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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. Yep. Nothing is. darn Vista.
  2. ^Yea I know I was talking about Vertical progression.
  3. How many posts did "Rumor Coaster for 2009" have? No matter how many it had I know this'll be longer but still.
  4. So I wonder if we will have the tallest support in the ride to look at on Friday, I thought so earlier but they really aren't chugging away like they were several weeks ago.
  5. Beast1979

    The Crypt

    Yes but also Paramount did bring us some good stuff... SOB- World's tallest, fastest, only looping wooden coaster (at time.) Drop Zone- World's tallest Gyro Drop Tower. Delirium- Awesome flat that was also a prototype. Slingshot- Ehh... New flat ride! Tomb Raider: The Ride- Prototype, awesome flat! Nickelodeon Universe- Award winning kids area. Isn't that what I just said?.....
  6. There's still one More strait piece of track before the lift is crowned! This is probably about 160 feet high right now!
  7. You ride in the right seat and SoB is a very enjoyable and fun ride. That seat is front row of Red Train. Any other seat and you're nailed. And yes, when Beast is removed I will weap like a little girl.
  8. Beast1979

    The Crypt

    While I am honored with the Additions Paramount put in (Flight Deck, Invertigo, Flight of Fear, Crypt) I do agree that there were many other and better things being installed in the coaster world and Paramount's decision making was kinda poor. Moving On!
  9. [dreammode] How awesome would that be if Cedar Fair bought Six Flags? Then we could get Passes to all the CF AND SF Parks! [/dreammode]
  10. Man beaver when that thing gets torn down you're gonna be crying in your room for weeks.
  11. They are installing the next track piece now. Man it is tall now! And of course we all know the next thing after this track piece...... BIGGEST SUPPORT!
  12. They are preparing to install the next piece of Lift Track.
  13. Ugh not the Hammerhead turn vs. Overbank Turn argument again. I believe the last time it was settled somewhat like this: B&M Likes to mimic plane manouvers. They design some of their elements after certain moves in aironautics (See also, Immelmann Manouver first preformed by a Mr. Immelmann in his plane). Hammerhead turns are technically Overbanks, but are designed after the Hammerhead air manouver where it goes up and makes most of the turn high in the air so it looses very little speed. It's footers vs. footings almost. Either one works but the term B&M uses is Hammerhead turn.
  14. So I checked the Blog and it said the latest update and it was still "Construction Continues on Diamondback", but it said it was updated October 20 instead of when that update was written on the 17th! Check it out Here.
  15. Well why would you overload with track pieces, when you can put one up and then get another?
  16. Why in the world would it be lift track, they already have one preped and ready to go! Jackson, who just got a song in his head, again.
  17. So anyone have an Idea of what Clifford could be reaching for?
  18. This thread might, just might, be giving them a bit to much credit. I bet it will be themed well, but you must remember we Enthusiasts might be much more hopeful and imaginative then others.
  19. ^Ok then, the Green line shows the general lift hight:
  20. It was HOT! Dude it was like crazy! Sorta disturbing....
  21. The Blue line shows about where the top of the Installed drop is: Also, here's a zoom of the track piece:
  22. The Paramount Story was the nice senic little area with trees and stuff behind the Carosuel near Oktoberfest. It's now Cemetary Drive.
  23. ^^Well, "Slightly" in relative terms. With Diamondback, everything is relative, 30 or so Feet being "Small"
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