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Ki Man

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Posts posted by Ki Man

  1. Cheers mate. After Riding Raging Bull I need to get back up to Kings Island to get on Diamondback. I swear, I enjoy Diamondback, Raging Bull, and Goliath all about the same. Raging Bull's station has a clock in the station to show how good (or usually bad) the crew is doing with the operations haha. They weren't too bad, I waited 45 and 30 minutes for it.

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  2. Let's be honest here. Kings Island is very consistent with running three trains and/or the most trains possible, as quickly as possible. Unlike 90% of the Six Flags parks or other Cedar Fair parks I've been to. We're pretty lucky that the ride ops take pride in working on the rides. This thread has turned into a b!tchfest. Of course stacking happens, sometimes people take a long time to put things into bins; people try kicking off their flip flops, there's a large guest on the ride that has trouble getting in; they're not ontop of their game all the time. But Diamondback is the gem of the park, along with Beast and there's a manager there pretty often - the crew isn't as badass as the 2009 crew, but it's aight :)

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  3. I just got back from Six Flags Great America, experiencing their season of backwards - Batman and Viper; can you imagine if Kings Island decided to turn The Beast backwards? People would be lined up for miles. That would be so much fun!

    X Flight was fun, just as much fun as Wild Eagle; neither are a top 10 or top 20 in my book, but they're a not of fun, unique rides that are a must visit in the park. I really wouldn't mind Kings Island adding a wing rider; although I'd rather see something else.



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  4. I liked BORG Assimilator way better than Firehawk, but that was one ride in 2004. Superman was pretty fun. Either way both were pretty dull after the first ride to me. Firehawk is a piece of sh*t. It hurts your body and causes a headache to wait in line to ride. And makes your pay extra to pay.

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  5. Guess how many test runs Firehawk was able to get in before it opened. It was like, 60. Also, it broke down before both employee parties in 2009. I don't want a roller coaster with a computer in the back of each seat. It's a maintenance nightmare.

    Here's YoungStud again with his prime opinions superior to anyone elses.

    • Like 2
  6. Every intamin I have been on has blown away other manufactures. I find it very hard to understand how indy guy has not been impressed with the intamins he has been on unless he has only been on a inverted shuttle coaster, and those are verry thrilling as well! I think he's trolling.

    Roller coasters don't have a 100% guarantee that they will thrill everyone, and he didn't wasn't impressed by the Intamin rides he's been on. It probably means he's been on a lot of coasters.

    Personally though, if you've been to Cedar Point, you've been on Maverick and that Stengel Dive will change your opinion.

    We get it YoungStud. You love Intamin. You're just repeating yourself and it's getting really annoying now. Sorry we don't all wet our pants over Intamin like you do. I personally have a diverse palate and love GCI, GG, and Mack, Intamin, and B&M.

    My favorite ride is Scooby Doo's Spooky Coaster in Australia. Give me a long ride duration and theming.

    • Like 7
  7. I am on everyday reviewing the "reported post" section. Do you not see my replies or when I mark the as "Under Review"?

    As for new users being trolls, I installed a ban button that shows up right on everyones posts. All because I don't put online that I have banned XYZ, YZX, and ZYX today doesn't mean its not happening.

    I also do go through they IP addresses and ban those as well.

    As for your concerns "KI Man" I go through the posts of people you report and when you read those, none of which seems like "trolling" just replies that disagree with yours.

    Yeah I meant to just report to user on some, not actually report the post that I flagged. Someone said you could go to the profile and report the user. Sorry. Thanks for letting me know though.

  8. Yeah the oppression of the opinions is an important thing to get out of the way but, more importantly I'm asking if the moderators are actually checking to see if the IP addresses match. With the influx of new members it's really easy for people to make a new account and star hazing and trolling.

    YoungStud, trolls don't have actual opinions on rollercoasters, they're here to p!ss people off and be @sshats. They're not real people.

    • Like 2
  9. So we've all noticed many new members and lots of trolls. Are there any moderators to clean up this site or check IP addresses?

    Or are they actual different users/people. Or is there no way to prove it? Because these people are really degrading this site and making it pretty much impossible to actually discuss a topic. I'm sure there are many more who agree with me here.

    I've flagged a few posts and haven't gotten any response back. Personally I've been blasted for a having an opinion and fanboys can't take their coaster being criticized. So they redirect their anger at the user, which is absolutely ridiculous. Can we see some action taken?

    This site has KI days involved with the park and I'm sure the park looks at this site every once and a while, it probably doesn't look good when there are posts like Big Sexy trash talking GM's and PR's of Kings Island.

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  10. I doubt he knows anything, he's uploading things on Youtube, and look at the titles of his videos.

    He's begging people to subscribe to his videos like a 14 year old. Like this one. "Ride broke down in storm then they had to get people off ride. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE" Also his videos are shot in a terrible quality and out of focus. There's no way he has any insight. Just saying. It's probably Big Sexy 3.0.

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  11. It will not be a woodie. If park and Cedar Fair officials know what's good for them, they will avoid anything that the public could possibly confuse with Son of Beast in that area for a LONG time due to SOB's bad reputation. I would guess that they won't even consider the possibility of putting a woodie anywhere in Action Zone until at least 2030.

    Son of Beast wasn't that bad...

    I've been riding rides from Egypt to Australia. And in my opinion. It was the worst. Right there with Hurler at Carowinds. A wooden coaster with Premier restraints? That was the worst. It was slightly not as sh*tty with the Twisted Twins trains, but still the worst I've been on haha.

  12. I'd love for a Gravity Group, GCI, or Rocky Mountain coaster to be put in. Hell just as much as a B&M Invert. But of course who wouldn't want an Intamin Giga? There are only two in the world. And let's be real here, sure Intimidator 305 had some issues but they did do the re-profiling in the off season. I don't really hear about many problems with Millennium Force. I305's issues stem around the huge drop into the 5G turn around, which causes stress on the riders and the wheel assembly/trains.

    Nothing can compare the "cost to maintain" like SOB. Both financially and PR wise.

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  13. Youngun: The back is faster!

    Terp: Then why doesn't it beat the front back?

    Youngun: (Confused look, saunters off quietly).

    Terp: Tee Hee.

    Did this actually happen? I hope so. Hahaha.

    It all comes down to personal preference. I like Diamondback, Maverick, Beast in the front - for different reasons. Diamondback has stronger airtime in the front, The Beast is a front seat ride, and in my opinion so is Maverick. Different seats create different experiences. Ever been on the front seat (No, not row 2) of Millennium Force or Top Thrill Dragster? Uhm, yeah. The views.

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  14. Also, take into account that the guests take their sweet time getting on and off the coaster. And sometimes like to try and hang out in the station, for god knows what reason. There are times we have to "fit" guests into the restraints, and they don't fit, then we have to kindly tell them they don't fit, then get them off the ride. Things happen. Sorry the line was long buddy. It's a summer night. Did you see that Kings Island is the 15th most popular park in the United States, right up there with Cedar Point? Be happy you don't have to wait 45-90 minutes every time you visit the park.

    Get a Fast Lane pass if you're that upset, because complaining on KIC won't do you much good :)

    Oh yeah, getting rid of the free bins is a great idea. They're slowing things down for suuuure. Since 2009 they've been handicapping Diamondback to about 1280 per hour ;)

    By the way spelling and grammar helps us take your more seriously and look less like Big Sexy 2.0.

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