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Everything posted by keiko_coaster

  1. I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEE Sea world. Some times they do give you two days for one price deal. But i never have to pay for the ticket, instead i pay for the Marine Mammal Keeper experience or Discovery Cove, and that'll get you in Sea World for a week. They also raised the camp prices. I did a 10 day extended advanced career camp for $1300 last year. (7 day was i believe $900). This year they shortened the camp to 6 days and raised the price up to $1100.
  2. LOL. I almost felt like doing that... But decided not too
  3. 1.Captain Nemo 2.Boddah1994 3.gigacoaster2k 4.Gordon Bombay 5.Mr. 3000 6.-8.beastfan26 +2 9.flightoffear4thtrain 10.Raptor66 11.CoastersRZ 12.violakat03 13.cincyboy79 14.-.17Brian5475E +3 18.Cory Butcher 19.coasterguy15 20.-22.iChase (+mom)(+friend) 23.Beast man 24.-25.Beast1979 and the famous Trooper Mom 26.IBEW_Sparky 27.KIFan73 28.pkiboy 29.windshawne 30-31.keiko_coaster and 1 friend 32.PhantomTheater 33.Rollercoast19 34.Dropthegloves97 35.-36.touchdown62 and 1 friend 37.-38.Ogrmac + 1 39.XGatorHead 8904 40.adventure2007 41-42.Kawana & Elina 43.standbyme 44.Avatar 45-47.G-Force and 2 friends 48.coasterguy15 Edited yet again.. lol. did anyone look in the beginning of the posts where they just started with the name and said a guest or w/e yet didn't put them on the list??
  4. add one more for keiko_coaster. My friend is coming
  5. Boddah1994 gigacoaster2k Gordon Bombay Mr. 3000 beastfan26 flightoffear4thtrain Raptor66 CoastersRZ violakat03 cincyboy79 Brian5475E +3 Mabye skaterboy22101 Longlivethesmurfride Cory Butcher coasterguy15 iChase Beast man Beast1979 IBEW_Sparky KIFan73 pkiboy windshawne keiko_coaster
  6. Hey! I sent in online... Kinda forgot to put my KIC name. But just checking to make sure it was received for Danielle
  7. What time is this event normally at? I'm hoping that I'll be able to get off!!
  8. I cant wait to get to the security lines and then ALWAYS get stopped by the metal detectors and asked if i have anything bad in my purse. Magically its just my purse. Me and my best friend always go with the same stuff, and my purse always seems to set it off. Even though its the same exact purse. I love the metal detectors!!
  9. I love marine animals. I have been to so many aquariums that Newport doesn't really compare, but its the closest thing i have. Lol. I will be there this weekend for my 18th birthday!!
  10. They use $2 bills at strip clubs these days.... Or so I hear..... Oh at this there were some 1 and 5 but all the money was real....
  11. hhaha i went to Halloween Haunt and kids make me ****ed. Not only do they come to Kings Island and go in urgent scare with lightsabers and start crying. But THEN these little 13 year olds think they're so cool and bragging about how they've been to a million strip clubs and then in club blood literally puts dollar bills in the girls and guys bras. And my group, the guys, had to take the dollars out... it amounted up to $20 bucks...
  12. I would like to know as well. I have my iPod touch with that capibility!!
  13. Its sweet looking at the pictures of the Haunt attractions. You're unable to see all the detail and hard work they put in it when you have screaming kids behind you rushing to get out ahha!
  14. unfortunately ive been to Kings Island wayyyyy too much. hah. just in the Halloween Haunt time span over 10 visits. But add it all up, i went at least 3 times a week every week(open until about 5). So probably all together way over 75 times... and ive already bought my pass for next year...
  15. IT WAS SOOOOOO EMPTY TODAY. i walked on every ride... wow.
  16. I've gone every friday and then a couple saturdays. the first friday was the best with ABSOLUTELY NO LINES... i believe the longest line was 5 minutes... yet last saturday had at least 1 hr lines.. Best thing is staying past 11 PM... after 11 or 12, lines are non-existant (even on saturdays).. Halloween Haunt is so much fun!!
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