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Everything posted by Hendrick

  1. I love the idea of the open tunnels at the end. I hate sitting in the closed tunnel now. Nothing really to look at, besides the gum. Painting The Racer red/white/blue would be my dream "improvement" to the park. It would shine.
  2. I wondered that when I first saw the photo. One of my favorites I've seen so far.
  3. If Cedar Fair knows anything about domains, they would NOT let pki.com expire. 3 character domain names fetch a pretty penny.
  4. I just use pki.com still. It's shorter.
  5. J.D.- None of these pictures have been boring, including yesterdays! It's a treat everytime I get to see them! Thank-you again for all of your hard work!!!
  6. You need to upload the picture somewhere (I use www.localhostr.com a lot), then copy the link, and [img]LINK TO PICTURE[/img[
  7. 07- http://www.KICentral.com/park/images/parkmap07.jpg 06- http://www.KICentral.com/park/images/parkmap06.jpg 11- http://www.visitkingsisland.com/_upload/pdf/2011/2011_Park_Guide.pdf Few easy ones.
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