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Everything posted by keiko_coaster

  1. ......... I think some people take some things wayyyy overboard. I really dont think there needs to be a Harry Potter Ride. A book and movie is really all i'd like to hear about it. Whats next, the Twilight coaster?? yuck
  2. It probably would have been easier if we hadn't worn our hair down, mine was sopping wet forever after that! At least we found a warm dry place to get food afterward. Hahah. My hair was soaking wet when i got into my car, but by the time i got home after we got food, my hair was pretty much dry!! But some good yummy food ehh? lol
  3. I will dearly miss Spongebob and his missing pickle. I always went to see it every day. Now my day will not be complete.. haha
  4. Terpy: yes I stepped in the ice cream... But it didn't need to stain my shoe. I haven't ever had it... But I don't like blueberries. So either way.
  5. I stepped in the blue ice cream. I hold a grudge against it ruining my shoes.. No blue for me!
  6. hah I'll be there march 1. It needs to open fast LOL.
  7. hah my head got in so many pictures great ptr!!
  8. I'm going to myrtle beach in 3 weeks. I kinda wished they would be open because there's not much else to do down there LOL
  9. I'll just be happy to ride it at all!! The cause though is a great idea.. I'm thnking most of them will go for $750!
  10. I can't wait.. I work Saturday morning so il probably be there Saturday night and Sunday morning!!
  11. I went money in with some friends to get the 4-person pass last year and there was no relationship. You get 4 different passes.... Although this year I renewed mine with the early renewal price so it was pretty much the same.
  12. haha. I sat to the booth next to you!!
  13. Here's another picture... Ps. the paddleboats arent supposed to go that way.. Its just the way we kinda ended up.. So by that point our butts were soaked and we couldnt ever get back straight..
  14. Yep. I also went to go see scuba santa at the newport aquarium as well as festival of lights at the cincinnati zoo for my birthday. I think the beach was the most expensive and least worth it.
  15. Haha. The Beach was quite stupid for putting a water pipe line with water streaming out of it. Or maybe it was just our paddleboat steering ability that we were able to hit everything possible without even trying.
  16. That is called HITTING EVERYTHING!!! Hahah. They didnt do a very good joob of moving the boats. And so we just rolled in sideways because of the fact that tthe boats wouldnt go straight. And it didnt help that our butts were ice cold. I have some more pictures so ill try to upload them later!
  17. I also went for my birthday. The water was coming out of the pipe and also got our paddleboat flooded we walked out with soaked butts and spent the next 30 minutes in the bathroom. It didn't help. Also we got stuck so many times and wound up backwards the rest of the way, needless to say it was called the uss paddleboat disaster..
  18. i went past today on the way to lazer kraze and just stared at the 2 hills i could see.. So excited for January 31 to come!!
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