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Everything posted by beastdude

  1. I just hope people don't clog up the radios. The radios are there to pass information beetween employees. Just think what would happen if they needed to get hold of the ambulenc and somekids were playing around on the radio. If they were just scanners I guess that would be ok. Just remember they have frequencies for a reason.
  2. no I am talking about the night of fire at PKI
  3. I put this in the wrong place by accident how do you move it.
  4. Witch one is better to go to.
  5. beastdude


    A movie about a amusment park who builds a coaster in the woods but ,one thing they donn't know was that the coaster was not the only beast out there. I kind of like the sound of that.
  6. Smurfs are making a comeback but has far as whyt people laugh lets face to some people smurfs/smurf things are funny. ( I still watch the smurfs).
  7. Do any of you know weird or funny facts about PKI. It is not funny to me anymore but when i tell people that PKI has smurf berry ice cream they seem to almost laugh every time. If you know any please tell.
  8. beastdude


    On the ride it self I do not think it would be cool but, If it was about the park and the rides it would be interesting to see.
  9. I would like to see big red lights in the woods that would look awsome at night The Beast is still the best
  10. beastdude


    We got witches on beast, Vampires on Vortex, and Gouls on scdathc. oh wait there realy are gouls on scdathc. ( fake ones of course) PS First post on PKIU
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