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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. Or people who shop on Ebay!
  2. The only thing I see most people complain about (including me) on this board is the high food prices and mediocre quality. Why should it take anytime at all to get those "right". It is not as if CF is not already in the park business. They should already know what the market value & quality of food should be. It's as if they were using us as guinea pigs..."Let's see if they'll pay THIS much for food"! I can see where some things need time to get the bugs out...but food service seems like they already should have that down...but maybe i'm wrong.
  3. It does not HAVE to be a kid's holiday...but why can't there be a middle ground with some haunts marked as good for kids and others not...why must it be all adult? Yes, I know Halloween did not originally start out as a kid's holiday....but it has basically been a kid's holiday in America for over 100 years. P.S. If it comes off that I am arguing these points I am not...sorry if it appears that way, I am just giving my opinion.
  4. Halloween IS a children's holiday...since when did it have to become so explicit and gory that it wasn't appropriate for a family? I have been going to local haunted houses since I was a child...and enjoying them. In this day and age is it not possible to scare anyone without showing an extreme amount of blood and mutilated nudity? I am not a prude...I just don't think that that is what a haunted house is about...it is about being scared, not shocked.
  5. That IS sad. A lot of those costumes were a work of art...they should have been preserved for posterity. These costumes are definitely a part of Ohio pop culture. (I am sure Disney is stashing away a lot of theirs.) Think of the hundreds of thousands of people who have photographs in their homes with these "characters". Except for possibly standing in front of a park's "landmark" and getting your picture taken nothing says "amusement park" like a photo with a character...and if you can combine the 2 you are all set! (It is amazing how even a grown person's personality changes when they see one of these characters walking around...you really can get a once in a lifetime photo opportunity.) I can totally understand that they wouldn't be allowed to walk around and make appearances in the park because of licensing rules but there should be a way to preserve history. Americans are into pop culture. People visit the Smithsonian Museum to see a lot of inatimate objects from their favorite movies & TV shows that bring back good memories...it tells you something when even our (inept) government knows that these types of items are worth preserving. (Yes, I know that the park's costumes are not nearly on the level of the costumes in most movies & TV shows.) It is a crime that they have all been destroyed because they can never be brought back...replicas don't count. The park should have an agreement with the companies of these characters that they can not be "used" after the license expires...but the park retains ownership of the costumes. I am sure that some kind of an agreement could be made so that these costumes could be seen every now and then on display by the public. (Whether it be at Kings Island or a local Ohio Museum.) If aren't old enough to know what I am talking about, just wait 20-30 years...then you will wish that you could just see what Spongebob or Scooby looked like "in person" just one more time! Obviously all of the costumes from my youth are gone...but hopefully things might change for everyone else.
  6. I thought this topic was going to be about that awful smell that hits you over by Delirium every now and then!
  7. I wish you would of swore on SOB...then I wished that you were lieing!
  8. I voted for 16-20...I think $15.99 would be fair. I was shocked that somebody actually would pay $30.00 plus!
  9. So, do you know if the Captain Caveman costume is actually still hanging out somewhere at Kings Island? Also, when was the last time it was seen in public that you know of? I can go ON and ON about this.. but capt. caveman does not exist i know this for a fact Hi Tassles, guy1115 already confirmed that the Captain Caveman costume is gone... But do YOU know what became of it...was it given away, sold, sent back to Hanna Barbera or destroyed? I have asked this question a few years ago but so far nobody actually knows for sure the fate of it. Thanks
  10. I can tell Ryan is getting frustrated NOT being able to tell us what the park has planned in order to calm us down...I bet he's just counting down the minutes until the KI makes their official announcement.
  11. Well, I think it took me about 10 times longer to "hunt n' peck" my original post out than it did for you to come up with somewhere which had written proof! I am sorry that proof actually existed. I was hoping that the park had already planned on charging for "Fearfest" and had covered themselves by not advertising it would be free...that's why I went to the trouble to research the stuff I had in order to "help them out". I must say that since you have come up with this "proof" I begrudgingly fall into the crowd of it is not right to charge for something that you originally advertised for free...just renaming it doesn't count, otherewise every year that Fearfest improved they could have changed the name and charged extra. The irony is that I am THRILLED that they are (probably) charging extra! I have hated the large crowds the last couple of years.
  12. First off, I probably should have just added this to one of the other Fearfest related topics…but I didn’t want it to get buried. (a little Fearfest pun) and I also wanted to make sure that everyone would notice it and possibly give me a chance to be proven wrong. I have noticed in a couple of the other threads that season pass holders are upset that Cedar Fair is (probably) going to be charging to go to the “Halloween Haunt” this year. They are stating that the park advertised that Fearfest was free with a season pass. Being the pack-rat that I am with Kings Island memorabilia I decided to see if I could find it actually in print anywhere. *I went back to every e-mail that I have received from the park starting with August 2006. In NONE of those e-mails all the way up until now does ANY of them even mention Fearfest. *I have had 2 Season Pass brochures mailed to me trying to sell me a season pass (even though I had already renewed) one of them was sent during the winter…I believe before Christmas, and the other one in the spring. Once again NEITHER of them even mention Fearfest. I know that in the past there have been signs up at the park saying something like buy your pass today and start enjoying the park this year, including Fearfest…but those signs as far as I can remember were always up late in the year, not spring. So saying something like that is not actually promising Fearfest the following year but the one that is coming up…it was just a way to get some early season pass sales. (Personally, I have always thought that letting people start using their following year’s pass early was very generous of the park to do…for the people who did buy a season pass in October it was like you were getting an extra month free. ) So, from what I have found, Kings Island has never actually claimed that this year’s Halloween event would be free to season pass holders…it could be that we have just been spoiled for so long, and assumed too much. (And you know what they say about assuming!) Can anyone come up with anything in print that says the park advertised/promised Fearfest to season pass holders for 2007? If not, I don’t think it’s fair to bash the park for something it never even claimed to offer.
