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    Ok someone messed with this section. My interests are HONESTLY, computer technology, genealogy, crafting, and of course Kings Island Halloween time.

    Above all I am most interested in my family and friends.

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  1. Video is two well known folks at the park. They are a couple and I believe the same age. As for the video it really needs to be edited and more about the ride. I really did not get much from it. Others tell me this ride is amazing and many ride it over and over. More enthusiasm please!!
  2. Posted Today, 01:48 AM There was a shorter guy walking on stilts around AZ, and I stood next to him. He turned around and noticed that I was as tall as him. When I get the picture from my friend, I'll show you all. All 3 shows were great! Also, the leaf camoflauged guy by DB hid behind a tree next to Rivertown Junction, and sent a girl to the ground by simply saying a robotic "Boop!" He was great, as well as the guy at the front. "Can I help you...into a coffin? Bahahah!" "Take a picture...it will last longer than YOU!" The guy in rivertown is a BUSH and yes he does an excellent job with that goofy suit!!! Funny how some of the worst costumes on the right people seem to work. As for the fake chainsaws = if a scareactor can take something that fake and get scares....well that seems to me to be a very good scareactor!!!
  3. I never had the honor of meeting Doug but I would like to offer his family and friends my condolences on his death. People like him are rare. Even thought people do not look at me as a member of the Kings Island family, I consider the people a part of mine. Kings Island and the thousands of people that have worked or even walked through the gates are special. This man sure sounds like one of the great ones that enhanced not only the park experience but the work experience. Kings Island's charm come from people like him. To those that knew him I offer my condolences to you on your deep loss.
  4. I agree with the Fans of Kings Island Entertainment website is totally awesome. I get most of my information there. Kirk does a great job with his reviews and articles. His end of season column from last year had me a little teary...it is well worth a look see. Kirk has some wonderful inside information that is posted as well!!! I do totally agree about the shows!! They are all excellent - well the ones we have seen so far this year. Brian Carlucci, Jeremy Braley and Haylee Dobkins, among others just as amazing, do an amazing job with their singing in American Country....Peanuts Party in the Plaza has children and adults alike out there dancing and just having a party at the Bandstand....Way Too Much TV is a wonderful journey into the past and gives the younger generation a peek into it! We also caught Signed, Sealed and Delivered and found it was better than last year. We used to go to the park and decide which ride we would do first and now I find myself checking out the show schedules and planning my trips around them!! Guess you can call me a Kings Island Entertainment junkie lol. They are really just that good!!! Where else can you go and see all of that talent for the price of an admission to the park?? I have heard mixed reviews about the Dinosaurs exhibit. If you go into it for what it is you will enjoy it. Everything is set in a beautiful park like stroll. The animals are into the woods just enough so that it feels like you are coming across them in nature. Each Dinosaur has an information board with several being interactive so that children/adults alike can control the dinosaur. I am NOT a major Dinosaur fan but I did totally enjoy this path. To me Kings Island is growing and giving visitors a great diveristy of things to do. Educational, thrill rides, and awesome shows seems to me like Kings Island is reaching out to give everyone a wonderful experience for their money.
  5. I went on the 13th and luckily had a great day with my daughter and two of my granddaughters. We caught some shows and got to see a few of our haunt friends. It was an all around great day but all of my days at Kings Island are like that lol. I am so happy you had a great day with your family as well!! We are going again Sunday for Father's day. Hope to see you then!
  6. I agree 100%! My favorite dining experience at Walt Disney World was Biergarten at Epcot. Make the Festhouse like that and add a german themed flat ride to the area and it would be great! Me tooo 100% To the German feel to it!!!!! Bring in some great german food and leave the shows alone for the most part. I do NOT care for jazz but can at least tolerate Country. I spent a lot of time in Feshaus watching the shows as most people that see me around know.
  7. I do not agree with yet another upcharge. When does this crap stop? I can undertand the DINO because of the circumstances but not another upcharge. There are four things now with an upcharge. People pay about fifty dollars to come to the park....if they want to experience everything it will end up costing no less than additional fourty dollars per person...that is if the Slingshot is at a reduced rate. If they are taking out the motion chairs and likely will charge for the 3D glasses like they did during Haunt.....come on enough is enough. Just close it down and keep the building for Haunt alone. Sorry but the park needs to realize with gas prices going up constantly they need to concentrate on giving us a reason for traveling and stop adding more upcharges. I do not do any of the upcharges at all. I MIGHT do the DINO trail ONCE but likely will not walk it again. Maybe it would be a smarter thing to concentrate on selling DINO merchandise which would likely net them more money than to charge more to see a 3D movie. I do hope they give us an opportunity to bring in our own 3D glasses lol.
  8. The guy in the lower left is Kevin or commonly known as "Hannibal" He was in Death Row a few years back as Hannibal. Without the make-up he is dead on the original actor.
  9. is glad it is finally sumer time. Pool, fun, and Kings Island

