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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. ^I love those. They have one at COSI and i loved it. I hope they get one at KI, or at least Coney.
  2. Beast1979


    If they build a mall where KI is, I will NEVER shop there.
  3. God D*mn that looks fun! It looks as though it only has some "floater air" on that, otherwise it looks awesome. I have never ridden a B&M Hyper, heck the only hyper I have ridden is Son of Beast! (Shows you how much I need a B&M, eh?) Either way, I can't wait till we get ours, And I hope Toronto is pleased with theirs.
  4. Give aways? When will this event take place?
  5. I still don't get Interpreters hint. Anyway, I guess that since there getting rid of most of the Copyrighted Tomb Raider stuff, the ride should probably work more consistantly.
  6. I know, but I not to good with puzzles, and Itnerpreter does it in a way that baffels me so. But I almost KNOW that when Whatever happens (or doesn't happen) to Crypt, I'm gonna slap myself and say, "God D*MN I should have got that."
  7. ^Yea, But, if you rotate, you can still see the antuiqe cars, which were removed late 2004
  8. Coney Island's Getting THREE new rides? SWEET! And the 'Eagle still has a chance to run? DOUBLE SWEET
  9. I may not be one for figuring out puzzles, but I think I might have gotten that one.
  10. ^Mooy Coasters. I can name a few. I find The Beast, one of KI's showcase rides, I find to be VERY moody. I'll ride The Beast once in the 4th row, and it'll be great. Next time I ride it, (it could be a week later or 5 minutes later,) it'll broose my ribs.
  11. I didn't see em. Can you quote one of them, and tell me nothing, so i can figure it out?
  12. Google Earth, judging by the amount of rides, i would say was updated last in any year between 2001 and 2004 Virtual Earth stiches together pictures of a combination of different years.
  13. That would be cool, kind of like The Lost Coaster of Supersition Mountain at Indiana Beach? Wow thats a long name. Just slightly longer than SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge!
  14. ^ I started that disscusion because at the time I was energenic and willing to fight. God, I am so worn out today. I don't want to fight.
  15. My Eyes are itching, I watch Youtube Videos of The Beast in my spare time, and everytime the Sun is out I hop on it. Spring is Finally here! But, It will never come fast enough, plus there's the fact that I've got a baseball game scedualled for Aprill 20th. Sigh.
  16. They've already stripped it of its rediculous Gillete Mach 3 advertisement, (Thank god) What's Worse: What's TOPGUN1993 going to do?
  17. Like how Six Flags Considers Tatsu a Hyper because from the Highest point to the lowest drop is as well, over 200 feet?
  18. Why would your neck be geting obliterated? I don't know, maybe the insane roughness of the Backwards Train has something to do with it. Please don't condratict that opinion, everyone has there own and it's pointless to argue over it, especially since it doesn't matter anymore.
  19. so, they didn't go Cedar Point. Maybe they went south for the winter, Say, Universal Studioes?
  20. I also don't want a clone, soemthing origional that fits into the terrain. I think a dip down over Swan Lake would be cool, and a huge helix Like SFMM's Goliath's, huge and powerful and right near the midway.
  21. Either You're not Crazy, or I'm Crazy Too. They got so embarresed of you that they moved to Cedar Point.
  22. God I am so gald it's going forward. Rumor Smasher, It's hard to enjoy the Backward Dimension if your Neck is getting obliterated.
  23. If that were true, I would be Terrified of a Cedar Fair Ownership. But, with the purchsing of Paramount Parks I think they were attempting to do something besides eliminate compatition. But, it does make sense, though...
  24. You Do realize that you are contradicting the same company that Owns the Worlds Largest Amuesment Park, Correct?
  25. Now, I'm not debating YOU when I say this: Where would you put it? Just Curious.
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