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Everything posted by bradb055

  1. It was working, but I wasnt paying attention to if it looked crapy or not. I was talking to the girl I was with at the time. But, again, it did at least work.
  2. Im sure someone else could answer this better, but I think that it has something to do with it being produced by George Lucas. Maybe Im wrong, but I thought that is why MGM had the rights to it. Someone else Im sure can set u straight though.
  3. I just went today, and the park was packed, but not anything that I couldnt handle. I waited over an hour for FoF and about 45 min for SDHC. Long, yes, but it was the only time I could get to the park. I do have some good news though. I rode TRTR and I believe all the effects worked. Even the fog machines going into the holding room worked! I was very pleased. Unfortuantly, some of my day was ruined (exadurated a little) by some terrible service at Subway. In fact it was so bad, I wanted to report it to customer service (or whatever it is called). I wish I would have. I decided not to be ****ed off and not to be a total jerk so I let it go. Great day other than the worst experince with a PKI employee ever. O well, the rest of the emplyoees were great. Keep up the good work!
  4. I know this may be a little off topic, but I got stuck on Cedar Points Mantis for close to one hour. It was in the final brake run just before the station. Finaly we were let out of the restraints and allowed to exit. All we got out of it was a lousy gift certificate for a Coke or Pepsi (which ever they serve). Would have been nice to get that drink while we were stuck on the ride because it was like 90 degrees or so that day. Dont forget, its a stand up coaster so I got to sit on a banana seat for an hour.
  5. I rode IJST today for the third time or so. It was terrible!!! The sound (in car) didnt work. The helicopter didnt work. The automatic doors needed to be slightly assited when opened, and I have yet to experince the stair effect going down into the subway. Has anyone experinced this effect or any of the others that were supposed to be incoperated on this ride? There were a few good points too: The fire worked, as well as the headlights on the cars (at least the car I was in), and I did not see the ride break down while I was at the park. I have to say I hope this trend does not continue for IJST because without the effects this is just a boring "family" coaster.
  6. Hopefully this part was designed beter so that it woulnt fail. Or if it does fail, sometime in late fall would fit my schedule much beter than the middle of the summer.
  7. It depends on the day. If it's a crowded day (weekend) I like to start with DZ, Delium, or The Beast. If its not too crowded then I like to ride something easy, especialy if I just ate breakfast. I tell you one thing for sure, its not White Water Canyon because it sucks being wet all day long!
  8. Its got to be an ice cold Coke! Unless I'm broke then an ice cold water becomes my favorite.
  9. FoF opening day was by far the longest line I ever waited in. I waited more than 4 hours. In fact, the line stretched back to the entrance of Zephyr.
  10. I havnt realy thought too hard about which department I would like to apply for. I know I dont want to work in food! I'll take sugestions though. Where do you guys like to work?
  11. Mechanical Desktop is ok, but if you really want to make it easier on yourself and make better looking models use Solid Edge. This is what we use at school and it is a better program by far. You'll have to find a copy somewhere because I believe it is quite expensive.
  12. I was thinking about attending the upcomming job fair at PKI and I had a few questions before I go. With out being too specific, what is the starting pay for a new employee at PKI? Which jobs pay the most? Which jobs does everyone like the most? Are they flexable with hours (including weekends)? And, does pay vary with education (i.e. college) I couldnt find this information on this site anywhere, but I woulnt swear that its not there, so sorry if this is repeditive.
  13. Yes, I agree... but if your interval is short enough, and at the end of the lauch cycle (just before the first loop) the air resistance and friction would not cause too much of an error ( say plus or minus 5%). I didnt say it was a full prof plan but it could be done. Plus, there is something to measue... if you look closly (while sitting in the front seat) you will see a series of lasers along the track. If someone knew the distance of these lasers, a time interval could be taken between two of them at the end of the lauch sequence. The easiest and best way to find the max speed at the end of the launch is to bring a GPS unit and have it record the results!
  14. If you really want to know how fast it goes, just take a handheld GPS unit on the ride with you. Assuming that the GPS reciever gets a decient signal, the reciever will tell you max speed. This is the simple solution. If someone wants to get creative... find out the time interval at which the cameras flash, flashes. This information, along with the distance in which each picture is taken (realitive to the train) will show the speed of the train as it passes the camera. If this doesnt work, you could also time (with a stopwatch) the time it takes to travel a certain distance. What distance to use I dont know, but it could be done if someone had a some knowlage(sp?) of the building or the track. Just remember, there are more ways than one to find out the velocity of a rollercoaster, other than by reading a number that is published.
  15. I think it would have to be the one that The Vortex is sinking into the ground, and that it will be removed due to this.
  16. University of Cincinnati.
  17. Yeah, Im all for building my own coaster as a senior design project for next year, because thats when Ill be finising up my Mechanical Engineering degree. If only I could get the funding... Hummmmmmm. Hey, PKI Punk, where are you going to college?
  18. The one that sticks in my head is... Caution, the splash pool deck is only 12 inches. Remain seated, in your boat, until the guard stops your boat, in the splash pool. This repeats every minuite or so and it gets old. Of course this may not still be there but it was before BB.
  19. Yes you are correct in saying that the temperature effects the structure of the ride. Steel has a much larger expansion rate than wood. Both could realisticly change due to weather conditions. Temperature is not the only factor that effects how the cars ride though. The humidity levels can make a major diffrence in how wooden coaster rides. A high humidity can cause the track to swell up causing a rougher ride. Also, the ride can depend on how the train is loaded (if there are seats open or they are all full of 300 lbs people). Things like wheel and track ware can also cause a bad ride. So to comment on your theory... Yes, temperature should make a diffrence on how smooth a rollercoaster is. But, it is not the only factor.
  20. bradb055


    But I thought they did move the hill on AE. I thought it used to turn the other way. J/K
  21. Since someone brought it up, how spaced out is BB? From what I saw, Tazmanian Typhoon looked to be much further away from everything. The only vantage point I have had though is from Western Row Rd and Kings Island Dr. I noticed that Tazmanian Typhoon was suprisingly close to the gas Station from my vantage point. Can someone clear this up for me please?
  22. Not just skyline, but a footlong cheese coney!! That always hits the spot.
  23. Lexan is very strong, but it is almost imposible to crack. Lexan, is a very soft matterial. In fact if you had a small piece of lexan 0.25 inches thick or so, you could not break it in two. What I mean by this is, it will fold complealy over and it still wouln't break. I have tried myself to break a 0.25 inch piece and failed. It just folded over but would not break.
  24. You said it before I could get to it. Also, the lasers can keep track of the speed (velocity) of the train, aceleration of the train , and the exact position of the train. This tells the computer if the ride is operating corectly and if the train is where it is suposed to be. It's just another saftey feature that PKI uses to keep us all safe.
  25. I remember that. I think it has change more than once. I liked it much better when it rotated all the way up. I wish they would bring that back!! O well can't complain too much. It's the ride down, not the ride up, that makes it so fun!
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