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Everything posted by rhoustonh

  1. i heard "carry on my wayward son" a few times
  2. I have the Diamonback first rider t-shirt, and the Cedar Fair vip pullover (if that counts) I got with a PP the other year. everytime i go, i say i'm going to buy a hoodie but never do.
  3. you may get a mix of answers. best bet is to call the park for a definite answer. welcome to KIC.
  4. are you renewing perhaps, that takes like 5 minutes.
  5. Compare Diamondback's opening uptime and reliability to: Top Thrill Dragster Kingda Ka Volcano: The Blast Coaster Maverick I'd say B and M reliability has proven itself yet again. What appears to be a relatively minor incident on a single night does not a record smear. amen to that. the one known as terpy is wise.
  6. wow, we left around 6:30 tonight, rode it aroud 4:30. i hope there isn't a major issue and the riders are okay. they were enforcing line jumpers pretty well today though, i saw a kid trying to duck under turnstyles and a rather large, balding gent in a white shirt came into the line an got him and escorted him out.
  7. I say do it, I may do the same thing.
  8. Well the 48 bucks gets you more than just one day. Its both days with lots of extras. To me well worth it:) not saying it is not a good deal, just seems like KI is shutting out some very loyal patrons who purchase season passes year in and year out for not being a member of a coaster club. The choice would seem easy to me, go 30-35 times a year for free, or pay 50 bucks to get special ride times for 2 days? bring a freind day on the same weekend sounds like a nightmare.
  9. so, my platinum pass holding wife must purchase a $48 dollar ticket for RWW for being a guest but I can bring a friend for $10? Makes no sense. To answer your question, it is one freind per pass holder, both passholders and both freinds must be present at time of purchase.
  10. I'll have to do that next time, thanks!
  11. I am not sure if i will go or not, wife works that weekend (she is the only one I like to ride with, other people I know aren't as fun) but I registered us just in case. the park said ALL guests must purchase a ticket, but I called and the lady said platinum pass holding guests need not purchase tickets. I hope she was right.
  12. 1. Cedar Point 2. Kings Island 3. Americana 4. AdventureDome in Vegas (this proved that Ohio knows coasters...and haunted houses) 5. Fantasy Farm
  13. I have a feeling most everyones top 5 coasters list changed after this weekend. Mine are now: 1. Millenium Force...the most amazing coaster I have ever been on, no gimmicks, just height speed and intensity 2. Diamondback......all it took was one ride to push it all the way to number 2. Big airtime, open seating, great splashdown effect makes this snake the new king of the Island. 3. The Beast....the one true legend. the double helix will always be the best 10 second in all of roller coasters. 4. Top Thrill Dragster....not so much a roller coaster as a 12 second adreniline rush. waiting in the seat, staring up at that tower while the speakers are reving up the engines around you adds to the intensity...plus the thought of a rollback in the back of your mind. 5. Magnum..now that the loop is gone from SoB, Magnum is back in the top 5. The first of the big boys, Magnum is a great out and back that still delivers ood airtime and a great view. bunny hills are becoming a bit painful nowadays. There are my top 5, how do others compare.
  14. Foy's in Fairborn is open year round. Foy's is the coolest! Me and the wife go there every year, had no idea it was year round. Mike Foy pretty much owns Fairborn's Main Street. The main store (the original five and dime) is open year round and has a small costume section in the very back. I'm betting they'll have a cape. I think the adult costume store is open year round as well, but I'm not certain. Have you ever eaten at Foy's Grill? It's next to the main store and they're only open for breakfast and lunch, but it's good cheap food! I love eating there, especially with all the pictures and newspapers on the wall about the history of our very unique town. No,we'll have to try it out next time we are over there. if we are over that way, we usually goup 235 and eat at Mel-O-Dee.
  15. If he does, I'll get a picture of him in his mask and cape and me in my single rider shirt together. That'd be cool If I can't find a mask I'll wear the sombrero (Spelling?) I bought during spring break in mexico I still have no idea how to go about getting a cape, but if anyone has an idea i'll see if I can give it a shot I've got a long black one. Try a halloween store? If you find some cheap material you like, I could easily make you a cape out of it in about ... oh 10 minutes on the sewing machine. But the question is, will any halloween stores be open this time of year? And a cape would have to be a safety concern on rides like Invertigo. Maybe the ride ops will let me roll it up and sit on it... Foy's in Fairborn is open year round. Foy's is the coolest! Me and the wife go there every year, had no idea it was year round.
  16. I know, I said the same thing to my wife, minus the east of chicago.
  17. got in line by the Tower around 9:20, off the ride by 11:30. Simply amazing! Sat in row 2, big air time over the hills, first drop angle was decieving from the ground but is no joke, very fast and fun. line moved efficeintly from my perspective. I have been waiting for Kings Island to build a ride like this and it was everything i could have hoped for. Viva la snake!
  18. thanks for the info. can't wait to ride Diamondback.
  19. Does the saturday 1 hour early access count for opening day as well? i tried to find it on another topic but couldn't.
  20. I have an any day season admission ticket left over, will it get someone into HH?
  21. I agree about orp for sob, never saw it run again today. For OP, i don't recall ever having pictures taken on stunt coaster, possibly first season?
  22. Park looked great, lines weren't bad at all (longest was Firehawk - 20 min), weather was good. I love that the Paramount era is over ( only thing i missed was the Indiana Jones theme) Kings Island is back to its original glory!
  23. i was looking at the platinum pass perks on ki's site, but do not see a calender of some benefits such as bring a friend. also, can you get early entry on opening day?
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