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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. ^like when the track for Firehawk started showing up?

    all of the news stations were talking about the green track of x-flight showing up in Kings Island's parking lot.

    then two weeks later, the headline on channel 5 was "we are the first to report this, green track has been spotted in Kings Island's parking lot"

    makes me laugh

  2. my dad was telling me how the restraints were held locked by compressed air, and one day while he was standing in line on riders harness wouldn't come down tight on him, so the ride operators rolled out an air compresser and hooked it up to the capsule the rider was riding in.

    didn't they add covers over the top of the ride after the accident?

  3. i've had a grey out in the back/front seat of Invertigo, and i must say it wasn't very fun, and i think the first time i rode top thrill i started to grey out when the train started to peel up, but was fine once we started going vertical.

  4. Toys that are alive, every kids dream.

    or nightmare, when i was little, like maybe 6 or 7 i had a dream that i was one of the toy's in that movie, it absolutly scared the living crap out of me, expecially when i came in contact with that wierd spider thingy with the baby doll head :lol:

  5. but when they have the themeing working on it, at one point it looks like you're going past one of those wierd robotic arms that's painting something and you can see very well that you are riding in a giant feed trough for livestock.

  6. see, that's what made me wonder that it could be going because i know that some web-pages go down from time to time, but to not be listed in the section of the park it's in and it's page not working really made me think.

    plus what does it matter if it just opened in '04, The Bat wasn't even up two whole years

  7. when The Beast opened it was also the world's tallest and fastest, Flight of Fear was the first to use a lim launch(not really a record but kinda neat to know), The Bat was the first suspended swinging roller coaster( so i guess with that comes, tallest, fastest, longest suspended swinging roller coaster).

    there might be more, but this is all i can think of right now, by any chance was The Racer the tallest roller coaster when it opened?

  8. well, the only reason i know about the women's restroom at the front gate is because it takes my sister an additional 10 minutes to use the bathroom now since she plays with them insted of hurrying

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