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Ensign Smith

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Everything posted by Ensign Smith

  1. A couple posters have mentioned the fact that, as the cars leave the station and again during the return, riders' heads are below their bodies. This is my main problem with X-Flight. I have GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), and whenever my head is oriented in that position for too long, my stomach acid washes up into my throat, even making me throw up if it continues for too long. It's not generally a problem, but if the trains get stacked up too long going into the station (or heaven forbid, a breakdown in the 'down' position), then I'm in trouble. That's why I don't ride Time Warp at Geauga Lake; they hold you upside down for 20 - 30 seconds at a time. Not good.
  2. When I visited KI last April, I was on the platform to get on Beast when the crew broke into the lines to allow a group of men to get on without waiting. There were five or six of them, all dressed VERY business executive...not your typical batch of vacationeers. They had expensive tailored suits and overcoats, umbrellas, briefcases. (which they left while they rode). All but one of them were apparently Asian. That last point has no other purpose than to suggest that it's possible that they were representatives of an Asian company. They seemed very chagrined, almost embarrassed, to be getting on the roller coaster. When their train pulled out, I asked one of the crew who they were. He rolled his eyes and said, "More buyers." I was on the train after them, and when I got off I rushed down the exit and followed them over to...Vortex, where they did the same exact thing. The reason I posted this anecdote is this: there may have been a lot more interested parties than we can think of. Heck, they probably had potential buyers from half a dozen countries, maybe more. Can any KI crewmembers on this site corroborate my story?
  3. Rides I miss the most: Enchanted Voyage (the original, not that headache-inducing Smurf knock-off!) Screamin' Demon Zodiac Keelboat Canal Witches' Cauldron Rotor I would say Bat, but it really wasn't around long enough/was operational often enough to truly get attached to. It's not a ride, per se, but the other thing I would add to this list is being able to walk up to the first level of the Eiffel Tower. No offense, but didn't we just do this thread a little while ago? Unless it's the same one...okay, nobody look to see if I double posted.
  4. ^^^ Good point, Interpreter. As you say, it will be interesting to see what stays, what goes, what changes they absorb as a chain, and what changes they mandate on their new parks.
  5. It certainly won't be so difficult to collect all the park maps hence forth. Cedar Point typically only produces one brochure for the entire season, with a separate brochure for Halloweekends.
  6. I have the large, fold out maps for 1973 thru 1979. The first three years are in bad shape, because I was a kid when I started collecting them and treated them badly. Also, until 1976 the maps were printed on this glossy paper stock that in later years started to crumble at the fold lines. Now I don't even dare handle them. Starting in 1976, they changed their map stock (not to mention the illustration style), and that material has done much better over the years. If I can get my scanner back from my wife's best friend, I'll try to post pics of them sometime. I don't have many maps from the 80's; I didn't visit the park between 1984 and 1991, when we visited on our honeymoon. From then on, I have sporadic years of the brochure with maps, and since 2000 I have every year. I wish they'd re-introduce the large, collectible quality souvenir maps; actually, I wish Cedar Fair would bring those to all their parks.
  7. I really like the ideas that have been posted here. Clearly, a lot of deep thinkers frequent this forum. I especially agree with all the attention to detail regarding landscaping, beautification, all the little details that people have put forth. For me, I'll echo all those posts, and also add this suggestion: Cedar Fair needs to start adding some high capacity rides. With 3 million guests a year, the park is surprisingly short on attractions with big throughput, to chew up all those lines and get folks on to their next ride. My guess is, CF will strip everything Paramount reference from the theming over the next two years, and that will pretty much be that, at least for some years. They don't even do a very good job respecting the theming at their flagship park, so I doubt we'll see much improvement at KI. And their track record at Geauga Lake suggest a, how should we describe it, a minimalist perspective. Don't get me wrong, I'm really not 'dissing' CF. I'm merely recognizing their strengths and weaknesses for what they are. Now for what I would do? Hmmm. Well, that would be pretty crazy, as I have a heck of an imagination. But what do I think CF will do? That's an easier prognostication. 2007: phase one Paramount theming removal. Installation of X-, ahem, Firehawk. Improvements at future FOF midway, including new restrooms, concession stand, game stalls. SOB up and at 'em. 2008: phase two Paramount theming removal. Install 1 or 2 flat rides in Rivertown. Retheme TRTR with a Rivertown-appropriate connection. Maybe call it Riverghost, or some such. 2009: addition of new kids area, adjacent to new FOF midway past Racer. Possibly Peanuts themed, if they keep the licensing. Perhaps anchor with a spinning mouse. 2010: new B&M inverted, or Intamin hyper, beyond Vortex. Will definitely be launched. How about a bigger version of Maverick? 2011: significant revamping of Action Zone. Retire Face/Off (maybe sent to MiA). Design better layout of area, including landscaping, pedestrian walkways. Introduce a new flat in Face/Off's space. 2012: new GCII wooden coaster, between Hannah-Barbera Land (excuse me, Nickolodeon Whatever) and Boomerang Bay. I'm guessing KI will get put on a schedule of a new attraction three out of every four years, with a major coaster going in every two to four years. It probably won't be as much as we enthusiasts would like to see, but the huge building boom of the 1990s is over. Amusement parks are a mature industry, and rides will be distributed to parks with an eye on holding onto existing attendance figures.
