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firehawk fan

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Everything posted by firehawk fan

  1. I'm taking myself and my 2 girls to get our season passes processed 5/15; after school we would probably get there around 4:30. (we live in springfield) What do you guys think of the lines fo DB at that time? Maria
  2. When getting into the park when heading towards DB what is the quickest way to get to the line? Maria
  3. So unfortunately I wasn't able to be there Saturday as I had to work 7am - 7pm. (I'm a RN) But I so can't wait to ride this beauty!!! Couple of questions ---- I'm going to be taking my daughter here in the next couple of weeks with a couple of friends; when you guys say they assign your seats do they actually tell you what seats to sit in meaning I'll be seperated by my daughter if I'm riding with her? And also some of you rode it 2 and 3 times Sat. did you spend your whole day in line or did you get ride other things? How long was the actual wait (I have an impatient girl) 1 - 2 hours I think I can handle!! Has anyone posted their on-ride photos? Sorry for all of the questons; I'm just bummed I couldn't be there on opening day. Maria
  4. I agree with 1980; so weird not to see Vortex there! And can I tell you when my husband and I were dating; I want to say 1987; (yes I'm showing my age) we were riding The Beast and when we were going into the first helix my soon to be husband had his hands up going into the first tunnel (and my hubbie is fairly tall I might add) well long story short broke is hand hitting that portion of the tunnel!!! And yes it was not pretty. He had several lacerations and all KI did was put a bandage on his arm and told us to go to the nearest ER. We still ride it to this day; now we know when to put our hands down!!!! Maria
  5. I'm with you Gator! My only thing this year is I have 3 little ones.......Jake is 6yrs and 47 inches, Cassidy is 11yrs and 53 inches and Sydney is 14yrs and tall enough to ride everything!!!!! Cassidy sooo wants to ride DB and has even informed me that she will put toilet paper in her shoes to be tall enough to ride it!! I just have to laugh And Jake has said the same thing because he wants to ride the bigboy rides! Time will tell......Is it possible to grow and inch in 1 month? HaHa! Maria
  6. Oh and yey; I still haven't started the laundry yet! KI central is very addictive......in a very good way! Maria
  7. You guys rock! That is one awesome picture and video!! Maria
  8. Oh my god; I just saw my first splashdown!!I know it seems pathetic to sit at the computer and watch this webcam.... since I probably should be doing laundry at this time but this is so exciting!! I so wish I lived closer so I could enjoy watching it in the parking lot! Does anyone know if they have encountered any problems during testing?? Maria
  9. So who exacty does the testing? I'm assuming the engineers.....but with it being a new coaster and all. Their testing at night and during the day...When do they actually train the employees and how much experience would the employees need to run DB? When I was much younger I always wanted to work at KI but living in Springfield it would be to long of a drive. Just silly questions...I know but I'm curious. Maria
  10. I so want to see a live splash down on the web cam; but I always miss it Maria
  11. Just a dumb question. While they are testing are they actually training the employees that will be running the ride? Since it is a new ride and all. Maria
  12. Wow! That was awesome! But a couple of questions - when did they start building KI and how much did cost back then? Also how did they come up with the name? I know... probably useless info but I'm curious. Maria
  13. So this is the first time I really watched a coaster born from start to finish. So I'm a little clueless when it comes to all of this coaster language. What's a break block and do they have to test each train multiple times before they get the all clear? By the way she is so PRETTY!!!! I so can't wait to ride this thing; I don't care how long the wait!! Maria
  14. It's back! I wish they had a zoom so we can get a look at those trains!!
  15. OK, webcam is blank! I hope their not messing with us; I want to see this thing rock and roll!!
  16. What exactly is a pull through? Do the cranes pull it up the lift hill and then let it do it's thing. There seems to be a lot of activity around the storage area and they moved th transfer tract again. I am just getting so excited about this coaster!!! Maria
  17. Sorry if this has been posted before but; When will start doing the pull throughs and testing? I have never watched a coaster being built from the ground up; it's just so exciting!! Also if anyone has pictures of a coasters initial testing please post! Thanks, Maria
  18. Will the trains arrive on some kind of flatbed truck before transfering them to the track? And will they put all three trains on the track? Maria
  19. The transfer track has moved again!! I wonder if this the day??? Maria
  20. She is so pretty!!!!! What exactly do you mean by fins?
  21. Webcam still not available. All I can say is - the trains.......the trains!!!!! (Hopefully!) Maria
  22. The roof looks as if it's almost complete!! And the track looks like it has been moved as well. One other thing, will they put a fence around areas like La Rosas , I can't imagine them leaving that open. Maria
  23. Lots of activity today! What's really catching my eye is what is going on at the storage shed and transfer track!! Hopefully we'll see some new shiny trains by days end! Maria
  24. Dumb question.....How do they get the trains on the track? Maria
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