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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. Well, I obviously goofed on that post.
  2. I didn't think there was going to be much more, They removed paramount and the fancy hollywood decorations, that's all they need to remove.
  3. I don't think any ride deserves to be hated. If you Absolutely Positifly LOVE amusement parks like I do, you'd understand that no ride deserves a hate relashionship. If I HAD to remove any rides from KI, Days of Thunder would be removed. I don't know about that. There are many people, even some who post here, who hate Son of Beast. Some even reckon that coaster deserves to be hated. Myself, I have not had horrible rides on SOB before and after the loop was removed. I never said anybody here does or doesn't hate a ride. P.S., Son of Beast is one of my favorite rides.
  4. I love the BD trains. No seat deviders, no headrests, no seatbelts, omg, love 'em
  5. Now, that's unrealistic. Most people don't know whether a ride is relocated or not, whether it's a clone or not, whether the same name was used on another coaster, ect. Most people care about one park and one park only: Their home park. Which is exactly the point the person you quoted was making. What? That makes no sense at all? What point are you getting at? Look at the last line of the first quote, and you will see why I posted that.
  6. I'm not, I'm pretending to, replying to Picard's Post. Hense the
  7. No, I mean the lap bars look different from what they were before. As am I, Yet I've only ridden a couple.
  8. Please don't post pics! They scare me!
  9. Now, that's unrealistic. Most people don't know whether a ride is relocated or not, whether it's a clone or not, whether the same name was used on another coaster, ect. Most people care about one park and one park only: Their home park. Remember how almost everyone onthis board has a story with the same plot line?: "Yea, Look at Firehawk. Nice ride. Doesn't it look just like X-Flight?" "Yea, It does. But, everyone knows you can't just up-and-move a roller coaster!"
  10. I'm just saying, We all know what the dancing kitties look like, most people do not want their memories refreshed.
  11. It's a B&M! Of course, you will tell us you saw that . . . I did, and if you read you would know I was not talking about KI. Jeeze.
  12. ^ O.K. The lap bars look different?
  13. ^What was the point of that post?
  14. I'm siding on the fact that KI is haunted.
  15. There are several I could be talking about, It's your job to figure out!
  16. What types of restraints do they have on Fairly Odd Coaster? I haven't ridden it in a couple of years.
  17. TR:TR is not Going anywhere, And if it was, nobody who knew would tell.
  18. I am glad the kitties are gone. It took the manlyness out of The Beast!
  19. Ahhh, I see now, It looks grey like SoB.
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