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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. Yea, it is weird when you walk off of WWC, because it is about a 1/4 mile walk back through woods which are usually dusky (is that a word?) and cool even when it's about 100 outside.
  2. I will be there on the 11th for sure than. Wasn't really sure since last year wasn't to successfull *cough Tomb Raider not opening cough.* I just can't wait to ride Delirium I will be the first person on it no doubt.
  3. It has looked old time for 31 years, I think it's time for a change. That's my oppinion on it, add some neon lights and totally revamp the whole strip, I would like to see that, doubt it will though.
  4. I'm sure it runs just like TR:TR from what I hear it's computer is very large. Anyways, I just can't wait to ride this beast, swinging over the path and Action Blast can't wait 70 days.
  5. So is it just the insolation foam up or is the whole castle facade up? I like how they are making this a lot taller, I think it would add to the atmosphere.
  6. I would really like some sort of steel hyper/giga. Millenium Force and Magnum at Cedar Point are at the top of my list in fun level and I have a feeling that PKI would like to have the length record for steel I nice long tall fast hyper would be very nice.
  7. Well I know it's testing grounds, I'm just saying that the footers were probably poured individually beings that if they didn't the ride wouldn't fit the way it should. I know they probably didn't pour the center pit or I didn't see it, but I caould see them pouring the other 4.
  8. I was assuming that it was Huss's testing grounds. The only reason I could see it not being our Delirium is that they would have to pour all of those footers and that would take a lot of time. But I still think it is ours.
  9. Well honestly in my oppinion I would rather see a coaster than Coney Mall revamped. I do see it being revamped much like Rivertown was, but not at as large of a scale.
  10. Yea, there is still theming to do, grass and stuff to plant. Queue to set up, all minor stuff. The only thing they might have to do is add the sears and finish the floor ride wise.
  11. I totally agree. I think making a more intense ride would be a good thing. It's going to be hard to keep it at exactly 2:30, but that's what engineers get paid for.
  12. Wow $75. That is pretty good for just proof of a new logo.
  13. Sounds like a plan Chris. I could see where TR:TR was tested and wasn't. I'm almost sure that that is our Delirium on the test movies though.
  14. That's what I figured, but I wasn't just going to blert it out. It's like letting a car sit out all winter, does it really get affected that much.
  15. Hopefully we'll see alot of work done on the trains this off season. I really want to like this ride, even with all of the pain it's still in my top 10.
  16. Yea, your right on that Sparky, the more I think about it the wetter it seems to me. I was soaked on BAFFD with my mom.
  17. I could see where it wouldn't be good for it you'd think that they would design it with those weather conditions in mind. I'm thinking that that steel was pretty much unaffected by the snow.
  18. A full boat does get you damp. I also agree if you stand on the bridge it is an almost certain soak. Although I have seen the water not even hit the bridge when there was an empty boat.
  19. I really think once they fix the roughness and add some stuff to SOB, it could beat Beast. But until the trees grow in, and they add tunnels without a doubt it's Beast.
  20. Notice it says a TEST TRACK, not Top Thrill Dragster. It was a model of it, but not it speciffically, it just needed to test the speed an angle to get to that height, it never actually went through a full circuit.
  21. I'm sure it was up for a couple weeks or a month. That couple of weeks or month was probably about equal to a stretch that we'd get.
  22. I love Vortex's airtime on the drop. On FoF you do really have to step on the seat to get out, I don't think it really matters though. On SOB I can get in fine, but it just bangs up my thighs and knees. SOB needs serious train work.
  23. It could have been put up before I doubt it. I know TTD wasn't put up that's for sure. Xcelerator was the test verstion of TTD.
  24. I still have my doubts, but Delirium seems to be working fine in about the same enviroment. Bremen is actually north of us, so it is probably harsher weather up there. So it should work out fine.
  25. I do love FoF. The restraints are a little tight and hard for me to get down, but the ride is awesome. I have seen Manhattan Express's restraint, and I think that would be to difficult to change on Arrow. I don't think they will change them because of a couple head bangs here and there.
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