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Everything posted by kiruler102

  1. i like them all but Tombstone notworthmytime terrortory
  2. if you have AAA they usually sell discount tickets but i dont know for how much
  3. I will tell ya when i get it
  4. while at KI yesterday i ended up avoiding the phtographers, but as i headed back to FOF and FH they were taking pictures facing racer!? This is new, i guess they found out about our thread and are now heading to different places for photos
  5. We were in Negril, Jamaica which is a 3 hr drive thorugh the mountains to get to Kingston. We learned about there culture, by being invited by peace core volunteers who live in a house with a jamiacan man and a dog. We were taught how to prepare and make jamaican style foods.
  6. Will People please comment on my Trip Report please. LOL
  7. i got an email shortly after filling out paperwork that said. Thank you for your interest! You will be contacted by one of our head hunters very soon. Make sure to stop by one of our in-the-flesh interview days: Saturdays: Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and September 5 Sundays: Aug 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and September 6 Noon until 5pm each day If you have additional questions, please call our Head Hunters at 513-754-5748. So i guess that means i have a intervie. or should i still wait for a phone call even though it says to stop by on the interview days? Pkiruler who is confused.
  8. [/img] Some of the Nicer hotel rooms on the beach. [/img] Sunset Picture [/img] The sponser of the school we taught at is the GM at beaches and treated us to FREE food and a FREE dance party. [/img] Sesame Street Parade [/img] Us shoving our faces with food. [/img] i got jealous when we walked in there and saw a waterfall pool, a waterpark,and a pool bar. [/img] [/img] Our awesome Waitress Novia. She was so funny. it makes me sad on how happy they all are working when they only make about 3 dollars a day. we gave her a 800 dollar tip even though she cant take tips. [/img] [/img] [/img] this sign made me LAUGH [/img] YS falls [/img] [/img] [/img] Me hanging on the rope. About to encounter a 25 ft drop into 50 degree water. [/img] the bathroom sign [/img] [/img] Snorkeling [/img] FISHIES [/img] Thanks for reading, Any feedback would be great. this is my First actually Good Trip Report. THANKS!!!!
  9. I wrote this at 1:30 in the morning. Give me a break. lol Due to the many more pictures i have i wont be uploading them to the PTR until i get back from my camping trip and KI trip this weekend. Thanks
  10. i am a bigger person and can barely get 3 clicks. but to me it doesnt matter where i sit, i just sit down and slam the restraint onto me and to hopefully get all 3 clicks in.
  11. More Pictures [/img] Black River Swamp tour [/img] CROCK!!! [/img] [/img] Group Pic of everyone in Gator infested water. (i took pictures) [/img] Ricks Cafe [/img] Friend jumping off a 40ft cliff [/img] There Plague on the wall [/img] [/img] a little store or shack [/img] a Picture of the very erie looking sky More Pictures soon
  12. Like everybody should know, in june i went to Jamaica on a mission trip with my school. I had a Wonderful time meeting the different people there, and trying new things (like the food NOTHING ELSE!) It was a good experience learning about culture and there ways of living. I was there for 10 days. While there for ten days we taught in a school, and donated school supplies, and books to the library. While we were not teaching we went to YS falls, jumped off 25 ft cliff there. Snorkeled in there reef, and saw some beautiful creatures. We went to the world famous Ricks Cafe where some brave classmates Jumped off the 40 ft cliff. I took Pictures We also went to the Black river safari where we learned about the rivers main sources and there main species of animal. The CROCODILE!!! some brave classmates and teachers jumped from a tree into the river and shortly after noticed that a croc was 10 ft away. Me describing this wonderful place doesnt do any good so bear with me while i try and upload the pictures. I will not upload them all but fell free to look on photobucket for the rest of them. Not in any particular order. [/img] YS falls the bottom half of the 5 section falls [/img] the pool and the ocean view [/img] the cliffs outside our hotel [/img] there poor playground only consisted of swings, a slide and a monkey bar thing. [/img] [/img] some of the kids at the school. the ages consisted of 3 yr olds to 5 yr old. i worked with the 3yr olds. [/img] me teaching [/img] Her name is Tunisla [/img] and Christopher More pictures of YS falls/ Black River Swamp/ and snorkeling.
  13. Down the road there was a Carnival that i have attended each year, and i thought that they did a really good job on it!. But this year was a little different. The Parking lot was only half filled with stuff instead of Filled and they only had 3 BIG rides to ride. I bought a ride wrist band for 12 dollars. That couldve bought gas to go to KI!!! Well here are some pictures i took of the rides. [/img] This is the Rock-O-Planes [/img] The HeartFlip which is like the Twister ride at Krazy City but a 2 person seater in the shape of a HEART!!! [/img] The FUN slide!!!! YAY [/img] Berries and Apples Traditional Spinner [/img] I dont know the name of this but it is GIANT scupltures of Santa Claus and Clowns! [/img] Then me riding WayOut (swings) Thanks for reading my waste of 12 dollars! My ride count: Wayout-5 Rock o plane-1 Heart Flip 1 Waste of time= COMPLETLY!!!
  14. i filled out the contact list thing on the website so hopefully i get the job as well.
  15. I am just filling out the information but it asks for choices for the haunt. What are all of the Choices? Scareactor, Roamer .....? anything else?
  16. I know this ride isnt much fun, but while i ride it and while waiting in line i really enjoy the music. so i was wondering if anybody knew where i could get this music. I like listening to the Music to rides at home and to try and compare if i hear them during the ride. Thanks, Dustin
  17. a 45 Minute drive, but i dont drive and have to work tonight
  18. had to go with beast, racer and firewood since i havent been to HW yet!
  19. i would say Diamonback would be good, Not in back seat but its an easy ride to get in and out of. i would also say maybe Crypt, Drop Tower, or Delirium, or Invertigo. try to avoid like The Beast or ETC. But try and have fun!
  20. My dad told me not to even bother with them, they are just tryin to sell your junk t shirts. i mean shirts that dont sell thats why there only 100 nickels!!!
  21. yay darlene, looks like i am going to KI later but looks like i wont be riding DB today.
  22. talk about large crowds look at the DB webcam its only 10:48 and both queue are filled and line out on midway area!!! cant believe i am going up there today
  23. i am with you kyle. I like the ride enough to ride maybe twice a year. But i dont hate it. Lol
  24. they dont fit the track Perfectly! they wernt designed to fit that type of coasters track. they are meant to be ran on a smaller track. 1000th post
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