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Ki Man

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Posts posted by Ki Man

  1. Screampark in Lexington, KY. This is Hauntworld.com's Newcomer of the year. Our old Fear Fest/Haunt buddy decided to go off and build his own haunted attraction....and, well, he DID! And did a darn good job. THREE, that's right, three haunted houses are inside this old abandonded warehouse. The Abyss - A big maze that's, well, pitch black from start to finish. Castle of Fear - a VERY well themed trip back to the middle ages. Insanity: Chaos Attraction - A part chain link fence maze park normal maze through infected victims. Three quality houses for 15 bucks! If you're in the area, you need to check this out!

    So here are the photos I decided to grace all of ya'll with. Please do NOT take with out my permission or you won't see another picture of mine posted. Sorry to sound mean, but thanks!

    http://img222.imageshack.us/g/rsz1dsc0978.jpg/ Link to album.









































  2. Here's what I got:

    Kings Island - Same 'ol same 'ol. Diamondback is a fantastic and much needed addition to the park. Red Racer REALLY stuck out to me this year; GREAT rides on it. SoB sucks, 'nuff said.

    Six Flags over Texas - Over all, I loved SFOT. I think it was my favorite park! The landscaping in the park was very, very pretty. The rides were great! I loved Titan, Runaway Mtn, La Vibora, Freeze, SHOCKWAVE, and most of the flats and water rides. Operations were running pretty well from what I remember. Only negative I could think of is that the combo tower was on the weak side. Oh well! Thanks for a great time!

    Kemah Boardwalk - I liked Boardwalk Bullet. I think it has some work needed to be done on it..well, okay, a LOT. There's quite a few rough spots on the ride, and when I say rough, I mean I can't tollerate it. That's pretty bad if I say that. BUT! I was able to ride numerous times with my hands up the whole time. There was some fun airtime, and I enjoyed the compact layout. And they had this amazing ARM...whatever, sex tower. OMG

    Six Flags Fiesta Texas - Another great Six Flags park. The setting was beautiful, as expected. It's inside of a big rock quarey! I didn't go to the water park, but it looked nice.

    Of course, Superman Krypton Coaster was awesome. Very good B&M coaster. I totally agree that the "floorless" feature is a gimmick unless you're in the front seat. The front is where to ride this ride! So cool flying up and down the cliffs, and the zero g was possibly the most perfect element I've ever experienced on a coaster. It was....just wow.

    Poltergiest was pretty fun. It was different than Flight of Fear; but FoF is better in my opinion; the theme and whole ride experience is cool. BUT!!! I love the whole "house" station. Very cool.

    Rattler. Ugh. Sucked sucked sucked sucked sucked sucked sucked. So bad. Even in the front seat, it was bad. The location and the first drop was so cool! But...the ride was bad.

    Tony Hawk....was fun. Me and Luko had a GREAT out of control spinning ride, and that was really good.

    Bugs Bunny's Water Ride - A nice little log flume. I heard that there were some effects that weren't running up to par, but it was very fun. An acceptable ammount of wetness.

    Frisbee - Was AWESOME!!! It looks so innocent until BAM! Crazy out of control spinning and swinging.

    Boomerang - My first. Smooth, forceful. Whatever.

    Mine Ride - Very fast paced and forceful! It was pretty cool, very unexpected.

    Goliath - The least favorite batman of the trip. Meh, it's just another good B&M invert!

    The park gave us GREAT treatment. Like, VIP star quality. Everyone was so cool to us, gave us great food, kept us updated on the rides when it stormed, and even talked to us while we waited in line! I felt so special! The brisket was awesome!

    Sea World San Antonio - I wasn't sure what to expect, it being a Busch park and a SeaWorld. I knew they had a few good rides, and was very anxious to ride them.

    The park was nicely landscaped. Nothing amazing, but nothing close to a Cedar Fair park. I found the animal exhibits to be a bit dissapointing. I was expecting to see something on par with a zoo or aquarium, but just got a "look, here they are" and then leave. The dolphin encounter was pretty cool, but you had to pay to get close to them. I found that out the hard way! LOL!

    But we got special treatment when during lunch they brought out some extra critters. They were pretty cool. Not forgetting Shamu!!! Furry edition.

    Steel Eel - This was a pretty crazy coaster. The drops seemed so steep! My butt slammed down into the seat after every hill. Some fun airtime in the front and back seat. If the midcours didn't kill the speed, it'd be a top 10 coaster. It ruined those 5-6 airtime hills! Still loved the ride.

    Great White - I'm not sure if this batman is shorter or customed or....IDK! But it's so intense. I was seeing spots every time I rode. My favorite batman of the trip. Awesome, not to mention the great theming!

    Shamu Express - Skipped

    Journey To Atlantis - Crap

    Texas Splashdown - So, me and Luko waited about.....45 minutes for this log flume. I think Antonio did too! I wish the wait wasn't that long, it was a bad A$$ log flume! It was like, 5 minutes long, had great drops, great wetness level...but the operations weren't too good. Seemed like every boat had 1-2 people in them. BLAH. But the ride still ROCKED. My favorite of the trip.

    I did the..

    -Penguin Encounter

    -Shark Reef

    -Dolphin Cove

    -Bird Habitat

    And thought they were all under par. They were still cool! But I was just expecting big things from a SeaWorld and Busch park. It just felt like a low budget park, and I think everyone else agreed when comparing it to the others.

    Indiana Beach - Coasters:

    Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain - Wow....wow. You need to ride this to truly understand what's so unique and odd about this ride. It does things you never thought a coaster would do!

    Galaxi - An oldddd Schwarzkopf. It's awesome! Helix and airtime.

    Tig'rr - Another Schwarzkopf. A really cool coaster I've been wanting to g

  3. Sorry, Cornstalkers.....so much potential. Last two years have been...I'll stop talking now.

    Cemetery Drive this year was pretty bad, too. Actors just talking to each other, and pushed and shoved us as well. What are you thinking?

  4. That's nice. Tell them to watch their step after falling. :lol: I don't know, I would think it would be common sense to be careful when it is wet out. Nice trip report though.

    What do you expect me to do? Stand out in the open telling people to watch their step? Lol, no I'm going to do my job scaring people; rain or shine! But if someone acutally falls down, you do see if they're okay....that's working/not working/inside KI/outside KI.

    Magic Man - I DO believe that a haunt is made or broken by how many people are in a group. I've been through attractions before where it's pretty much a constant line. I'm sorry to hear that you were apart of that; I'd never let that happen if I was a greeter. I really don't understand how that happens.

  5. I'm just going to talk about the attractions. Just because I love talking about Haunt!

    One thing I like to stress is how KI uses artists over masks. Knott's Haunt, Universal...I see a lot of masks....KI uses VERY talented artists! Kudos to how awesome they are.

    KI also has a few 'original' Haunts.

    -Tombstone: Who else encorperates a ride, let alone a train in their attraction? Brilliant.

    -Urgent Scare: Nothing else like it out there.

    -Trail of Terror: KI's own back woods

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