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Everything posted by beastdude

  1. I can't wait to go down and start snapping.
  2. Happy b day PKI. ( no I am not going to sing the song. sore throat. LOL)
  3. That same day, I was waiting in line with a few of my peers for Tomb Raider and the couple ahead of us left the line because they thought it was a coaster...ahh...classic dumb people. Its always funny when peopl come up and tell me TR TR is a movie theater.
  4. While walking around the park I decided to put my TTD sweat shirt on and a guy walks up to me and ask were is that ride at. Of course being my smart self I told him to go north for about five hours. He looked realy confused. Great times at PKI.
  5. I voted for FOF. The scenery and effects are awesome, but the ride just was not as great as I hoped. Don't get me wrong it was a great ride but I think I might be spoiled by TTD.
  6. beastdude

    2005 Poll

    Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. If you ask any real roller coaster designer he wil tell you the only limitation is Money
  7. I have been a member here for less than a month and already been 29 new members. I would like to congratulate PKIU for all the hard work they do and to say keep up the good work. I started this thread so that everyone can thank PKIU for the Best site for PKI FANS. THANK YOU !!! This is not a suggestion thread but a THANK YOU thread..
  8. beastdude

    First time

    ya definetly have your wife stay off Delirium. If she tell you that she wants to go on tomb raider tell her otherwize. Many people don't know what tomb raider is untill they are on it. Beilive it or not most people think it is the movie playing in a theater.
  9. beastdude

    2005 Poll

    ( PKIpunk said) I know I would like to see a Millenium Force at Pki, but I don't see another hyper coaster coming to PKI! Millennium force is not a hyper coaster it is a giga coaster. Magnum XL 200 is a hyper coaster. Roller coaster o to 199 feet Hyper coaster 200 to 299 Giga coaster 300 to 399 Strata coaster 400 to ~ The only park to have all three is CP but, PKI is the only one to have a Hyper woodie.
  10. beastdude

    2005 Poll

    lets just get everything on the list accept for no coaster and call it a day. Just kidding.
  11. ok hear comes the song. ( digs through box of super hero costumes and puts on party hat) (opera voice) Happy birthday to you, happpy birthday to youu, (takes big breath) Happppyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyy toooo yuoooooooooo, Happy Birthday to youuuu. I will be performing on the weekends. Thank you and Happy Birthday.
  12. Happy B-day. The song will come later.
  13. beastdude

    First time

    I would go for three if you want to go to some shows and eat at some resturants But then again thats just me
  14. wooden roller coaster should be a little rough not smooth. But that just me
  15. beastdude

    First time

    Three days. The park is huge and if you want to spend a time at the water park then that is a day by itself. There is so much stuff to do I don't even know were to begin. Ride all the coasters. Definetly go on Scooby doo and the haunted castle ride and no matter what people say HB and Nickelodeon central can bbe enjoyed by adults. More later PS Have fun
  16. That would be cool. If there is going to be a sign I want it to be huge! Oh ya Road
  17. I know these might not be all of your favorite bands but I think they would be cool 1 The Who 2 Red Hot Chille Peppers 3 Godsmack 4 Nirvana ( If they were still around) 5 Rush
  18. nice TR. I am sure the FOF crew will get better as the year goes on.
  19. I hope that bill doesn't pass. This is just my opinion. If I ever thought that a ride op regarless of age was incompatent I would not ride. Who are these 7 "children" that died, I have never heard anything about that. I know the sceam incident what are the others he is talking about.
  20. wow. How do you think up this stuff. No offence but are you crazy .
  21. I was thinking the would put shelves of some sort to block the way, but I could be totaly off. They might just cut it off and move it by using a crane.
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