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Everything posted by KI FANATIC 37

  1. I have yet to renew my pass for this year. Ive heard that they are a different style. If anyone has a picture I am curious to see what they look like.
  2. See, this is what I hate. The accident was the last day of May, but, she didnt go and complain to the park for almost TWO weeks later! It couldnt of been that bad if she waited two weeks!
  3. Ok, I understand your point. We will just have to wait and see what the parks final decision is. Did not mean to upset you if I did so.
  4. Yes, I understand that, but this incident is a little too obvious to think that the park just wanted to close the ride just at the same time someone complained about being injured on it. I understand your point but think its brazenly obvious that the ride closed because of that incident.
  5. I thought that a women had an small "aneurysm" on the ride or shortly after being on the ride in May. Then in June, went to complain to the park and they closed it down immediately. The state then cleared it later that year but the park has yet to reopen.
  6. I stand corrected. The accident happened in May.Correct?
  7. Lip2, I greatly appreciate your information that you have given us. I think what you said is telling and is truthful. But, you have to give people credit, its been closed since May 2009. Like me and several others, it is my favorite ride in the park and would just like to see an answer soon, and the answer that you hinted at, was not good for the future of SoB.
  8. They probably need to tighten the wheels more. Could it be possible that they didnt tighten them enough when they were placed in the tracts this season?
  9. Cedar Point- TTD Cedar Point- Millienium Force Carowinds- Intimidator Kings Dominion- Volcano: TBC And, Kings Dominion- Dominator
  10. Wait it says the Park opens MAy 11th, are you lying or do they do their auctioning different than KI?
  11. Glad you got a chance to ride it! I really want to go up there and ride it soon! Ive always heard wonderful things about CW.
  12. Man that would be painful for The Beast! How do they walk down the hill?
  13. Everyone I know says that Kings Island built Diamondback. But honestly, if you werent an enthusiast you would have no clue that the park did not build the ride...
  14. This is a great move! I will probably see it this year now.
  15. I really hope KI gets the later ERT deals. I can see my self really taking advantage of those!
  16. This summer meet me at Kings Island, I'll take you to flight deck, then we leave that ride, i will have you look at SoB's supports on the track. Wow man, your quite annoying.
  17. The irony is that would set the park up for this unfortunate exchange in court with a lawyer representing an allegedly injured plaintiff: Lawyer: Isn't it true that the park, which had superior knowledge of rides and safety knew that it was operating such an unusually dangerous and aggressive ride that it felt the need to post an unusual, graphically descriptive warning, but STILL chose to operate this Son of Beast ride anyway? If you weren't concerned about a higher than normal potential for injury or death, just why did you post this very unusual sign? Posting that sign shows the park knew this was an abnormally dangerous ride with potential to injure the average rider, isn't that so? And yet you recklessly CHOSE to run a ride that even you thought required these types of warnings? I see what you mean. The future just isnt bright for SoB.
  18. You guys are right, The coaster has been cleared for safety in 2009. It is now the parks choice of they are comfortable with how the ride operates. If they are, then it would only rake a couple of months to get it running, including testing. If I were them, I would put a very strong warning message at the entrance if they reopen it saying how fierce and rough the ride is. The thing that really shouted, Im not opening again!, was when they took the sign down and changed the queue for SoB. That alone would not be easy to fix if they wanted to reopen it.
  19. Great PIcs! Invertigo looks a lot better than I thought it would!
  20. Hahaha! Thats hilarious! Yeah somebody was told because it is now corrected. Bet they are a little embarrassed!
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