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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. this could be used as proof to show how creditable the golden ticket awards actually are- Cedar Point and the disney properties are both great, but you really cannot compare the two.
  2. i cannot tell from the webcams, did they remove the seats/arms on WindSeeker for the offseason rehab?
  3. ^how do you know that works if mammoth isn't open yet? haha
  4. it looks to be the station that was in oktoberfest, but still the pictures are great. one minor mistake isn't something to be disappointed about.
  5. oh, wow! i hadn't seen the brochure thread. once again standbyme, these are great!
  6. they needed someone to tie the tight rope to it... oh, and standbyme, i feel like you're spoiling us this off-season. it has only been a little over two and a half weeks and you've already given us two great threads.
  7. ^if that's the way those people would have perished, could you imagine what the general public's stories would be?
  8. i think* understand the point you're making, but i don't think this is the best example... wasn't one of the major reasons this ride was removed due to the snapping cable incident? *where you trying to make a point like how king cobra was painted not long before its removal to make it more marketable to possible buyers?
  9. i guess this is what i get for mainly knowing the 60's/70's via austin powers, but outfits like that are what i think of when i imagine that era. haha
  10. this is an awesome idea, i think my favorite part about these two are that you can see how much the trees have grown in around the train.
  11. ^could it be possible that gravity group is eating the cost of the ptc train, somewhat, since it's due to their trains not being ready on time?
  12. ^funny part, you cannot go down slides with flip-flops on. therefore if you wore them, you'd have to remove them at the slide's entrance. 16gwoods suggested that they add a more safe way to store shoes at a slide's entrance, or make it easier to walk barefooted.
  13. if it were outside, it would be worse. the crypt wasn't designed to run outdoors and isn't weather-proof, this is why the water elements were removed from the ride.
  14. truly, if peta is out to get anyone regarding seaworld, it needs to be osha. osha is the one preventing the trainers from having full contact with the orcas (something they had up until february 2010).
  15. http://www.wesh.com/...826/detail.html http://www.thenewame...g-killer-whales i had no idea that letting an animal willingly perform, with no repercussions if they choose not to, was slavery.
  16. the cross-ties (or whatever the technical term is for them) have always looked like they've shifted around, here's a picture of them from 2007 (KICentral photo gallery):
  17. this reminded me, was one of the half pint brawlers in holiday horror, dressed as a leprechaun?
  18. ^they use the same stamp for a season passholder as they do for a person with a general admission ticket. to make it where you could tell the difference seems like more work than it would be worth.
  19. 1) my family spends anywhere from $100-250 per visit (all in park). that usually covers a larger meal, a snack a piece, multiple drinks, and possibly a souvenir a piece. 2) not sure, my family usually accounts for four. 3) i don't see them doing it, first off it would be impractical for the park to keep a tally on every single person who visits the park to see if they've visited three times or not. also, there will always be those who visit more than three times, and are willing to pay for more than three admission tickets. why would Kings Island purposely miss out on making money?
  20. actually, he was. even though it had nothing to do with the topic at hand. ON TOPIC: if the display actually has a meaning behind it, i think it's hinting at a Son of Beast rebirth. if it doesn't have a meaning, other than to be a creative halloween display, i wouldn't think much into it, but hey, it's fun to create conspiracies. haha
  21. favorite haunt night ride, The Beast. favorite night ride in general, Son of Beast.
  22. last friday i finally got to ride it for the first time. so only once for me, but it was a great ride i loved the views of the park, filled with fog, at night.
  23. i love that song, except for the fact that it has been stuck in my head ever since friday night!
  24. http://screamscape.com/html/kentucky_kingdom.htm i'm sorry, but what is so difficult in seeing that the state has NOT 'thrown money' at ark encounter? http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20110930/NEWS01/309300079/Fair-board-ends-Kentucky-Kingdom-talks-Hart
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