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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. Yepers, he told me it'll have a loop!
  2. Don't forget that it will be the first Maverick Style Diver......
  3. Don't you love these old topics?
  4. I had a dream once that Diamondback was finished and I rode it all day, then I woke up.
  5. I don't remember that being there when they were demolishing the entrance on Closing Weekend
  6. I heard that Cedar Fair is looking to buy PKI I heard that Rivertown is getting a Beemer I heard that Geauga Lake was gonna close I heard that The Vortex is a few years from removal ....wait.....
  7. Ha ha ha! Epic Bump! Close, try 2009 Uhh, not really! Go B&M and their Ingenius design! Sorta, Keep Wings and your spot on. Not really! Uhh, NO! Go Shaggy! The Maverick style coaster wouldn't be near as exciting! Tough nuts, your getting a hyper and your gonna like it!
  8. So this rumor was half right. El Toro was made by Intamin and it IS huge, but nothing can top Sonny in Hight, Speed, and (Roughness)!
  9. You might be a KI addict if you were anything like me.
  10. If I remember right didn't Cedar Fair see an Increase profit? Or did I misread the Q3 results?
  11. Are you EVER on AIM?

  12. I did my best on the Cincinnati Skyline pic, IMO it is one of the most photogenic cities out there, and I've been to NYC.
  13. I'd Like Scooby Back! http://www.screamscape.com/html/industry_news.htm#CedarFair
  14. I don't think they want to give us more rides as much as a "Preview", hence the name "Season pass 'Preview' Night"
  15. If it's 5-10 then you'r probably gonna get like 1 or 2 rides on it at the most!
  16. Well judging by the fact that today is the 28th then they have been on there for 2 days.
  17. I think those pictures have been on kiDiamondback.com for a while.
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to All! Now I take a shower, play cards and eat pie all night!
  19. "Weathering Financial Storm" If I had a dollar for every time I heard that phrase I would have enough money to single handedly stop this crisis.
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