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Ki Man

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Posts posted by Ki Man

  1. Could the paint job happen? Of course it could...do I look for it to happen this year, no.

    As for that Facebook page...it's hilarious. I believe it's ran by some kid in their mid-teens. They've posted numerous things as fact without sources or it's completely off the wall and has been proven to be something entirely different. I along with a few other friends have corrected them numerous times and they don't seem to get it...they need to have a source and/or post legit stuff that's been posted by the parks.

    I've gotten the same impression about the poster lol. That's why I usually don't take anything they post too seriously. This person INSISTED all the seasonal parks closed on Halloween last year and every year, and continued to argue even after I and many others posted sources to prove they were wrong lol. They claimed that they stay on top of CF happenings and have reliable sources.

    Then don't do them the justice of spreading their rumors because that's just bringing this place down to their low level. Silly kitty Kat.

    With the multi colored Drop Tower, Bat being possibly orange and black, Face/Off being blue, and Banshee being the "Mystic Red and purple" I could see a darker red and black. Who knows.

    • Like 2
  2. Madam Fatale's was great tonight. Sucked every other time. But was great tonight. Still missed a few spots that got me before...it has great potential. Slaughterhouse was blah, so was Cornstalkers.

    Board 2 Death had their lighting fixed this week which was an improvement. BUT ONCE AGAIN in multiple rooms the F^cking actors were talking to each other, not paying attention! For real?!!? Get your sh^t together. I've worked in the mazes, you can talk to your friends when there are breaks, or spaces between groups. But this has happened every time I've gone through this maze. Disappoint.

    Sucky Saturdays - they just stream people in the maze constantly.

    Slaughterhouse has been the worst offender. It's so awkward and terrible just standing still in the rooms waiting for the line to move while the scare actors just kinda look around.

    • Like 1
  3. Didn't you think the first half of Board 2 Death was too dark? It was Saturday night and I didn't think it was like that the first time I went a week before. You really missed most of the theming. Especially in the mouse trap room.

    And disappointing Slaughterhouse's finale with the inflatables wasn't pitch black like I remembered - and there was never an actor in the middle like they used to do! That was the best finale. I really miss Massacre Manor. It had that pitch black room - I feel like we're missing an "Abyss" or "Blackout" maze where they just utilize the darkness.

    • Like 1
  4. Here's some more pictures from last night. No new track work, but lots of supports are going up for the loop and the immelman. We rode Diamondback twice (full queue is 1 hour 10 minutes with a crew that was constantly stacking) For the record, the main queue house full only takes 25 minutes to go through. We rode Top Gun, Racer, Adventure Express, WindSeeker.

    We also did Backwoods Bayou, Cornstalkers (worst maze/actors), Board to Death (What's up with the lighting in the first half? It was so dark you couldn't see jack sh!t.), Slaughterhouse, and Wolfpack just for giggles. Seriously, Wolfpack is one of the worst haunt layouts ever. It's so bad it's hilarious.
    Holiday Horror was the best. We did it around Midnight, no one was in line. It has the best animatronics and the actors were great! Thanks for providing an awesome Haunt!








    This Holiday Horror actor is awesome


    Train ride.


    Weeeee yay Diamondback.


    What the f*ck is this.


    Viking FURY! With light swords!



    Love this picture, Drop Zone going up, people walking through. Bulb setting.

    • Like 9
  5. If there is a new "spooky" theme for AZ, what would we call Drop Tower? Delirium? Invertigo?

    Or would we just put Banshee and Flight Deck/The Bat into a new sub section named Spooky Hollow?

    Lots of questions to be answered.

    Anything would be better than Invertigo, Drop Tower, and Flight Deck. Those are the most awful ride names that require no thought at all. They're sticker names that for some reason got tattooed.

    • Like 6
  6. So you don't think the monsters change their acts when kiddies are present?

    They do.

    They HAVE to.

    Yup. We had to. When I saw a terrified child being held by the parent going through the maze I was sure to speak my mind and tell them in character that the young ones aren't supposed to be here.

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