  8. I'll bet a quarter that CF puts in an Intamin hyper within the next four years. I don't often engage in hyperbole, so listen well. With Cedar Fair's dedication to ride quality, the engineering talent at Intamin, and King's Island's amazing terrain, we're talking a coaster that could be one of -- if not the -- most amazing ride experience on the planet.
  9. First off, Cedar Point has plenty of room left with which to build new attrractions for years to come. Secondly, I'm at least mildly reassured by Falfas's statements about the Geauga Lake's future. Just knowing they have future attractions planned is encouraging. Also, that bit about the aesthetics of the park entrance does not suggest to me that they are planning on selling it for condos, as one poster mentioned about four pages back. No, it tells me that they actually intend to do something with it, and that is good news indeed. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if one more GL coaster ends up moving. We may see more shrinkage before new growth begins again. The whole park is being reprofiled away from the SF monster thrill ride incarnation it failed at, and toward a family park with accent on the park experience and atmosphere. Think Waldameer south. But if another GL coaster does end up being moved, I wouldn't expect that to happen before at least after next season. Doing this any faster than they're already doing would be risking park suicide. Put this in your pipe and smoke it: what do X-Flight, Steel Venom, the monorail, Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall and the paddlewheel boats have in common? They're all rides that were costly either to operate or maintain. Perhaps in a year or two we'll see the Happy Harbor rides move over into the newly vacated area, perhaps eventually with a spinning mouse as an anchor attraction. That would probably look less intimidating to families driving down Route 43. The more I think about it, the fact they haven't bulldozed the old waterpark encourages me. CF is not in the habit of leaving eyesores like that lying about. They're very conscious of their park image, much more so than Six Flags was in its later management. So to me, this says they're merely waiting until their park plan dictates putting in more attractions in that area. The tear-down will be one and the same as the future buildup. That could save a nice little wad on demolition costs. I seldom rode X-Flight, as I found it physically uncomfortable and more showy than substantial, so I won't miss it all that much. (Although I do have to say I always liked hearing the chain lift heading into the park.) Steel Venom, I will miss, but in recent years its operation has been spotty at best, so it won't be that much of a loss personally. Dominator is still a terrific ride, and Raging Wolf Bobs too since the rehab was finished. If Villain is a little bit smoother from its off-season work, that could very easily become a coaster I ride often. And don't forget Big Dipper -- Ohio's oldest wooden coaster, and an airtime monster! So Geauga Lake still has plenty to do, and it's with an encouraged heart and bated breath for what will come that I'll go back this summer.
  10. My first major coaster was Racer, back in 1975 when it was the queen of the park and both sides ran forwards. Every fuse in my brain popped. I've never been the same.
  11. Kings Island will not be getting Steel Venom. Don't be greedy, people. If KI gets SV, I will personally eat my SFWoA paint shirt.
  12. I think there are some bruised feelings among enthusiasts whose 'home' park is GL. Can't say as I blame them, considering the park seems to be shrinking yearly and may actually be in danger of turning into a waterpark-only-operation sometime in the future. I would number myself among them, since I do live closest to GL. Personally, I love all amusement parks. Kings Island, Cedar Point, Kennywood, all of 'em. Any place I can grab a coaster or enjoy a classic flat is my home. Truth be told, X-Flight is probably not as great as its most ardent admirers claim, and not nearly as bad as its detractors would have you believe. It's an okay ride, used or not, and it will fit in nicely with KI's lineup of coasters. Moving X-Flight was a pragmatic, and logical, decision for Cedar Fair. On the one hand, they inherited in mid-season a huge, popular park that hadn't seen a new ride in a couple years. It was too late to think about contracting for a new attraction to be built over the off-season, and especially given the flak they knew they would end up receiving among local fans for delooping SOB, they needed to get something in there fast. On the other hand, they had a huge park with dropping revenues that they obviously needed to shrink. So.... The nice thing about this move is that it gives CF some breathing room to figure out what to do next with KI. They can see how Renegade shakes out at Valleyfair, and then maybe consider putting in a new woodie in 2009 or 2010. I sometimes say deprecating things about Cedar Fair, mostly because they do such a good job that they start getting a little bit too much unleavened praise, when in reality they aren't perfect and they do make their share of mistakes. But rest assured, they will do well by KI.
  13. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing webekingsislandandstuff.com is still available.
  14. The ride itself is very smooth. I find the harnesses uncomfortable, probably because I have some (but not a ridiculous amount of) extra gut. The experience of the ride is not what I would call overwhelming. It never really feels like it builds up much speed. From a Cedar Point perspective, I would characterize it as the elements of Raptor but at Iron Dragon speed. (I almost used Top Gun, but I think TG actually may go a little faster than X-Flight). Begrudgingly, I admit there are some brief 'flying' sensations. I say begrudgingly, because the rest of the ride really doesn't feel like it's worth it. Caveat: I really don't like flyers that much. Others I'm sure will have a much more favorable opinion than me.
