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Everything posted by DropZone99

  1. underneith The Racer where it said Flight of Fear, what doesnt it say now??? =]
  2. on the wooden roller coasters the smoothest sopt is in the very middle. on Vortex and the other steel roller coasters itll be the front. =]
  3. chyeah... i was wondering that too.
  4. oh, the video is for Flight of Fear. well still, i cant wait. =]
  5. ,, thatll be awesome. i am definatley getting a video. =]
  6. how can i join The Beast buzz group??? is theyre a web site??? some one please tell me how i can join... =]
  7. i dont rele know you but goodluck at your new job! =]
  8. omg,,, i didnt even thing WWC didnt open till memorial day weekend... i am stupid. =P
  9. i think that like every friday night starting memorial day weekend they should open asylum. that would be awesome!!! =] by the way nice pic donniejb.
  10. DropZone99


    back in 2004 my friend kirsten said that Vortex was getting tooken down, but it was just getting repaired, bcs. it was sinking. pretty soon the corkscrews should be only 5ft. from the ground. i hope it doesnt get demolushed.
  11. wow,,, Kings Island sure has changed ALOT. hopefully things will smoothen up this weekend...
  12. so is the map that hauntguy showed us real??? i dont know because i couldnt go saturday or sunday.
  13. i wasnt at Kings Island saturday or sunday bcs. i had to go to florida, but i have noticed that top gun is falling apart. what a shame... =[
  14. yess,,, SOB will open!!! well it sucks bcs. i was going to go but then my ride had to work and all the sudden im going to florida. wow,,, what a change in plans... =]
  15. No, I mean, where at on the ride is the photo station? ex: Beast is at the bottom of the hill, SOB before the hill (horrible spot,) Vortex on the Boomerang, ect.. Should have worded that more clearly. idk,,, but i think itll be at the bottom of the first hill or at the end by the in-line twists. =]
  16. =] i love seeing rides moving,,, but it sucks because im not going sauturday or sunday. my sister has to work so i have no ride. but i can just skateboard 100 miles away to Kings Island, it would be worth it. =]
  17. i hope Cedar Fair doesnt just get rid of original things to make new rides like paramount did. Like with ITJS, and the new nickelodeon section.
  18. i should be at Kings Island saturday or sunday. and ill be there when Firehawk opens and in june. then most likely in july, august, september, october.
  19. i want theyre top be lights underneith the ride. and for the Q-Line i would like to see a hangar over it and have them play sound effects of jets landing to seem like your in landing zone for jets. and the whole control tower and those run way things.
  20. vorex is also my favorite roller coaster in the park, but might change bcs. of Firehawk. in just one year you can drink. =]
  21. i bet eventually they will expand coney maul and make a fort cooper area. has anyone seen any pictures of old loopless???
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