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Everything posted by kiruler102

  1. If you were to do that i would go ride The Beast first then go ride Diamondback. I know the line will be longer than it would if you went there first, but the line for The Beast will be long as well. ( hopefully)
  2. The closer we get to opening day the more likely we are to see more and more people out by it. you will probably see the most people in a while on the 18th, but thats just my guess.
  3. Well if i could actually go i would only ride it once. I would wait until the next time i visit to ride it again, but that is what i would do.
  4. People get older and so do their memories...... My mom forgot when my birthday was, i simply said was the day you gave birth to me. She looked at me and walked away....
  5. Hey plain white t's is a good band.... OH wait ok i get it now. !!!
  6. ya i even have a countdown on when my birthday is, and how many days is lefted lol, its like i am going to forget when my birthday is.
  7. it depends. get there early, if you have a Gold pass use the ERT given. Ride it maybe twice or how many ETC. Leave for work. ITS SIMPLE!!!
  8. i have a friendly reminder countdown on my computer that helps me remember the days and how many is left.
  9. i am upset i wont be there for opening day. But if anybody wants to meet up sometime let me know. ( depends on my work schedule)
  10. i know for sure that i am going to use the test seat before i make it up there and have to do the WOS.
  11. i think it would be cool if they could put the claw marks back on the front car. that looks pretty cool.
  12. NO Boddah beat you to it but good find, and thanks for posting it again.
  13. the news should look for spelling errors or grammar correction, or word use before airing these articles and suchon the air.
  14. i only heard that it will open in the spring. You may wanna contact the park before you leave for your trip and see if it is open, or when it will open. And what is Potterland?
  15. Your right this coaster does look like alot of fun, and may have me going down there next summer when i have my license.
  16. Plus if you go on may 1st you can meet up with gatorhead and others since he is planning a trip that same day... Click on his forum, Unofficial KIC road trip. Sorry i do not have the link for it.
  17. Tya i know in the last 3 hrs the commercial was on like twice. IN BOLD LETTERING!!! PARK CLOSED APRIL 19TH so nobody show up on the 19th that isnt apart of the event and expect to get in LOL
  18. so why was The Beast canyon built. I thought it was too sell drinks..
  19. Great trip report, Nice shot of the older lady, she looks so photographic.
  20. SO you did go out and buy one. Do they still sell the 8gb i only see the 16 and 32 gb. I am thinking of getting a new ipod shuffle there cool looking even though i already have a P2
  21. i like the ideas of the park bringing in all these items to advertise the Diamondback, but i think since they just spent 22 million i think on Diamondback. that they wouldnt be spending money if they didnt need too, but knowig CF and KI they got some type of deals with the decals on the Tank busses i mean Metros ( sorry i am a kentuckian and used of TANKS) but thats my opinions of the spending of money that doesnt need to be spent.
  22. Hey it looks like my neighborhood. LOL!!! I am not used of seeing banners in parks, but great touch. The Beast sign looks neat, cant wait to look at the entrance area.
  23. Thanks Coaster and Unreal for the post, but Coaster got my attention first, LOL sorry Sk8tr.
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