughts... peace, collin
  10. would that be the coney in ohio Well, the one in Brooklyn certainly would not be concerned with what Kings Island in Ohio is building! yes very dumb question.. lol
  11. ^ yeah its all an if factor im not sayin its gonna be for sure but they very well may have planned it ... but if it was the new ride.. Cedar Fair might have to buy the rites.. but again all ifs and nothing is certain
  12. ^ have you ever heard of hauntguide.com?... good site.. they had some props from there in rl stine fearstreet... cool stuff
  13. ^ i agree.. it was losely based on indiana jones tho... which i like... and that sponge... in the words of Queen it shoud bite the dust...and quick
  14. well my shot in the dark... a mission impossible ride (but with Cedar Fair and the recent tom cruise+paramount delema i dont know what would happen).. any ways it would be the typical paramount move... MI3 just came out .. but i could be wrong.......... which i am alot lol. peace, collin
  15. i was just wondering are there certain days this movie is open.. i go to ki alot and i have never been there one day wjere it has been open?
  16. not to get off topic... but paramount probably had planned some kind of mission impossible ride... since the recent release of mi3 but with Cedar Fair i dont no wat they would do... im just taking a guess... my ride idea.... a new dark ride of some sort in coney mall... i think old coney island had a haunted house... would be cool if they made somthin like that but if it were up to me PHANTOM THEATRE WOULD RETURN!- too much sugar
  17. update: i emailed marueen kiaser (sorry for spelling) and all that she told me is that asylum or maze of madness will be in its regular spot behind Flight of Fear.... some may already know this info but i thought it would still be worth posting... she also added that an official fearfest announcement will be made in 2 weeks. peace, collin
  18. well, if history repeats itself we should know more about fearfest soon, normally they release info labor day weekend. peace, collin
  19. ^ you have got to be kidding....... have u been under a rock the last 20 years STAR WARS.... POSSIBLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST SAGAS OF ALL TIME...
  20. ^ it could be a pssibility.. not likely
  21. i have my ways.... actually there are some tight space like doors or windows u could barley see through.... the maze of madness door was open
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