I guess I'll follow the format Shaggy used:
Sight: Oh my, what to choose from. I have to say, the views going up any lift, really, are great. Watching Earth slowly leave you is something the normal fear and the insane take pleasure in. I guess I'm the latter.
Sound: Of all the sounds at Kings Island, either the sounds of the fountain water rushing (Mixing rushing water with Kings Island, talk about calming), or the sound of a lap bar ratcheting down. *click click click!* Is there a more beautiful noise?
Smell: Nothing beats the smell of Chain Greese.
Taste: Ice Cream! One of the best memories I've had at Kings Island is eating Chocolate Ice Cream while walking down Coney Mall. Something like that can make anyone feel young at heart.
Touch: The feeling of sitting in a Coaster Seat, with a lap bar across my lap, my feet on the floor feeling ever bump on the track, my hands in the air feeling the wind in my palms, and loving every single second of it.