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Everything posted by soviettraitor

  1. Based on how many animes i've watched, their cartoons include lots of blood, gore, violence, language, love, and nudity.And no, they don't have cartoon network of nick.
  3. A little less.Flyers is my second favorite flat at PKI.Ill still go, just not stay as long.
  4. You lost me at Carowinds. I knew all that, I just didn't fell like writing a report on the history of Paramounts Parks. Yes, most of your info was correct. I checked timelines on all of the parks, and KI did open in 72. I think I got the thing about KI openning in 71' in a book.
  5. Ok, for people who don't like history, dont go on. KI opend in 1971, and added the rides in 72.The park was operated by Taft Broadcasting.KECO (Kings Entertanment Company, former managers and officials of TB) bought 2/3 of Taft's stock,so KI was now run by KECO, who also ran all of the soon to become Paramounts Parks (Great America,Carowinds,Kings Dominion,and Canada's Wonderland) in 1993.
  6. I think the entire thing of no snapping is bull. Why would you put a ride that most kids would not ride in a Childrens Area!!!!
  7. OK, instead of just talking here about how p*ssed we are, why don't we go to the park,post and hand out flyers to keep the ride at pki, or a petition, or something to keep this from hhappeningWe got one week until there gone, so lets do something!?!?!?
  8. Yeah you got a point, but still, its fun and ITS A CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Flyers. Even though IJ:ST is cool, the flyers are classic. THEY WERE MY FIRST RIDE AT PKI!!!!!!!!!!!Same with the cars, there a CLASSIC!!!
  10. :censored: them those stinking :censored: :censored: :censored: .Danm you PKI!!!!!
  11. Yeah, then every once in a while,have the power go out and light on the ship light up,and the people in the costumes take random people and throw them in the front of the line.It would cause chaos AND give people the chance to get on the ride quicker.
  12. Ohhhhhh................nice.If i had money (i'm putting it all to Halo 2), I would buy some stuff.Very nice collection.
  13. It should . I rode some other AG's free fall towers that spin all the way up.Get you dizzy,then drops you when your a little disoriented. Makes it more fun.......but makes you more sick.
  14. Ok heres the thing.Me and my friend were talking about how mad he was after he went to PKI a few months ago.He hasn't been there since 2000.While we were talking,a lady over herd us and told us that a few weeks after it opened,the train de-railed in the helix,killing 2 people.A few weeks later at a Boy Scout meeting,one of the leaders confirmed this,because she was in line for it.She then told us that it was kept quiet to the media so the park wouldn't lose attenece.Is this true,or is it a lie to make my friend fell better?
  15. Can't,parents won't let me.Have to wait till next year to see if i have "matured." If thats the case, see you in 2010!
  16. It was great until the lap bar crushed you every time you it a crest over a hill or hit the bottom of one.
  17. None, it seems that people talk more instead of watch tv OR listin to music.Ether way,people will only listin or watch things they like.So PKI should just take out the tv's and save the money for somthing else like a new ride or higher pay for workers.
  18. I've been to other park around the country and some for there Halloween Celebration thing have made some of the coasters run backwards.Think it would be a good idea to run The Beast backwards for Fearfest.
  19. Still, its a plane flying in restricted airspace,wouldn't they do something?
  20. I saw that plane in line for Vortex,which made me wonder. Hasn't Kings Island been a No-Fly Zone after 9/11? If so,wouldn't they have evacuated the park for like a possible terror threat, cause there have been lots of terror threats on places with low security.Next to some metal detectors and really bad park security, nothing is stopping them.And with how many people go there daily,wouldn't the PKI Security or the Mason Police do something???
  21. It would be a good idea.I rode the one in Carowinds and it was pretty good.They should put it where Splat City not only cause it dead,but the pipes are already there for the cannons,fueling of the cars,water jets,etc.....
  22. i think so. last time i heard,they can't bark for more than 20 min after 10pm..........but that was 2 years ago so they might have changed that rule
  23. Even though im nearing teenager years, i thought it was very well done, and it should come back next year
  24. Keep the campground, its more of life than a ac and tv
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