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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. JacksonPKI


    ^I'm not saying the entire disaster will play out, But I feel SO much safer with the handlebars and seatbelts.
  2. ^Good thing We Bought a Platinum Pass for Christmas! Do you think that they will continue to have offseason discounts?
  3. Didn't KI already have, "The Fearsome Foursome: Beast, Son of Beast, Vortex, and Flight of Fear"?
  4. JacksonPKI


    I'm With Monroe. Kings Island would Not take the time, effort, and money to install the restraints if they were, Reduntant! They are to keep you in. Have you ever seen Final Destination 3? Well, that's one of the many reasons that they have the seatbelts. Over all, BUCKLE UP! It's the law.
  5. There's snow on the ground right now, and next tuesday it'll be 50! Thats what I hate about Cincinnati weather, no concistancy.
  6. If you typed in visitkingsisland.com it would reconize it, but if you looked at the top the domain name would still be pki.com or something along those lines. Now, It's officaly www.visitkingsisland.com. And when you're reading the stats for a certain ride, it doesn't have the Paramount logo next to it. And on the top of the tabs it doesn't say Paramount's Kings Island.
  7. Wow, you don't get out much, do you? No, I was 8 when I rode it. I thought it was just an advertisement for the ride.
  8. JacksonPKI


    ^Exactly. Getting Busted for it. I rode on the same train as someone who got busted fornot buckleing up. Don't worry. He was politely escorted out of the park.
  9. You should have seen the amazement on my face when I learned that Face/Off was a movie. Which is why CF won't change Congo's name. Maybe it's because it's life is short in somethig else's shadow,..
  10. JacksonPKI


    Note my #2 thing. If you don't buckle up on a ride, you may never enter ride that ride again.
  11. I actually enjoyed the theming to the movies, and if Cedar Fair is going to strip the rides of their Paramount name, they could at least have some origionality.
  12. With 10 inversions, no doubt. And there is no doubt in my mind that some one some where is pulling for 11.
  13. There are certain companies that I rely on for a good ride, on a certain type. B&M Floorless - GCI Woodie - Arrow Corkscrew - Intamin Standup -
  14. JacksonPKI


    Not buckling up on a ride is VERY dangerous. As you heared, the lady died because she didn't use her restraints. With the Airtime that Magnum gives you, not buckling up could cause not necesarly death, but you could have two likely things: 1. Injury to your legs and midsection, 2. a grumpy ride op. yelling at you and busting your butt.
  15. Maybe because Congo Falls doesn't directly refer to the movie Congo. Congo is not only a movie, but it's a place! Most people do not realize that Congo was a movie.
  16. Are they getting rid of the paramount logos that pop up on the tabs and the paramount logos on the side of the screen when visiting a ride's page?
  17. ^If I knew which coaster that was, Do they just sit in a scrap yard and rot for years?
  18. That may be so, but what happens when they install something other than what they wanted, In which resulting in lower attendence, which looses the park money.
  19. Start Crying Let me clarify. It was apparent that they used a cutting tourch where they could not unbolt it. The ride was not cut everywhere, only where it was a difficult place to deconstuct. Having never seen nor ridden The Bat I cannot say wether it deserves a mourning.
  20. ^He's got a point. Georgia Scorcher is a stand-up, and it was built in 1999. Intamin Stand ups I've never heared of, But B&M will continue to build whater the public desires, even if it's a standup.
  21. For Some Reason Face Off is so photogenic. Sorry... For some Reason Invertigo is so photogenic. Nice snag of the logo!
  22. If I saw a roller coaster with scorch marks on the supports, I would cry. I never knew that they deconstruct a roller coaster like that. Highly anticipating the Pics!
  23. JacksonPKI


    And that is why they Added the extra restraints on King Cobra, Correct?
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