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Everything posted by CincyMan98

  1. Would they change the Spongebob 3D into something else?
  2. Earlier in the posts someone had Avatar with Charlie Brown's head on it (The Airbender Ride) That made me laugh. I don't understand what they would change Scooby Doo's Haunted Castle though. Mabye Search for Snoopy!
  3. Oh, I love Viking Fury, that's pretty fun. I just don't like the rides at Coney Mall.
  4. I am so mad now. Officially. If this is actually true and KI released it.
  5. Intimidator 305 seems fun for about 10 seconds. Just a drop and some curves. Diamondback is way better. Now Intimidator at Carowinds looks about the same as DB.
  6. If you're worried about there being an error just copy everything you typed and try again, and paste everything back.
  7. Cedar Point: "The Most Roller Coasters In The Lake Erie Region!"
  8. What just happened? I swear it said 81 degrees and now it says 67! Maybe I was looking at the wrong day. Crap.
  9. Well CP would automatically have to add a new coaster is MM got ahead of them! If they love records, then they would want to keep that record. And they HAVE to have a new coaster at least by 2011. That would be crazy. 4 years of nothing except for what might be a log flume?
  10. Thanks for answering my question - very specifically!
  11. Well, my mom just promised me I'm going to Cedar Point after next summer - when I'm 13 and I'll have the guts to ride everything. I don't think I have the guts right now to ride MF or TTD.
  12. Well how come rides like Diamondback don't gray you out (at least I think it doesn't). BLSC does NOT seem like the kind of coaster that would mess up your vision. Is it because of how fast the launch takes to get up to its full speed? Because FoF does not mess me up, and no one ever talks about TTD doing anything.
  13. I don't care for midway rides. They are fun, but I would not consider riding them if there was even just a 10 minute wait for it. Zephyr is fun, I remember riding it last year, and Scrambler and all those rides, but I'd much rather ride the other thrilling flats at KI.
  14. Sunday will be really nice. It's I think 60s in the morning, but by noon it will be at 82 and sunny. It's good enough weather to go to Kings Island.
  15. Well if you're not in the front it doesn't give you the "floorless" effect because there's a bunch of seats in front of you. But if it was something like Medusa (now Bizarro), with 7 inversions and special effects that would be great!
  16. Well you never know how much airtime will be in Intimidator. I know the one at KD looks as if it has no airtime whatsoever, but the Carowinds one will have plenty. Maybe not as great as DB, but who knows.
  17. BLCS kind of grays me out too, even though it may not be big. Invertigo doesn't though, which is really weird! Although the Gs on Invertigo are pretty intense, right? Like 5Gs?
  18. It really needs to be a new coaster. I said before they haven't had one since 2007. If next year they don't have one, then that's three years. And for a big, really popular park like that, it'll bring down the visitors. They need something new and interesting. I know Cedar Point has tons of guests but having no new rides is bad. (or no new GOOD rides).
  19. It is more scary than it is painful. Graying out, is actually a great term for it, because thats what happens. All the color kind of washes out of your vision. With your eyes straight ahead, you can focus on whats in front of you, but your proifea....I'm not even going to try to spell it, but you know what I mean, gets blurry(sometimes called tunnel vision). You also get a feeling of Lightheadiness and or dizziness. Thats how it was for me anyways. It is something that usually comes and goes very quickly, but sometimes if it is severe enough, it can stick around for a few minutes. Well is it worth riding a coaster?
  20. In 2012 Kings Island should have a roller coaster called World's End. It would be a record breaking coaster that is 1000 feet tall and 1000 mph that cost $1 billion and then the world ends. So it doesn't matter.
  21. It's probably not a water ride. "Whyte Lightning" doesn't sound like a water ride.
  22. Diamondback is kind of a boring layout. Just a bunch of hills, a hammerhead, and a helix. This looks like a better layout. But I bet it'll give the same experience as Diamondback.
  23. Has Cedar Point always been Peanuts themed?
  24. It's the exact same drop and speed as Diamondback! And that hammerhead looks really weird! But why the same theme as Kings Dominion's new coaster?
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