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Everything posted by beastdude

  1. I have to agree with you to. I was talking about a new show being put there or somthing like that.
  2. Its cool don't worry about it. If the flight team does move that can open up big possibilitys for new attractions
  3. last year was my first time to PKI. I have never rode in the Helicopter. I went to PKI five times last year and I was more concerned about riding roller coasters.
  4. no. I just hope he is serious and not pulling a prank on all of us.
  5. Maby they were asking where SOBs station is. For a first time rider it could be knd of confusing.
  6. just one word WOW. I hope your not joking.
  7. Dane is right. My freind has epsilepsy and he is not aloud to play a certian kinds of video games. ( I know I spelled epsilepsy wrong)
  8. I would be cool but, There is only one way to ride a roller coaster.
  9. I know I spelled congratulate wrong. It was a typographical error.
  10. great TR. Glad you could fit.
  11. Now that I think about it you have a realy good point.
  12. The adventure of roller coasters. POVs from all different types of coasters
  13. hopefully I will get to see some of you at eagles.
  14. lol!!!! see those rides are crap! if PKI gets one someone will get shot agreed.
  15. Can we settle this and please get back on topic.
  16. Because last year was my first year to PKI I have to go with 5-9. Yes I do know 40+ seems a little crazy but, this also includes if you work at PKI. Thank you:D
  17. I have had people tell me while waiting in line that they have motion sickness and they get sick on 3-D rides but not roller coasters. This is just my opinion but I think it has to do with the amount of fresh air you receive on a roller coaster but not on a 3-D ride.
  18. If only the voters new how much saftey went into rides. I think when ever a accident happens the news somtimes blow it up into a huge debate and people get a idea that every rollercoaster in the world is unsafe.
  19. Insted of wood stock we have wolf stock.LOl
  20. Not weird, just destiny
  21. NC fun place good tunes.
  22. sorry for misspelling chili I was in a major rush. I been thinking about it and I will just get both every time I go down there. Just kidding or am I
  23. sweet, Maby some real big bands can make it down.
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