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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. ^^try using brake next time, not break.

    brake: something used to stop something in motion (ex. the driver hit the brakes to slow the car down)

    break: to snap (the weight of the old trains on Son of Beast caused a wood support beam to break)

    and don't worry, i've done the same thing many times

  2. 2. I don't, just plain DO NOT understand, how some people can find it a little bit painful while others find it horribly painful.

    just like i just told you on facebook, it's all about your pain toleration, some people, like me, have a very high toleration for pain, while others don't.

    just a question, how many times have you rode Son of Beast?

  3. I do not understand the "it hurts so I won't ride it" excuse. It's a wooden coaster that goes extremely fast and is extremely tall. Of course it will be a bit rough. But that doesn't mean it's not fun. I don't see how you guys think it will be gone in the next five years. I don't see it happening. It is probably my second favorite coaster behind Diamondback, and if it is taken out, my visits to KI will decrease heavily.

    neither do i, but it shocks me when people i take to Kings Island won't ride it because they heard from their friends, brother's, friend's uncle that five people have fell off of the loop when the train jumped the track and slammed threw the lift hill and went into the midway where the train then ran over twenty people and slid into the middle of i-71 where it got hit by a simi.

  4. i don't see it being closed within the next five years, i mean come on ttd has alot of downtime and it's not even a record holder anymore and Cedar Fair has kept it so far, and Son of Beast still holds atleast 2 records so unless some major wooden roller coaster comes along and dethrones Son of Beast i don't see Cedar Fair removing it.

  5. i think the picture that i posted a link to on my flickr account of me and my sister on The Racer was taken by you at one of the ace tours last fall. (the link was on pg. 1 of this thread.)

  6. i know, i can't stand it when they are given "the look", the next to last saturday of Kings Island's season last year me and my sister were riding The Racer and i felt bad because there was a boy that was maybe 10 yrs. old, and wasn't exactly right. he was absolutly terrified to get on and he had already walked threw the air gates, when the ride-op closed them. it took about ten minutes to get him to cross the train because he thought that if you stepped in the train you had to ride, the only thing that he wanted to do was go back threw the air gate, to the point that he was shaking it to get back threw, yet the ride op wouldn't open the gate to let him off the way he was wanted to get off, insted his group had to "fight" him across the train causing the very few people in the station to give him the look.


    this is actually the train he was suppost to be in (i believe he was suppost to be in 4-3 and his group in 5-1 and that's me and my sister in 5-2)

  7. wow, i'm so glad that he can still go and enjoy himself as he does at Kings Island, and i hope that when i am older i can still manage to enjoy the rides as much as i do now.

    oh, speaking of restrictions, i believe on my second visit there was a rather large (trying my hardest to be nice about her size) woman that was in line behind me for Diamondback and she was unable to ride because of her plus size, while behind me she was ranting on about how amusment parks don't take into conscideration plus size people when they design their attractions and rides and how it wouldn't be very difficult for them to design seats that accompany more plus sized people. but wouldn't it make it difficult for an amusment park to have on all rides "plus sized" seating? for example on wooden roller coasters and roller coasters that's "side-to-side wheels"(the real name for them slips my mind right now) that are on the inside of the track, wouldn't that mean to have bigger seats on those types of roller coasters you would have to have a wider track gage? plus couldn't this mean that for it to happen you run into the possibility of clearance issues when a wider train comes closer to some supports, such as the ones on Diamondback.

    sorry for this ranting, but i think it would be much easier for a more "plus sized" person to lose weight (and yea, i am aware that some people, such as one of my mom's good friend, are unable to loose weight) than for an amusment park to envest so much money into re-configuring all of their rides to accomidate them?

    once again i am not trying to offend anyone.

  8. yea, but the only thing that has ever been jungle themed was tomb raider, and the crypt isn't really themed to anything so i'm not sure what he is calling jungle theming in the rest of rivertown.

  9. TTD's flexibility is a little frightening to observe. Stand next to the Guess your Age booth near the bottom of it some time and just watch the track after a train goes over. It sways back and forth like a jump rope!

    Son of Beast is an awesome coaster to just watch. Especially during the back-stage tour we got during RWW. You can see the whole first hill flex and sway as a train comes down it.

    i know, i was kinda in shock the first time i saw ttd sway like that, i knew roller coasters flexed a little, but never that much.

    and i could stand in line and watch Son of Beast give when a train goes through the swoop turn, and even though it's not as noticeble with the lighter trains, the turn to the right after the drop used give atleast a good three feet every time a tree would go through it.

  10. I would love to see the queue left untouched, but the building removed and replaced with a S&S Screamin' Swing painted like wood with vines hanging to fit the jungle theme.

    :blink: what?, it's rivertown not jungle trail

  11. The corkscrew on Vortex visibly flexes when the train goes through it.

    if you look close at every roller coaster you can see it visibly flex.

    for example, watch the first drop of Diamondback after a train comes off of it, it sways. another example is when a train goes through the swoop turn at the top of Son of Beast's lift hill, you can see the track "give away" while the train is over it then bounce back after the train leaves.

  12. ^speaking of rides being planned before the park being purchaced by another company, does anyone on here that can tell, and will tell know if Diamondback was already thought of before the park was sold by paramount?

    i tried my hardest to make my question "terpy proof"

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