  15. I predict they'll name it Thunder Force. Or maybe Steel Hawk.
  16. That's a little bit of an exaggeration. I would say Gemini has both sides open about 60% of the time. A lot of weekdays (especially in May/June and the last two weeks of August), they'll only run one side.
  17. What strikes me is the fact that no clue about the new name has leaked out or been deciphered by the coaster enthusiast community. Contrast that to Maverick, which was fairly figured out before principal construction had even begun. Apparently, Cedar Fair has wised up.
  18. ^^ I suspect that had Cedar Fair known that the Paramount chain would be up for sale in 2006, they wouldn't have bought Geauga Lake in 2004. At the time it was an apparent once-in-a-lifetime chance to snarf up an annoying but persistent competitor in their flagship's market. With ownership of KI now accomplished, GL becomes almost superfluous.
  19. Nope, not at all. Sorry, I really wasn't trying to be nasty. It's just that, out of the 133 coasters I've been on so far (yes, I'm a credit hound, I admit it!) X-Flight wouldn't even make my top 100. Then again, I don't particularly care for flyers at all, mostly because of my uber-American gut. But, hey, if you like it that much, 2007 ought to be a pretty good year for you!
  20. X-Flight, hands down the best coaster I've been on yet. Millenium Force, Magnum, and TTD are all great rides along with the classics at KI like The Beast and King Cobra and you cant beat coasters like TG:TJC at Carowinds, but that feeling of flying is unlike anything in the world. X flight is great.....the park its at...well that place could use some work.....heres to X flight coming to KI and GL getting better and not becoming a housing development. You're kidding, right? I mean, I know I'm an utter nubie and you're like a quadruple niobium been-there-since-the-beginning-of-the-web demi-god, but X-Flight? Seriously? Guess there's no accounting for taste. I always have a tough time ranking my favorite coasters. I find I have to separate them into categories, like "favorite classic woodie", "favorite inverted", etc. They're just so different, it's like trying to compare apples and cucumbers. But if you held a gun to my head and forced me, I'd have to say...Phantom's Revenge. That second drop down into the ravine is just incredible. On the other hand, I love love love a good twisting woodie like Lightning Racer or Silver Comet. My favorite used to be Beast, until they put the trim brake on the first drop. That reduces the fun factor by at least 40%, in my book. It's so hard to rank these rides because we love them for different reasons. Top Gun and Iron Dragon are both suspendeds, but I love them both. TG is an exhilarating, terrain-hugging experience, and ID is more of a gentle, charming, forest ride. Ask me on a different day, and I'm sure I'd give you a completely different answer to that question.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened this year. CP has always opened its season pass processing center two or three weeks before the start of the season. Same with Geauga Lake, the last two years under CF ownership.
  22. But you also have to consider the state the park was in at the time of aquisition. There is a night & day difference between how Geauga was pre- Cedar Fair, and how KI was last year. There is always room for improvement at any park, but the condition that SF sold Geauga to CF was terrible. Not just the park, but the public's opinion of the park as well. Chances are, 50% of the people that live in a hundred mile radius of Geauga don't even know that SF sold it to CF. Comparing the state of the park(s) between Geauga & KI at the time of the aquisition is like comparing apples and oranges. Yes, that's true -- and I was being a bit flippant. But it's also true that immediately following the Cedar Fair acquisition of GL, everybody was making statements about how CF was going to turn around the park, and just wait a couple years, and what a difference it's going to make. Well, two going on three years have passed since the buyout, and GL has a fancy new waterpark, but it still lacks a significant intra-park transportation system, several major rides have been ripped out, the old waterpark sits festering, a large part of the rides side has been turned into a 'dead zone', major infrastructure needs are still being unmet, no new major dry attractions have been planned or installed, and attendance is apparently still falling or flat at best. To me, that sort of sounds like the opposite of 'progress'. Hmmm...'regress'. That's how I would describe the situation at GL. KI is most certainly in much better shape, but there are still a number of paramount concerns (pun intended) that rival in scope issues at GL that Cedar Fair has failed to succeed in solving. So when I hear someone say, "Oh, just wait, Cedar Fair is a real amusement park chain, they'll take care of everything," I bite my tongue and follow it up with a grain of salt chaser.
  23. Funny, that's what people have been saying about Geauga Lake the last two or three years. I'm still waiting.
  24. ^^ Aurora would be a good name, since that's where it's coming from, though I guess that was Railrider's reason for including it. Whatever it will be named, I'm sure it will be well thought out and fitting. Just be glad the amusement park industry hasn't sunk to the level of professional sports. Or else we might be talking about the Skyline Chili Flyer.
  25. Since they're shipping it across state, they should call the 'new' attraction Fed-X. Please god, let it not be 'Thunderhawk'. Ohio only has room for one.
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