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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. I know that it's probably not for Kings Island, I'm just trying every angle to see if it is. The terrain doesn't match SoB's very well at all. I'm not going to be crushed, I hope whatever park gets this ride enjoys it!
  2. Since someone thinks I am not commenting, I'll just say it again. It sure does look like familiar terrain.... If this someone who thinks you're not commenting is the only thing keeping you, don't let him get in your way! Come on, voice your views!
  3. Oh god...I'm looking at that latest concept, and you know what? I'm gonna go take a break and some Advil then organize my thoughts....this could still very well be headed for Kings Island, but this is going into information overload!
  4. You haven't ridden a GCI! They almost ALWAYS have a hundred plus feet of track from the station to the lift, I think there's only one or two rides they go right into the chain. Assuming where the station is going to be is not gonna work.
  5. A) I still don't see how the Big Bad Wolf ravine looks more similar then the Son of Beast area. From what I've seen there are certain spots that look the same but other places don't match at all. The ravine is higher to the right, there's no dramatic elevation change to the right, there isn't a flat area at the bottom, and there isn't a little cranny to the right of the lift hill. Son of Beast's Area has most of that, if not all. It's smart that you aren't ruling anything out yet. This is a very young design and rumor, and neither of these parks have even opened yet. If little pink flags start to show up at either park, then I guess we'll have an answer! And are you just defending the BBW area because you don't want to see SoB go? C) Terpy posts as he pleases, and there are certain topics (Son of Beast for one, I might add) he shall not discuss on these boards. He'll say anything he has to to sturr up attention though, so I wouldn't go by him! D) Do we have anyone who's tried to match the terrain with the Topo map maverick2007 posted?
  6. The problem with the BBW area is as you go further to the right, the valley gets higher and higher. In the animation, if anything it gets lower. And if you're going to assume that they intend to alter the terrain with the BBW area, why can't they do the same with the SoB area? I'm seeing a general similarity, but when you get down to it, it just doesn't seem to match for me. Maverick 2007, where did you find that Topo map? If you can, can you get a topo map of Busch Gardens Europe?
  7. Yes, that particular area looks similar, but the box on the right just looks smaller because of the perspective and shadowing. You're still missing these areas: IMO, the BBW location is LESS likely then SoB's.
  8. See just to the right of the "Mountain" in the Computer Animation, how there's a drop in elevation? Where is that in the BBW location? Or the rise at the top of the lift hill? And it depends. Vertical construction for Thunderhead and Prowler I believe began in September. If it took a week to remove Son of Beast's loop, I'd imagine 2-3 months to remove the entire ride.
  9. GREAT find! I bet this can be used pretty well to figure out if it fits!
  10. The Dueling one with different trains then commonly used?
  11. Just because one spot looks the same it doesn't mean the rest of the terrain matches. That particular spot is similar but the rest of the valley does not match. Myth Not-Busted-But-Not-Confirmed.
  12. I'm looking all over that valley and I can see where they're similar, but not exact. I can't understand what you're trying to say with the mountain, could you demonstrate yourself? And no myth is busted now. Not even close. Nothing's done until it's announced.
  13. Yes but look behind the lift for BBW. There's still a valley. In the computer animation there's a wall of earth behind the lift. I've looked at every park I can think of and the spot SoB is in is still the closest match, but it still doesn't match perfect. I must be missing something or not looking at the right park.
  14. Close, but I still think the SoB site is closer IMO.
  15. Doubt it. For one, no one really cared about that space until after SoB was built, and for another, they probably modified the terrain back there like they did DB's valley, so what it was in 1999 may not be what it is in 2010. Have you ever walked down there? I have, on several occasions, and I can say that the terrain Son of Beast sits on is VERY different. Terpy (Or someone else on here) Once questioned Paramount and why they decided to put a 200 foot wooden coaster in essentially a bowl. I want to say the station for the ride is about 10 or 15 feet below the midway for Action Zone, and the drop out of the station to the ground is about 50 feet. That would make it about 65 foot elevation difference. You can see in the renderings the ride goes about 15 or 20 feet above the top of the valley. 80-85 foot high lift total. GCI's build their coasters 80-100 feet high (El Toro-80'. Evel Kenivel - 82'. Ozark Wildcat - 80'. Thunderbird - 82') so it would fit. Here's a good perspective on how the change in the elevation can be back there:
  16. Let's also not forget Cedar Fair tried to stop the Intimidators from happening...then again, they did spend $10M on a water ride that they've wanted for years...gah confusion!
  17. The other popular census is that this is intended for Silver Dollar City. I looked on terrain mode on google maps and there is a location that fits that terrain, however, it's about as big as that park and half a mile away. Look at the last GCI Concept picture, at the bottom of the appearent lift hill. See where there is a break in the supports? That matches almost perfectly with the maintenance road that's underneath SoB's structure, the one several of us have walked under for tours. I'm now fairly positive that this is for Kings Island, however I have been wrong before, many times!
  18. See also, Renegade, Prowler, and the would be woodie at California's Great America....not to mention, the fact that when this supposed ride would open Kings Island could be under different ownership and different management interested more in short term investment and value rather then long term cost...
  19. Yea, and I still remember you and your Night Row comments from 2 years ago.... Amen!
  20. I got it, I was just afraid to say it at the risk of starting another coaster rumor. But now it's said and done, and now this is gonna become a madhouse. While I can hope that's correct, all I can see are headaches in this rumor.
  21. Well what did we just get? A kick-butt hyper. I would be surprised to see them go with something extreme again.
  22. I'd actually rather have a GCI then a GG at KI....GG's are harder to maintain, and less family oriented.
  23. A little bit of suggestion there? Or just a typo? Hmm.....
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