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Everything posted by beastdude

  1. I just wish I was there when it was open. What did they do with the characters and sets . I know when CP closed the pirate ride they used them for Hallow weekends. Were did they go. Thank you
  2. I thought there was no school for the eagles. Were do I sign up.
  3. I know this has been asked a thousand times but how do you get your member rankings. Is it by the number of posts? how do make it go up. Any information would be greatly appreciated Thank You
  4. I have to say The Beast crew is the best but, I have to give a hand to the people who work HB and NC. That place can get pretty crazy, especialy on a hot day.
  5. Liike everyone said befor me SOB is not going anywere. It would cost way to much money to take down, you would lose the only looping coaster in the world, and you would lose hieght and speed records. I would rather ride the roughest coaster in the world at 218 feet than a 180 foot smooth coaster.
  6. now this is just curiosity but, if a Tornado hit a band camp would there be a bunch of music playing. Steve-o don't get mad I am actually serious. Just one of those moments were you say what if??
  7. maby it talking about having lasers detect the train and then the lims start up . I am not for sure though, for all I know it could just be a mistake.
  8. This is kind of off topic but bwware were do you see the pictures of sob valleying. you said you saw them in your trip report. In another trip report( not on this site) they said you could see SOB valleying from AE. If you could telll me were that would be greatly appreciated. Great TR
  9. I realy like how you keep the tables clean. I was getting some french frys and about to sitdown and a lady said don't sit down I will clean off the table for you. I didn't even think the table was dirty at all except for a couple grains of salt. even before she cleaned my table I thought it was pretty clean. These little things can make your day so keep it up.
  10. I went on the last day. I was waiting in line for Rout 666 about a half hour before it opened and a worker came to me/everyone in line and told me that the scarers wouldn't be there for a half hour to a hour and half. I am not trying to offened any worker who was working that night or any night ,but my point is if the attractions won't open on time and bring people to the park chances are they won't be there for long. Don't get me wrong I want all the fear fest attractions to stay I loved all of them Including Route 666 witch I rode earliar when fear fest started. So lets keep the scares coming Jeff.
  11. Ok I will admit it there might be a exception. When I was talking about trees I ment The Beast, Vortex, and racer. I guess I should have been more clear, sorry. It could work in AZ if they just plaid the same songs.
  12. I say yes. As far has there being 9 different songs playing at the same time at Cedar Point Millennium Force and Mantis are less than One Hundered yards apart and I can't here them. Plus at PKI there are a ton of trees and trees block sound.
  13. sorry if I got the time wrong. I can't remember exactly what time it was.
  14. That seems realy weird If it was a suicide attempt. I am not saying the person did commit suicide for all I know she was taking a picture and slipped. If she did commit suicide I think one of the other ops would have an idea of were she went or what she was doing but then again maby not. My prayers are with her and fellow workers family.
  15. I feel very ashamed to ask this but how do you snap on eagles. It was my first time to PKI last year and I onle got to ride eagles once.
  16. Ok Here is my storie July 4/5. ( night of fire) The first night the fireworks didn't go off . The next day I heard a couple of workers at the base of the tower talking about how they were going to send up tonights fireworks and yesterdays.( doubt it was true). Now is were it starts to get scary. Just like the night before I am in line for The Beast and a warning comes up on the tv and says we are in a severe thunder storm watch and some areas are in a tornado warning. while walking down the exit ramp a employee comes running up at full charge and hands the ride op a piece of paper. I thought it was kind of strange but thought nothing of it. I later learned the paper said the fireworks might go off beetween 10:30 and 12:30. ( mind you they were suppose to start at ten. It started raining and then lightining and I here a crash I thought it was lighting but it was actualy a firework and then the fireworks show started. The scary part was I could see lighting strike come very close to were the fireworks were coming from and I swear at least one fireworks got hit by lighting. Might not be that scary to but it was my first time to PKI
  17. Since no one has sang it yet ( gets birthday hat on ) Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youuu. ( lots of applause) Thank you and happy birthday again.
  18. If you were wondering I will be back this year and hopefully it will be just as good as the first time.
  19. I am not going to be able to make but will be there next week. Good luck to all who are going and have fun.
  20. It is not there anymore it was just a one time thing.
  21. I just remembered a sort of weird fact. PKI had the biggest Christmas tree ever (Winterfest)
  22. Absolutly without a doubt, The park is completly different at night. ( especially during fearfest). Stayat night once and you'll rarly leave early again.
  23. In My opinion Night of Fire was my first trip to PKI ever. No matter how many times I go nothing can compare to that. At 10:00 PM There was a sever thunder storm warning out and many people didn't think the fire works would go off for the second night in a row, but I new PKI would pull it off somehow and they did. With the most lighting I have ever seen I thought it would not happen. But then one fireworks goes off and then another and everyone in that park went crazy. If that is not a good time what is?
  24. Happy B-day. Theres a big present waiting for you in cincinnati. See If you can Find.
  25. It won't let me vote can someone help please
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