  10. I am 38.7 miles away. Depending on who is driving - me it takes 45 minutes but my husband makes the trip in 30 minutes lol. Clearly we know who has the heavier foot! Interesting to see how dedicated folks are to an amusement park. I do not go as often as I once did but during Haunt I do not miss a night!!

  12. BOO!!! i scared you, awe im just teasin :P

  13. By the way this place is just over an hour away from me. People might think....ohhh too far and I am one of them but folks I AM going back for at least one more visit and possibly two. Tyler has given me permission to take pictures before it opens because I was sooo taken with the castle one which is his personal favorite as well. It is like being on the set of the MUMMY. One more detail on the Insanity - it does have the lighting effects but not that annoying noise that death row has. We got confused and disoriented easily with the way the maze is set up. I kept trying to get through a dead end because you could not tell if there was an opening or not lol. There is also a true story of someone getting hanged in that location. They do not tell the visitors that. Tyler just happened to mention it to me. I did catch something on pictures. They are going to have an investigation done on the place after Halloween. I would be real interested in finding out what they find. Someone had an experience in one of the mazes. A female felt her breath was being taken away as if she was being choked. Anyone that is sensitive can pick something up in there too. Will not give that info out because it is better to feel that for yourself. I did pick something up. Pictures taken reveal tons of "possible" orbs. Because there were a lot of people walking around most was likely dust but there were some interesting ones we got that I would suspect are just a bit more than mere dust. I suggested they get a digital tape recorder to see if they can pick something up.
  14. Oops sorry this park name is SCREAMPARK and it is located at 903 Manchester, Lexington, Ky red faced he he
  15. My youngest daughter and I were personally invited to this park by the main owner, our old friend Hauntguy. Ok with everything there is a lot of hype, especially for the first year. This place really lives up to that hype!! This is all indoors in an old building. They have roamers that are sure to scare - they sure scared me!! I know easy to do right but when they scare my youngest daughter that IS saying something. There are three haunted mazes inside of this building. The Abyss was the first needed a few extra things added that I did suggest to Tyler but it was still really good. I got several scares in there not knowing where or in what direction they would come. One of his managers was up in there scaring too and having a blast from what I could see lol. The next haunt is a castle. The design of this was the best I have ever seen. It was so realistic in all sections from the start, the crypt and the literal graveyard with dirt, graves and swampy water. Mind you this is done inside a building. I was totally taken back by the detail that went into everything and was completely in love with it. There is something in the middle of it that had me nearly jumping out of my chair and also got my daughter as well. Won't give that away! The scares are all over the place as in the last maze. The way things are set up people/objects are coming from all directions. I never knew where things were going to pop out, run at me or jump from the ceiling. Finally the Insanity is just that i n s a n e. It is similar in design to death row at Kings Island with a twist. It is like one of those little puzzles you try to figure out on paper only this is real. We went down several paths that we had to retrace our steps when we ran into a dead end. We would see others seem to get through and run into them coming back to the trail we were on and looking for yet another path. Things are hanging from the ceiling, crazy people are running amok all over and it seems like this one never ends. I started to believe that crazy woman that kept begging us to take her with us that she was stuck too. Another crazy is running around saying that we will never get out again....this was freaking awesome and the favorite of most visitors. Good day to go is on a Friday night. Saturdays you can expect hour waits for each house. There is a small place to get some food and drinks - cash only folks - no plastic. No Kidding we had a fantastic time here!!! Kings Island is a great place and everyone knows how much I love that place but this one can really give them a run for the money on scares. I would love to see something like the castle one!! Take some time off on the off nights of haunt and check this place out!! Sure is worth the trip. Hauntguy did a great job on this one!!
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