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Everything posted by kiruler102

  1. i went on a sunday in July in 03. i rode all of the roller coasters then. i think they had 15 or 14 and we were there from opening to 9. Havent been back since
  2. i want a Dark Mouse spinning ride to take the place of the Kiddie Ferris Wheel
  3. when i went to CP in 03 we ate at a buffet by raptor, i dont kow if they have it there still or not. but it was good, but wasnt good for the body.
  4. future home for the Mutant Bat" u go inside and The Bat roars. you go through the building and sit in the seat for 5 minutes like a magic carpet ride thing. Did they change the ride since last week? i remember flipping like 15 times!! forceful, DUll, but kindve fun. But my face started to hurt afterwards.
  5. i was going to go with my school but after some conflicts i couldnt.
  6. i was on that 22 ppl train but i think i was in the back lol so you didnt see me
  7. Good PTR report Touchdown. i really liked your panoramic view shot. Great job!!!
  8. i went canoeing on the brookville lake this weekend since Whitewater River was too deep. it was fun, water cold, and got rained on while in my kayak.
  9. aww. your daughters crying and your not even looking. JK great PTR hope to see you again.
  10. It sounds like you had a GREAT time. But surprised you didnt stay for today as well lol.
  11. my friend is at Kings Island right now. And he was wondering wat ride to start with i told him to ride racer then Adventure Express then to flight deck wat do you guys think?
  12. cant wait til NEXT year when i can finally go up there.
  13. If Son of Beast ever burned down, i'd cry. I really would, I love that ride. As someone said over the weekend (I really want to say it was Angie, although I have a little voice in the back of my head telling me i'm wrong) I enjoy coasters. I don't enjoy a coaster where I have to ride in a certain seat or i'd have to call a chiropractor. That wasnt angie, but she did say " let me have a couple more beers before i go on that thing"
  14. he just wants you to think he took that at the park, but he really took it at his house before he lefted!!!
  15. last time i checked on saturday it was running and nobody was falling out
  16. we shouldve took some crazy pics but OHWELL i just noticed how much Rachel looks like daphnie from a far. !!!! ZOMG ROFL
  17. i just sent him my name and my picture and today i got a email from don saying he got it, and good luck
  18. you came up to me and showed me where i was sitting. i am wearing the D.A.R.E shirt. we hung out and rode racer that day lol but ok!
  19. hey that was me in the back seat with pkirulersdad102!!! why didnt we get a shout out!
  20. i kept a note on my phone of what i rode just ask anybody in my group. lol Diamondback-5 crypt-1 beast-3 BLSC-5 Vortex-2 Racer-1 Drop Tower-1
  21. ya something fudged up in my phone and didnt take it. but jesse showed me his from his cam so its there somewhere
  22. i dont know ry. ya the winds were intense no wonder why i have wind burn LOL
  23. awesome so far. dont forget to add the pic of angie on DB
  24. for like 15 minutes yesterday, they were running the trains but no people. i thought someone threw up, but when i saw all of them run i wasnt for sure. And is it just me or is the right scoop on red train for Db off. i rode it and stook my hand back and didnt get a drip of water on me.
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