We ended you talking off-topic about this on another topic.
I like yellow, but the only drawback is interference with The Beast's scenery. And you know how The Beast likes his scenery!
I like the yellow supports too, but the only drawback is interference with The Beast's scenery. And you know how The Beast likes his scenery!
New Topic!
Don't everybody scold me at once if this is an ignorant question, but when did they start working on the lift hill?
I didn't think they worked on Fridays?
Hey, Im in a doodle??? How? Why? For what?
Oh, well. I hope its as good as the others (which which were very good!)!
PS: Does "AE Sucks!!!" refer to my topic titled "Why does everyone love AE?" by any chance?
Its hard for me to coprahend(sp?) sometimes what has been done day by day, and I like to compare by 3-D illistrations.
PS: I like your new sig compared to your
last one! It looks gangsta'!