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Rivertown Lumberjack

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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. Yea, I'm sorry. But employees being injured is just as bad as guests getting injured. Its not like the workers aren't people too.
  2. Although I have never been on that ride, it looks like the ride from Beverly Hills Cop 3. Where terrorists plan to blow it up or something stupid like that.
  3. I've seen them on the past couple years I've gone. I have a feeling that those DJs are probably last on their list of places to staff though. That might explain why they are never there, who knows. I did always enjoy those DJs though because it really did make the atmosphere while waiting in line a lot more enjoyable. I'd take the Djs over Q-tv any day provided the Djs were always staffed.
  4. I am extremely relieved to heave that Cory, thank you. I am happy knowing there hopefully won't be any split shifts.
  5. I wouldn't mind chilling at the park every now and then. But if no one else is sharing the same shift with you and you are all by yourself for 5 hours riding the same rides over and over again it kind get a tad boring. I like most of our rides but can only stand them for so long since I've been on them so many times. I'm just worried that Cedar Fair is going to be a stickler about letting split shifts work an all day because it'll just be more money Cedar Fair has to pay when you probably aren't needed at the park at those times.
  6. Cory, just so you know having an 18 year old on a ride helps out the ride a lot. Not only because of the breaks thing(meaning, Sups don't have to worry about putting you on a break at a certain time whereas they have to worry about minors or they will minor violate, aka. Go 5 hours without a break which is no good). You can be trained to operate the ride, thats an everybody thing(not just supervisors), provided you do a good job and the sups trust you. And if you are 18, signed off to run the ride, and trustworthy, you could possibly be left in charge so your sup doesn't have to be on the ride at all times(like if they need a break or something.)Just so you know!
  7. I think I miss Eagles and Antique Cars the most. I miss the Eagles just because it was fun to snap and see the guests reactions to it like the ride was about to blow up or something. And the Antique Car area was the most beautiful section of our park and IJST is of course a giant eye sore. I know that has been discussed millions of times before, so sorry for that. But hey! Carowinds is only 8 1/2 hours away or so!
  8. What is going to really suck for employees is the ones who live 30+ minutes away and they have to work a split ****. I'd be mad if I had to drive to the park in the morning, get off at 1 and drive back home. Then head back down at 6 and head home that night. That is 2+ hours of driving a day and with gas prices like they are, that is just no good.
  9. Haha, agreed. Who knows, with the modifications they are doing for SOB now it could in the end be pleasurable. I wouldn't bet any money on it, but anything is possible.
  10. Although at first they might have been used for advertisement, I watch them now and see them being used mostly for entertainment. However they do plug in some type of advertisement here and there. But the possibilities for things they could show are just amazing to think about. Look how popular The Beast video was for the most part. Coaster enthusiasts and non-regulars to the park enjoyed watching it. Obviously you can't have that type of video for every ride(face-off, drop-zone, etc.), but for rides that have a little bit of history behind them like Racer, Vortex, even Son of Beast. Just having a little video that had facts about the ride and a little history behind it would be cool to watch.
  11. One thing that has happened to me before(also the reason why I will never go up to The Beast station at night again without someone with me). First off, The Beast station is one of the creepiest places in the entire park when there are no lights on up there. The TV in front of the drive box can't be turned off so the tv emits an eerie light which just adds to it. I was walking out of the closet and heading towards the back of the station and I heard a really loud banging sound down at side track where the trains are parked at night. Normally this wouldn't bother me because it could've been maintenance working on the trains. But there were no lights on down at side track and no maintenance trucks at side track. Meaning no one was down there. But the loud bangs happened a couple of times. While I was walking towards the emergency exit it happened a couple more times. I know it wasn't anybody playing a prank because it isn't easy to get to side track unless you come through the station which I would've seen. So who knows, I wouldn't doubt it if that KI is haunted.
  12. Hey everyone first reply, but... I think most of the Qtv vidoes are cool maybe the first 1 or 2 times. But after that they get really old and just aren't fun to watch and can make a long wait intolerable. I think it would be cool if each line had its own unique video with different facts about the ride. Just a thought.
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