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Ki Man

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Posts posted by Ki Man

  1. What's so difficult to understand. Older b&m's are smooth, new b&m's jackhammer. Its either the design or the steel fabrication.

    Can you be a little more specific? Which B&M coasters that you have experienced? I think it's because of the wheel assembly; the newer B&M's have stronger airtime, the wheels leave the track a little bit more. They bounce slightly. Jackhammering is an overstatement. But hey, Big Sexy over exaggerates on 80% of his posts. Goliath and Raging Bull are smooth. I always ride Diamondback in row 1,2, or 4 because they're my favorites so as far as I'm concerned it's the smoothest ride on the planet You can't convince me otherwise. Just how Thunderhead, Raven, and Voyage all 'blow' ;)

    • Like 2
  2. You didn't have any problems with the restraints? Then again I don't know what you body type is. Based on the reviews from people I know the thinner (like myself) people have had problems with the restraints, mainly it grabbing at my shoulders and proceeding to make it difficult to breathe air into my lungs. Wild Eagle is short, so it didn't take away everything from my experience so that makes me nervous about Gatekeeper.

  3. It shuffles a bit, yeah. Rough is an outlandish statement. But it's more 'rough' than Goliath (SFOG) and Raging Bull, but honestly I like them all about the same. They all bring something different to the table - Goliath has doesn't have a MCBR so it doesn't give you a chance to breathe, great floater air and a strong helix. Raging Bull has a couple strong drops and a unique compact layout and Diamondback has strong air and a terrain to work with.

  4. Karacho looks incredible...but man does Mystery Mine beat the poo out me after multiple rides, even when bracing for the problem spots. Karacho does look much smoother and I am certain that they have these things almost perfected at this point. That layout looks fantastic.

    The newer Gersh rides have lap bars (not all of them obviously). Did you see the newer restraints? Kind of like Mack's.

    ^^Dollywood is worth it. Although I'd wait for next year since they took out Adventure Mountain. That was seriously disappointing...I can't believe they ripped it out and didn't just move it.

  5. Yes Hulk is a launcher, but the launching system was not a B&M idea, at least that is what I read someplace.

    Correct. I don't want to have any coaster near Kings Island that's involved with tire launches. Unless it gently pushes the coaster in and out of the station. :) Actually, when I worked on Diamondback the tires that sat in the sun that pushed the trains in and out of the station/lift that wore down/tore/broke off were what most often caused break downs. Just change a tire.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm sticking to my guns and believing it's going to be a Leviathan style coaster, that's what was mentioned to me and I think it's possible. I wouldn't mind a B&M invert at all, I've loved all of the inverts I've been on. But I'm just not really a fan of the wing coaster. The restraints most specifically. For me, and for others as well, they get tighter and tighter through out the course and make it difficult to breathe. It really ruins in the for me. I love the long drawn out elements, (zero g's are my favorite, so Wild Eagle's zero G and flat spins are amazing) but the ride duration and the restraints still had me preferring Mystery Mine and Thunderhead over Wild Eagle.

    In the end, can't really complain about getting a new coaster since we are in desperate need of another quality ride like Diamondback as our other rides continue to age. BUT! The park is doing a good job at keeping The Beast alive; but man I can't ride Vortex anymore. That thing kills me. Let'er sink.

    One more thing. Can we get rid of the worthless WindSeeker and replace it with a Skyscreamer like, ASAP?! I rode WindSeeker for the second time the other day and it was not thrilling in the least and on a crowded day it was a walk on. Although it does look pretty at night. But what a waste.

    • Like 1
  7. Once upon a time, if you wanted to ride a ride, you paid. If you wanted to ride again, you paid again. You could not pick your seat. Lines were seldom long. Parks knew what rides paid for themselves and which did not. Even for company picnics, most of the time the rides required tickets.

    Six Flags still runs their mazes this way.

    Then came Pay One Price. Believe it or not, parks did this to make more money, as in the old days non-riders paid little to nothing.

    Now, many attractions are upcharges, pay to not wait is becoming common. Will the day come when pay per ride is again the norm?

    Nope because you buy a ticket, and all the rides and attractions are 'free'. Once something is free, people won't see a reason to pay for it again because it was previously 'free' haha.

  8. Tombstone absolutely sucked, no one was hiding or anything. 0 scares. I do think this is the most tame, year after year though.

    Holiday Horror had a nonstop line, no groups. Didn't think much of this one either, but it looked better than I thought.

    I think this is the best year Kings Island has seen in its history as far as Haunts go; they really put a lot of effort into the whole entire park, and brought in new mazes. They really put other CF parks and SF parks to shame!

    Oh, chainsaw guy, I was the guy taking pictures of you Saturday night.

    • Like 2
  9. Diamondback is a must at night after all the fog is going for a while. It really makes every drop a tunnel! So much fun. And yes, Saturdays...you NEED the fast pass. You'll still only wait like 2-15 minutes at the most, unless you're going for Firehawk. And Haunt passes are only 20 bucks for fast passes...and every line was like 30-90 minutes, so I'd reccomend that too.

