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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. How about people telling others that if Top Thrill Dragster doesn't make it to the top it will crash into the station?
  2. BavarianBeatle: I love your kids, they're role models for trouble makers everywhere. Terpy: That's the one thing I don't like Cedar Fair for. I tell people sometimes when I'm in a good mood that "Face/Off's" Second train is sitting in "That grey building over there" (Club Blood) You'd be surprised how many believe it.
  3. Yea I've heard the stadium seating and rear seperated seats are awesome. Me being a mainly single rider am a huge fan of the seperated seats!
  4. It'll be mostly clear on Sunday when I head over to the island, expect some nice sunny pics of Diamondback, KI, and (Me in a sweatshirt).
  5. Yummy Lift Hillage. I do like the one with Flight Deck's post-lift turn though.
  6. This is going to be one Big Red Machine, that's for sure, but to compare this ride to them would be kinda....wierd.
  7. Do you think they will put that up by tonight? They said that it will stand almost 200 feet tall "By the time the Gates open at 7" maybe that was a clue?
  8. My ride on Mean Streak was quite different, for some reason I didn't get beaten around much more then I normally would on The Beast, but it was boring as hell. I was almost asleep at the end of the ride, but I was woken up by the cries of pain from everyone else on the ride.
  9. Wow that line is long....... There are days when I've seen close to 30 minute waits for FD, and when I see that I know it's a bad day, imagine the park on that day!
  10. Ahh it was before that: What does the fact that it was the last of it's kind have to do with removal issues? And something bad happened on SoB, but that's still standing. Unless something real bad happens (De-Railing, e.c.t.) it should remain in operation. And who's saying something bad will happen? Every Arrow Suspended except Bat, XLR-8, and one in Japan are still operating. Bat was a prototype, XLR-8 went down with Astroworld, and the one in Japan had a rare accident.
  11. I remember saying somewhere there were 10 and describing the 3 that were removed
  12. I lost count at 16 so that's what I put!
  13. I swear to god I had this exact conversation this weekend: On the Crypt, before it started running: Guy 1: It was so much better when it was the Tomb Raider Guy 2: Yea Totally Guy 1: It used to have rocks and stuff at the bottom but they removed it when someone fell out and died Me: No one ever died on this Guy 1: (In normal GP "I know everything" Voice) Yea, they did Me: No, no one has ever died on this Guy 1: Well someone fell out Me: No, no one has ever fallen out. You feel these croch killers? No one has ever fallen out Guy 1: Right, now your going to tell me that the Son of Beast never hurt anyone Me: No, it's hurt people Guy 1: Yea, on the loop when it got stuck and every fell out Me: (Getting Aggrivated Now) No, the loop was never the problem Guy 1: Then How did the people die? Huh? Me: No one ever died! There was a broken timber in the rose bowl that Injured 27 people, only 2 addmited to the hospital, both released the same day. Guy 1: Right..... Guy 1 to Guy 2: You hear this kid? Guy 2: Yea he thinks he's such a know it all. Don't you hate those people? Guy 1: Yea, I actually watch the news.
  14. Channel 2 WDTN (Dayton) blog: http://lininteractive.com/wdtn/blogs/weather/?p=700 I remember several June and July 90 degree days, odd.
  15. We actually topped 90 several times in June and July, but most of the 90 degree days came in August. We had more 90 degree days this summer then on average. One would assume, but you never know.
  16. There is a wierd blue arm doing stuff in the Station area and Clifford is picking up yet another Yellow Lift Support!
  17. Well I'm in luck, we've had several above average seasons! Good 'ol Global Warming
  18. ^History tells us that weather balances it's self out throughout the year, like if it was very warm during the summer it will probably be very cold during the winter. We had an Abnormally warm and Dry Summer, so chances are we will have a cold and wet winter.
  19. Yea I got Rick Rolled. You guys it was funny for a while but it got real old real fast.
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