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Everything posted by Dalefan

  1. should of got there at bout 9:30 am from then till about 4 pm was like dead. did 2 rides on beast 3 on Flight of Fear,1 on racers,2 on top gun 1 during the day and 1 at night,1 on face off,1 on corkscrew,1 on ijst,1 on adventure and did the rl stine thing at bout 11 pm free pass.did everything ride wise we wanted to do by 5 pm.and did 3 haunted things too.saw van hellsing and jasons final cut.
  2. is anyone going to fearfest oct 22nd a sat?i will be going to it.
  3. i know this from me asking a park worker.it broke some kind of gear while it was running.the persons who did the walk back for us acers told me and another person.we was the only 2 their doing the walk back.we asked cause it said out front it was down.they need some part from the ride maker which is overseas.they must have to make it or something.
  4. i went friday.was very cool.i went at 7 pm so we heard toby mac and third day i saw so it was cool.i been going since 2000 so its been good all times i went.riding the rides near timber wolf and hearing the music made the rides even more cooler to ride.
  5. i have seen the land pki has which is a whole lot of it that is not being used.if you owned pki what would you do with the land?if you look behind tomb raider at the exit you know what i mean and on the tower and alot of places.i would put a whole new land there or build anew coaster.i do know they want to keep some of the trees which was splaned on The Beast video and the oct.fest they had when we got ert on beast.it just surprised me when i saw this because they are removing rides to put in rides.i would understand if it was Cedar Point who is not on the biggest land ever.they need to put a woodie or a steel coaster in these spots that go in and out of the trees.which would be cool cause it makes you think you are hitting them.or stick timberwolf place back there and make it bigger with better seating with a retrackable roof so if it rains it wont be to much of a danger.we all know what lighting can do.but tell me your ideas to do with this land if you own the park.
  6. only reason sob is rough is because of the trains.they are for steel coasters and not wood.but the loop is steel so they cant use the trains like The Beast has.but they should put up signs on the really rough ones to better splane it.people can say i dont understand the rating thing.if the loop wasnt there then sob would be like beast.a good rough.sob by summer may be bad rough.
  7. Dalefan

    cedar fair

    it might be stupid but its a thing i been hearing about so i thought i do a poll.i do love pki. by the way i am a season pass holder.with all that has been going on i rather have cf buy a paramounts park then six flags.they are letting the water park here go down the drain.if you see the less water slides they have the numer of any water rides and the number of dry rides they have which is less then when they didnt buy the park.i rather have paramounts or cf buy the water park cause the zoo may buy it and get rid of everything.
  8. Dalefan

    cedar fair

    please dont make fun of my poll.can any mods please put a yes or no for the poll.i donot know how to.
  9. Dalefan

    cedar fair

    should Cedar Fair buy pki.
  10. Dalefan


    i rode sob going forwards and its way rough.i rode it the last week of the season in 03 and it was bad.rode it the first weekend in 04 and it was smooth.rode it again the same year in july and it was very bad.koed the wind out of me.couldnt ride anymore the first time i rode it.i hurt that bad and the 3rd was the same.cant figure out why it was smooth the first week of the season.i wont ride it again till they fix it.they need to either make better trains for it or tear it down.a woodie shouldnt be that rough.theres good rough which is The Beast and theres bad rough which is sob.i think if the loop wasnt there then the trains will be just wood trains and it would be ok.they dont look like the right ones for the ride.but if it went backwards then the ers would be filled up with people with broken necks cause of people looking back to see whats coming up next.
  11. is anyone going to the fest for The Beast on oct.2,2004.i dont know the full details on what you have to be but its a ace thing and someother coaster club thing.i think season pass holders can go but not for sure.but i am going.who else is.
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