Well maybe in 2011 but not next year or they would've already advertised it. But I still think it's not going to change much next year. Maybe Planet Snoopy will change it, make it better, or maybe worse.
I missed 3 questions! 70%.
I had no clue a movie was filmed there, I did not know how many buses Evil Kenivel jumped (or whoever it was) and I didn't know who Nick Wallenda was!
The only thing I would wish for, and I won't complain anymore, is that there were actually some rapids in it. Rapids that get you SOAKED and spin you around. Maybe some fake drops too. But I guess that's too much.
What did I do? And I never said I wasn't going to Cedar Point just because of a bad ride.........I just don't think it's that great.
I don't want to start anything. I'm not trying to.
I wish I lived to see the day of Phantom Theater. It looks like an awesome ride. It would be cool if they could bring back a haunted house when Planet Snoopy comes.
Well just because there's not new coaster doesn't mean you shouldn't go! It's not like they took a coaster away. They just added a lame ride. What's so bad about that? Then forget about the ride! If you don't like it, don't ride it. Simple as that. Nothing to get worked up about.
Yes!!!! Exactly. All this hype over a water ride with a drop. And $10 million? How is that possible? Well I know what ride is going to be rated the WORST ride of the year.
Yeah. Which I don't get. Scooby Doo has no relation to Paramount or Nickelodeon - or does it? I mean, it's just one ride! What's the point of changing it - again?
I was talking about how much alike Diamondback and Intimidator would look. Sorry for not being specific. You could see Diamondback then Intimidator and it would look pretty much the same on the skyline.