  10. Pretty impressed with Kings Island this year, refused to buy a pass and decided to get the Fast Lane and go on a Saturday. Operations were great, and the whole park looked really nice quite honestly. The whole cemetery theme in the front of the park was rediculously stupid, though; the headstones blocked and clogged traffic terribly. If there was one stroller infront of you, you literally had to stop and wait. Stupid.

    -Beast gave a great ride a night.

    -WindSeeker looks fantastic and is a nice addition; the ride cycle was nicely timed and it was a fun ride. Wouldn't wait for it though. One and done.

    -Fast Lane is totally worth the money. Skipped 90 minutes lines all Saturday.

    -Flight of Fear put a bunch of laser lights and stuff in the tunnel...simple but awesome! It's getting rough, though.

    -Diamondback hauling A$$, seriously was awesome. At night all the fog fills in the bottoms of the drops; so much fun! Dare I say...it was better than Raging Bull and Goliath? Ehhh debatable. If they could combine Diamondback's first half and Goliath's second half, darn. That'd be incredible.

    -Whole park completely decorated for Haunt, put other Six Flags and CF parks to shame in my opinion.

    -Stunt Track has....new effects in the helicopter scene?! Awesome!

    But yeah on a Saturday where all parking was filled up, and over flowing out of Boomerang Bay parking, the only line the Fast Lane had us wait for was Firehawk. And they were running FL line to one station and the other line to the other station; 30 minutes for Fast Lane. Oh by the way Firehawk is a complete CRAP ride, and even worse operations. Seriously, screw that ride.

    I actually had a great time, and I'm glad I didn't buy a pass. I won't buy a pass next year; and will probably just go once again in October. Only need one visit, honestly; didn't need to ride Face Off, Racer, Top Gun, Vortex, Delirium.

    By the way, went through Holiday Horror; not too bad. It was a conga line style, whatever. Tombstone was terrible. Those were the two haunts I did.

  11. You can find me at the Beach Waterpark next year. I won't be getting a pass for the second year in a row. I'm beyond dissapointed.


    It's Soak City now. New name. They're going to double the size of the waterpark.

    -New Wavepool

    -New crazy high entertainment anti lazy river.

    -New pavement. New grass. New trees.

    -Amenities. Bathrooms.


    -Cabanas with TVs.

    -Sand Volleyball courts.

    Sounds nicer, but still. Doesn't make up for the crap that it consists of aside from the new (2004!!!!!) Additions.

  12. I wouldn't say it was running like crap haha. Still a great ride, nice strong airtime I forgot about. But if you watch the wheels and the contraption there when you go over the tops of hills they shake...looks like the wheels need to be tightened more to the track. I remember seeing the same thing when I worked on the ride...and it rides pretty much the same as it did in 2009 which isn't bad.

  13. Went to KI yesterday..had nothing to do and hadn't been since last September or so.

    -Rode everything multiple times in 3 hours.

    Notable things:

    -Flight of Fear...I swear got new seats/grooved pads. Very comfy...insane ride. Probably the best of the day really.

    -Diamondback's rattle at the bottom of nearly all the drops, especially right before the TRIM hill make me nervous. The rattle/vibrations suck. KI better take care of this ride.

    -BEES. TOO MANY OF THEM! There was a swarm right by the front gate.

    -Son of Beast: Still closed haha.

    -Playing 'Vertigo' in 'Invertigo''s station. Lame.

    Let's see let's see. Vortex was pretty rough in the front seat...got punched in the jaw a few times.

    WindSeeker looks a bit more fun in person. But not prepared to wait more than 10 minutes for it.

    May upload some photos here soon.

  14. ^Racer really? I don't think I can ever recall having a bad lap on Racer. A really great ride in the back of the train IMO. Mean streak deserves to be made into match sticks.

    It's gotten better, but dear lord...two years ago and before it was HORRIBLE if you didn't have a middle car seat. Jackhammering until your spine crumbled. Not sure how you survived!

    The red side has been fine recently. Not bad actually.

  15. I'm interested to see where Son of Beast ends up on Mitch Hawker's wooden coaster poll. Based on my last rides, I had it on the bottom of my list to be honest.

    Here's my "#1 Quality woodies"

    -Cornball Express: Indi Beach

    -Kentucky Rumbler: Beech Bend

    -Raven: Holiday World

    -Voyage: Holiday World

    -Viper: SFGAm


    -Boardwalk Bullett

    -Georgia Cyclone


    -American Eagle (Red Side)

    Hurler (Carowinds), Son of Beast, Beast, Rattler, Mean Streak, and Blue Racer (at KI) have been some of my worst woodie rides haha.

  16. I have to disagree with you there KI Man. There are certainly great coasters that have seats that make the ride less then great. Beast is a good example, Voyage is another. In both cases back wheel seats make an incredible ride almost intolerable to me. Now Voyage in the front row or Beast in the second to last row? Amazing rides on what can certainly be considered two great coasters.

    Sure there are seats that might enhance your ride, but in general a great coaster should be a great ride where ever you sit. Not like Beast where if I'd get assigned to a wheel seat I'd rather jump over the railing and run away. I take the front at night, nothing else. But that's just my opinion. The front seat or non wheel seats enhance The Beast, but I don't think it's all that great IMO. I do have respect.

    Voyage, yes is rough this year. Last year, though, I could sit anywhere. This year...back car front bench, or front seat...no where else lol!

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