  13. Thanks for replying...I have been curious about the Captain Caveman costume for a long time. (This costume has a very special memory for me.) Also curious, when you said they got rid of them...were they sold to someone/park, destroyed or returned to Hanna Barbera? Thanks again.
  14. So, do you know if the Captain Caveman costume is actually still hanging out somewhere at Kings Island? Also, when was the last time it was seen in public that you know of?
  15. I'm embarassed to say that I know your movie quote...and I don't even come close to being a "Trekky"...so after you fill in the names of James T. Kirk & Spock I will opt for your second prize of the burning torch!
  16. The website is up now...although there are still quite a few "Coming Soon's"...but it does seem to imply that there might be tickets, unless they just mean a regular park ticket. http://www1.cedarfair.com/kingsisland/spec...aunt/index.html P.S. Firehawk is listed as one of the open rides.
  17. When I saw the title of this topic I figured I would probably be #1 or 2 for the farthest away. I am about 220 Miles from the park but there are quite a bit of people who are farther...it's cool that so many "enthusiasts" of the park are not just the people who live nearby...I think it says something about the quality of the park. From where I live Six Flags Great America is closer...but it is pretty much a dive and I never want to go back there. (Not to offend anyone.) Six Flags St. Louis would be about the same drive as Kings Island for me but I have only bothered to go there once.
  18. There's also those pesky "Truth In Advertising" rules to contend with!
  19. Good Luck trying to find anyone that you would truly annoy by knocking IJST! As for your "Why does EVERYONE hate SOB?" comment...doesn't it tell you something about the ride when even you notice that most people don't like it?! (Do you think that "everyone" is posting negative comments just to annoy you...quite a conspiracy theory.) If you like SOB more power to you...and great health insurance. As for a new name, an appropriate name would be: "Closed For Repairs".
  20. I was surprised that they dug up "Twisting By The Pool" by Dire Straits. I also thought it was hilarious that they used Billy Idol's "Dancing With Myself". Most people don't realize what the song is actually about...so to see just the guys up there while it was playing was funny... When theres no-one else in sight In the crowded lonely night Well I wait so long For my love vibration And i'm dancing with myself
  21. I agree the good FAR outweighs the bad...but it just bugs me that he is considered to be THE symbol of wholesome family entertainment when he did some TERRIBLE things...shrewd does not describe them. He seemed to excel at setting high standards for OTHERS to lead their lives by while not thinking he should also follow suit. He (wrongfully) ruined some people's lives...I just think that if someone can take the praise they should also be able to take the negative too. The author describes how the "Disney machine" tried to stop the book but (obviously) failed. Like I said, the book is an interesting read.
  22. The "Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince : A Biography" is an interesting book to read...it does dwell on the bad side of Walt, but mostly because everyone knows the "good" stuff, so this book is enlightening. You will never look at Walt quite the same way. It really is not surprising that Walt is not the saint that most people think he is, after all, as the saying goes "Nice guys finish last"...and we know Walt did NOT finish last!
  23. Same here...I was in the very back seat. If SOB has improved it is so miniscule I could not tell...before you say it, let me beat you to it...I know it's a wood coaster, I know it's "supposed" to not be real smooth...but I also know that it is SUPPOSED to be an AMUSEMENT ride...you should enjoy riding it, not counting the seconds until it's over. When I rode it on the 4th, right in front of me there were 2 boys about 9-10 years old. After the rosebowl one of them turned around towards me, he was crying with tears streaming down his face...when we pulled into the station I heard him tell the other boy "I don't feel well, it hurts". THAT is amusement? I felt so sorry for him.
  24. deb, Sure keep a copy...that's why I took/posted them...it gave me something to do that morning! Here is another shot that you are in arriving...it is not that clear because I was taking a long shot and you just happened to be in it.
  25. I was in the last (3rd?) group going in...when Josh said that you had to have 2 people, I glanced around to see if anyone was just standing around but didn't see anyone. I remember seeing you later in the day. I was waiting in line for SOB and you were about 10 people behind me. (I couldn't tell if you were with the people nearby you...otherwise I would have said hi.) You had your lanyard on, but I didn't...I usually just keep it in my camera bag and pull it out when I have to....speaking of that, am I the only one who didn't even get asked for my food ticket at the International Resteraunt?!
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