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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Well it's nice to hear good feedback from this park instead of the negative feedback I usally hear.
  2. yea I noticed this same thing at another Cedar Fair park, Canada's Wonderland. There were a lot of line jumpers and the only line they were actually were watching was Behemoth. They did a really good job catching line jumpers at Behemoth, but that was the only ride they stopped them. I would have said something, but few of the guests at the park speak english. It was really weird, seems how Toronto's main language is English. It felt like only us and the ride ops were the only spoke english. I said to myself after I saw this, that at Cedar Point, my home park, I wouldn't let people cut in line infront of me. However this year so far I have been really impressed by guests. They have not been line jumping and some people have been going from the middle of the Millennium line to the end. Last year, people would just have their friends come to the front of the line. So hopefully this year keeps going the same.
  3. Yea there is retracking on Mean Streak but it's not incredibly smoother and yes there is land clearing. There used to be trees on Millennium Island(the island Millennium's track goes over) but they cleared it in the offseason.
  4. nice trip report... just makes me anxious to get there. I'm going in July!
  5. Cedar Point 1. Millennium Force 2. Top Thrill Dragster 3. Maverick 4. Raptor 5. Magnum 6. Wicked Twister 7. Mean Streak 8. Blue Streak 9. Wildcat 10. Mantis 11. Iron Dragon 12. Cedar Creek Mine Ride 13. Gemini 14. Jr Gemini 15. Disaster Transport 16. Corkscrew 17. Woodstock Express Geauga Lake 18. Big Dipper 19. Thunderhawk 20. Villain Kings Island 21. The Beast 22. Firehawk 23. Backlot Stunt Coaster 24. Invertigo 25. Flight of Fear 26. Son of Beast 27. The Racer 28. Flight Deck 29. Vortex 30. Adventure Express 31. Rugrats Runaway Reptar Canada's Wonderland 32. Behemoth 33. Backlot Stunt Coaster 34. Dragon Fire 35. Flight Deck 36. Mighty Canadian Minebuster 37. SkyRider 38. The Bat 39. Thunder Run 40. Time Warp 41. Vortex 42. Wild Beast So 42 in all, going to Kings Dominion and maybe Busch Gardens Williamsburg this summer so I'll get more.
  6. Millennium-45 to 1 hour 45 minutes TTD- same as Millennium Maverick- 1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours Raptor-15 minutes-45 minutes Mantis- 15-45 minutes All of these depend on weather too, so don't be surprised if they are shorter or longer
  7. I second that. For having such great coasters, Cedar Point really doesn't have a good selection of woodies.
  8. Raptor usually isn't an hour and a half. It's actually only 15-30 minutes most days. It will be an hour and a half in the morning to noon due to everyone going there first that's what you mean but afternoon it will clear out. Also, as other people have stated do NOT go on saturday to halloweekends. You will be miserable if you can't stand to wait in lines. I went once last year and got on maybe 5 things in the 10 hours I was there. Even Mantis was a 2 hour wait. Go on Fridays during halloweekends and you will have a great time. Only a couple of the roller coasters aren't running(i think mantis and gemini) but you will get on a lot more in 6 hours than you can get on in 12 hours on saturday. As for during the summer, the weekdays pretty much will be hit or miss. Sometimes I would go one day and it would be packed and the next day it would be empty. So good luck!
  9. Pretty much the same story here. I was 11 years old, and never thought I would ever ride roller coasters. I went to Cedar Point with a friend, who also didn't like roller coasters. He and I, though decided we would try going on the Gemini. We both loved it, and decided we would try the Magnum. Well, I loved the Magnum too. I was a little too unsure about Millennium though. I looked at the drop and was sort of afraid. My mom, however told me that it was time to leave, so I didn't have to ride that day. We were back in the park the next day, and I would not ride it. My parents kept trying to persuade me to ride it but I would not budge. After riding Magnum all day, it was getting close to closing time, and then I thought I might want to ride. So I told my dad to take me over there, and we got in line. I got on the Millennium and rode it for the first time(in the night too) and I loved it. Now I will try any coaster I come across.
  10. At Cedar Point last year I heard a guy tell his family that they better get over to Raptor while it was an hour wait because it's normally a 4 hour wait.
  11. I don't know if Magnum would be a good marathon, it has gotten quite rough in the past couple of years. It's a great coaster and definetly worth hitting mulitiple times though. How about TTD(if the lines not an hour and a half) or Raptor for marathon coasters?
  12. so your assigned a seat on Diamondback? i hate when you get assigned seats on roller coasters, as long as your willing to wait then it should be okay.
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